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Sunday, January 25, 2015
ASEAN to declare single market but delays deeper integration: Malaysia
Davos (Switzerland) (AFP) - ASEAN will officially call itself a single market by year's end, but "big things" like seamless travel within the 10-nation bloc would only come in 2020, Malaysia's trade minister told AFP in an interview.
"We're going to declare ourselves as an ASEAN Economic Community," said Mustapa Mohamed, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the Southeast Asian bloc this year.
"We don't have complete integration or harmonisation yet, 2015 is laying the stage for bigger things to come," he said on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos.
"We're going to get almost there by 2015 but the big things like seamless travel... would come in 2020.
"What's important is that we're committed, I'm not saying that we're backtracking," added the minister.
The Southeast Asian bloc, a market of about 600 million people, had set 2015 as a deadline for integrating the region's vast economies into a single European Union-style market, with tariffs abolished and free movement of skilled workers.
But there is much scepticism that the targets could be met, as the bloc is made up of countries in vastly different stages of economic development.
Myanmar, for instance, is just opening up its economy after decades of isolation over its outright military rule which came to an end in 2011.
At the opposite end of the spectrum is Singapore, which ranks among the world's richest nations.
Mustapa acknowledged that it would only be "in 2020 that you'll see more progress in ASEAN economic integration" in term of the abolishing of non-tariff barriers, and flow of skilled labour.
By year's end, there will be "freer movement of goods and services but not free movement of goods and services."
The business community has been pushing political leaders to move faster on integration, but Mustapa said the ASEAN model is gradual.
"The business community wants ASEAN to be integrated as one entity. The fact is that there are border issues, customs, immigration, and different regulations," he said.
In addition, there is little understanding among the general public on how a single market can change their lives, said the minister.
"Some fear that they would be robbed of their jobs, that come December 2015, I'll be out of job because my Malaysian friend is coming over," he said.
"We need to do a lot more in terms of communication."
Asked if Europe's recent economic woes over heavily indebted member states like Greece had put off integration plans, Mustapa said that "from day one, we know that we're not going to adopt the EU model".
A single currency or a parliament were never part of the bloc's plans, he said.
ASEAN groups together Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
Sumber - Yahoo News
‘Quality of houses need improvement’
Billah Hasan Ak Md Khairuddin Pg Harun
SOME new homeowners and recipients under the National Housing Scheme (NHS) and Landless Indigenous Citizens’ Housing Scheme voiced disappointment on the quality of their houses yesterday.
Others meanwhile expressed hopes that the relevant authorities would consider constructing public facilities such as schools, mosques, grocery stores, health clinics and police stations to ensure the welfare and safety of the neighbourhood.
Hj Ahmad Hj Metusin, a resident from the Tanah Jambu National Housing Scheme (NHS) said he was concerned with the lack of accessibility at his new neighbourhood.
Moving in last April, the 44-year-old civil servant at the Ports Department said the entrance to the new housing scheme was difficult due to the lack of accessible roads.
Hj Ahmad said there are only two current entry points to the Tanah Jambu NHS; Jalan Bukit Kabun and Tutong-Muara highway.
“Relevant government agencies should do research beforehand to avoid these kinds of problems in the future. This is not the first time they built houses. There should be improvements,” he said.
Meanwhile, new homeowner at Kg Panchor Mengkubau, Junain Kasim, felt that the design of the homes could be improved.
Junain moved into his new home last December and his joy was met with disappointment when he realised the kitchen was not spacious enough to fit a dining table.
He added that it was also unpleasant to have the kitchen facing the toilet on the ground floor.
Junain said the limited space was not ideal in the context of Brunei’s culture of having extended family members over for a meal.
He complained about the quality of the facilities as well, citing faulty fans and lightings, cracked floors and a flood-prone garage as examples.
Junain had filed a complaint letter to the Housing Development Department last year, only to be notified that he was on the waiting list.
Another resident from Kg Panchor Mengkubau, Pg Mustafa Pg Amat, agreed that the kitchen and the position of the dining room could be improved.
“Bruneians like to invite their family members over during the weekend. But if the dining area is too small, how do you expect Bruneians to maintain the culture of visiting one another,” said the 43-year-old.
37-year-old Hj Azizul Fadli, meanwhile, raised the need for a mosque to be built for the residents of Kg Panchor Mengkubau to perform their religious duties, especially during Friday prayers for men.
“I have moved into my new house for almost a month now. I (an hoping a) mosque will be built here. I had to travel all the way to Masjid Mentiri for the Friday prayers. It is just a five to ten-minute drive, but it is also already packed with existing congregants from Kg Mentiri,” he said.
Hj Zakaria Abdul Kadir chimed in, adding that the construction of other public facilities will benefit the residents.
“We also kindly request if the authorities can consider setting up a primary school, health clinics and maybe grocery shops... especially when all the houses here are occupied,” he said.
“Nonetheless, Alhamdulillah, everything is very comfortable here. The water pressure is regular and road lamps are switched on every night, so I feel very safe,” he said.
Sumber - The Brunei Times
Sultanate committed to overseeing disarmamentof MILF fighters
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The World Misery Index: 108 Countries
By Steve H. Hanke
Every country aims to lower inflation, unemployment, and lending rates, while increasing gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Through a simple sum of the former three rates, minus year-on-year per capita GDP growth, I constructed a misery index that comprehensively ranks 108 countries based on “misery.”
Below the jump are the index scores for 2014. Countries not included in the table did not report satisfactory data for 2014.
The five most miserable countries in the world at the end of 2014 are, in order: Venezuela, Argentina, Syria, Ukraine, and Iran. In 2014, Argentina and Ukraine moved into the top five, displacing Sudan and Sao Tome and Principe.
The five least miserable are Brunei, Switzerland, China, Taiwan, and Japan. The United States ranks 95th, which makes it the 14th least miserable nation of the 108 countries on the table.
Sumber - Cato Institute
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Floods cut off roadusers on highway linking Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak
MIRI: Thousands of roadusers using the Pan Borneo Highway road linking Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak were cut off after it was hit by flood reaching four feet near Kampung Batu Danau yesterday afternoon.
The water level was reported to be between 3 to 4 feet high and is expected to rise higher today due to the king tide.
Limbang Disaster and Relief Operation centre chairman, deputy resident for Limbang, Selamat Jati said that road was not accessible since 1pm yesterday.
He added that the area flooded was after the Batu Danau bridge over Limbang river which is overflowing due to heavy rainfall in the upper area of Medamit.
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Aerial view of Batu Danau Bridge in Limbang, also seen is the overflowing river. |
“We are hoping the water level in the flooded areas including kampungs, longhouses and schools will subside,” Selamat said.
Batu Danau State Assemblyman Paulus Palu Ngumbang who is overseeing the flood situation in Ukong disclosed that the water level in the Medamit areas have gone down three feet.
“Our fear if it rains up in Ulu Limbang, water will flow downriver crossing Medamit, Batu Danau and its surrounding Limbang river banks and the water level will increased following king tide,” Paulus said.
He called on villagers to move to higher ground or to evacuation centres.
Meanwhile, Councillor Kungee Sandhu said that the water level had increased after the river upstream from Nanga Medamit had overflowed downwards to Batu Danau.
Kungee who is from Batu Danau said that a Toyota Hilux from Brunei trying to cross the flooded road was carried away by strong currents. There were no casualties.
He advised roadusers not to venture crossing the flooded stretch of road as it could be life-threatening.
As of 9am today, he said, the water level was stagnant, however the weather is cloudy and with King Tide the water level expected to rise up.
Meanwhile, Nur Khairunisa Abdullah, a roaduser, who contacted the Borneo Post yesterday said she was lucky to not be stuck in the flood near Kampung Batu Danau as of 1.10pm, the water level was about to rise.
She said that she had to drive her car slowly for five minutes to brave the flood water before reaching higher ground.
“This flood is the worst so far, the last was a decade ago,” she said.
Another roaduser, Cecelia Lim said that she was scared as the road was filled with water still coming fast from Limbang river.
She described the incident as panicking seeing a long queue of vehicles lining up to cross the flooded road while the water was rising.
“I’m relieved that I can cross back to Limbang and as I know today the road is cut off due to water levels increasing,” she said further.
According to Kungee, Kampung Pengkalan Madang, Kpg Pengkalan Jawa, Kpg Batu Danau were flooded as of today in the Batu Danau area.
He said 138 people were provided temporary shelter at Kampung Bidang community hall and that SK Ukong, SK Pengkalan Jawa, SK Kualawang, SK Tanjong, SK Batu Danau and SK Lubok Tengkurok were affected by flood.
The flood in Nanga Medamit is subsiding now, he added.
At the time of writing, it is not known when the road can be used, although there are reports of lorry drivers managing to cross the flood prone area.
Sumber - BorneoPost Online
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Manfaatkan komuniti Ekonomi ASEAN
Syed Nabil Fauwaz Al Jeffri
SEJARAH menunjukkan pemindahan kuasa ekonomi dari satu tempat ke satu tempat mengikut kadar permintaan dan potensi pertumbuhan. Dari Eropah ke Amerika, kemudian ke Asia Timur, ASEAN adalah pasaran baharu yang pada peringkat ini adalah pasaran ketujuh terbesar di dunia dengan nilai dagangan melebihi AS$2.5trillion.
Dengan kadar pertumbuhan terkini, ASEAN dijangka menjadi sektor ekonomi keempat terbesar di dunia sebelum tahun 2040. Walaupun dengan pertumbuhan pesat ini, dagangan intra-ASEAN masih lagi menunjukkan tahap pertumbuhan yang rendah, mewakili tidak lebih 25 peratus daripada jumlah dagangan.
Dengan jumlah dagangan ASEAN yang sudah meningkat lebih empat kali ganda sejak 15 tahun dahulu, potensi dagangan antara negara berjiran dalam ASEAN masih belum dimanfaatkan secara penuh, dengan peratusan dagangan antara negara ASEAN yang hampir tidak berganjak.
ASEAN berfungsi berasaskan dasar persetujuan dan bukan melalui komisen berkuat kuasa. Ini bermaksud, semua perjanjian di antara negara-negara ASEAN tidak dikenakan melalui penguatkuasaan perundangan berpusat tetapi melalui konsensus negara-negara. Kerajaan-kerajaan ASEAN sebagai pembuat dasar memainkan peranan penting dalam mewujudkan persekitaran kondusif untuk integrasi komuniti ASEAN.
Melalui perjanjian yang saling menguntungkan, hubungan lebih erat di antara negara-negara ASEAN akan banyak membawa manfaat dalam pembangunan negara.
Sektor ekonomi memainkan peranan penting dalam membentuk komuniti ASEAN, dan 2015 adalah tahun yang sangat penting dalam sejarah benua Asia Tenggara sebagai tahun perlaksanaan Komuniti Ekonomi ASEAN, yang dilakar melalui pelan tindakan ‘ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint’. Terletak di pusat pertumbuhan ekonomi benua yang pesat ini adalah Malaysia, salah satu ekonomi membangun yang tahun demi tahun menunjukkan salah satu kadar pertumbuhan ekonomi tertinggi di kalangan negara ASEAN.
Penduduk ASEAN juga terdiri daripada golongan celik huruf dan muda yang meningkat, dengan lebih 65 peratus berada di bawah umur 45 tahun. Ini menunjukkan keupayaan kesinambungan pembangunan sektor ekonomi melalui industri-industri perkilangan dan tenaga mahir yang baik.
Apabila digandingkan dengan kedudukan strategik, keupayaan perkilangan kos yang masih agak rendah, ASEAN merupakan destinasi menarik untuk pelaburan luar.
Sekiranya Komuniti Ekonomi ASEAN dapat mengecapi status pasaran tunggal yang merangkumi aliran lebih bebas untuk barangan, kemahiran dan pelaburan, Malaysia sebagai salah satu ekonomi terkuat dalam ASEAN akan meraih pelbagai manfaat dan perangsang pembangunan seperti pertumbuhan dalam permintaan pasaran, pertumbuhan daya saing perniagaan, peluang pekerjaan dan perniagaan, peluang untuk kerjasama strategik, peluang eksport, permintaan untuk perkhidmatan tambah nilai dan pelbagai lagi.
Lebih 97 peratus daripada ekonomi ASEAN terdiri daripada sektor Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS). Sebagai pemacu utama pembangunan ekonomi ASEAN, daya saing PKS adalah penting dalam pembangunan ASEAN. Malaysia mempunyai sektor PKS yang aktif dan semakin kuat.
Kebolehan dan daya saing PKS Malaysia adalah antara yang terbaik di dalam ASEAN, hanya di belakang Singapura, yang tidak mempunyai banyak ruang pertumbuhan lagi. Di Malaysia, masih terdapat banyak peluang yang dapat diambil daripada pembukaan pasaran. Terdapat juga peluang untuk menjalinkan peluang kerjasama dalam perkongsian amalan terbaik dalam sektor pengeluaran dan perkhidmatan.
Inisiatif Komuniti ASEAN ini tidak mudah dikecapi, dan pelbagai isu harus diselaraskan sebelum integrasi yang efektif boleh dicapai. Penyingkiran halangan bukan tarif, peningkatan rangka kerja kawal selia dan pengharmonian piawaian adalah elemen-elemen penting yang perlu dipersetujui dan dikemaskini oleh kerajaan-kerajaan ASEAN dalam integrasi ekonomi ASEAN.
Peranan kerajaan juga penting dalam membantu perniagaan-perniagaan tempatan meluaskan pasaran ke peringkat benua. Masalah-masalah yang sering dialami oleh PKS adalah seperti kekurangan peluang pinjaman modal dan pembiayaan kredit, kekurangan pelabur, masalah perundangan, kurang maklumat pasaran dan masalah bahasa.
Walaupun ini semua adalah masalah, terdapat banyak langkah yang boleh diambil untuk mengurus dan mengendali masalah-masalah ini supaya manfaat ekonomi berintegrasi ini dapat dipenuhi. Penggunaan teknologi boleh membantu dalam memberi maklumat pasaran. Bank pembangunan PKS dan sumber kewangan alternatif boleh menampung masalah akses kepada kemudahan kewangan dan modal. Jepun adalah contoh negara timur yang dipacu sektor PKS, dan produktiviti PKS yang tinggi.
Kunci kepada kejayaan Malaysia dalam ASEAN adalah dalam menjadi proaktif untuk meningkatkan tahap kesedaran, keberanian untuk meluaskan pasaran dan penggalakan inovasi dan keusahawanan dalam perniagaan. Adalah baik sekiranya usahawan-usahawan dan PKS Malaysia dapat memanfaatkan peluang daripada pasaran tunggal ini, lebih-lebih lagi selaku warga tuan rumah ASEAN pada tahun pelaksanaan Komuniti Ekonomi ASEAN ini.
Sebagai salah satu ekonomi besar Asia Tenggara, kita tidak patut berasa terancam atau risaukan kemasukan pelabur luar, tapi untuk kita lebih prihatin kepada peluang-peluang keemasan untuk memajukan perniagaan di dalam dan luar negara.
Sumber - Utusan Online
Klaim atas Sabah akan terus berlanjut meskipun Kiram tewas
Oleh Rene P. Acosta
Putra mahkota Kesultanan Sulu dan Borneo Utara [Sabah], Agbimmudin Kiram, 74, meninggal pada tanggal 13 Januari. Ia memimpin serangan Lahad Datu di Sabah pada tahun 2013.
Sultan Abraham Idjirani, sekretaris jenderal dan juru bicara Kesultanan, mengatakan kematian Raja Muda [putra mahkota] Agbimmudin Kiram akan mendorong pengikutnya untuk merebut kembali Sabah di bawah bimbingan pemimpin mereka, Sultan Esmail Kiram II.
"Perjuangan akan dilanjutkan dengan dalil yang sama," kata Idjirani, beberapa jam setelah Kesultanan mengkonfirmasi kematian Agbimmudin di kediamannya di Simunul, Tawi-Tawi, sebuah provinsi pulau di Filipina selatan yang berbatasan dengan Sabah.
"Dia meninggal dengan tenang setelah menderita serangan jantung. Kematiannya terjadi dengan cepat," kata Idjirani. Agbimmudin akan digantikan oleh adiknya, Datu Phungkal Kiram, sebagai raja muda.
Memimpin serangan ke Sabah
Agbimmudin memimpin lebih dari 200 pejuang dari Royal Sultanate Force [RSF] dalam serangan berani Lahad Datu pada bulan Februari 2013 dalam upaya untuk merebut kembali Sabah dari Malaysia.
Serangan oleh para pejuang dari Mindanao di Filipina dengan Tawi-Tawi sebagai pangkalan mereka berakhir dengan pertempuran dengan pasukan Malaysiaselama beberapa pekan. Umat Muslim Filipina yang tinggal di Sabah mendukung upaya pengambilalihan itu.
Puluhan pejuang Kesultanan dan tentara Malaysia tewas dalam pertempuran, yang berlangsung selama berminggu-minggu sebelum penandatanganan perjanjian damai antara pemerintah Filipina dan Front Pembebasan Islam Moro [MILF].
Keputusan pemerintah Filipina untuk menutup perbatasan selatan dengan Malaysia mencegah bala bantuan pasukan Kesultanan oleh pejuang dari kelompok saingan MILF, Front Pembebasan Nasional Moro [MNLF].
MNLF mendukung upaya Kesultanan untuk merebut kembali Sabah, karena sebagian besar anggota kelompok - bahkan ketua pendirinyaNur Misuari - berasal dari Sulu, yang berada di bawah Kesultanan.
Seperti anggota MNLF, sebagian besar pejuang Kesultanan adalah suku Tausug, yang dianggap sebagai prajurit paling berani di antara klan Muslim di Filipina.
Serangan Lahad Datu - yang didukung oleh Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, pemimpin Kesultanan Sulu dan Borneo Utara - dilakukan sebagai protes terhadap perjanjian perdamaian, yang ditengahi dan difasilitasi oleh Malaysia.
Pada saat serangan, pemerintah dan MILF berada dalam negosiasi dan hanya kurang dari dua bulan menjelang penandatanganan perjanjian.
Selama pertempuran, muncul laporan bahwa Agbimmudin telah tewas dalam pertempuran itu, tetapi Idjirani mengatakan putra mahkota berlayar kembali ke Tawi-Tawi empat bulan yang lalu.
"Dia merasakan gangguan kesehatan dan itulah sebabnya ia kembali ke Tawi-Tawi, meninggalkan anak buahnya di Sabah," kata Idjirani.
Pertempuran terakhir di Sabah
Juru bicara militer Kolonel Restituto Padilla Jr mengatakan kematian Agbimmudin seharusnya mengakhiri upaya oleh pejuang Kesultanan untuk menyusup ke Sabah dan melibatkan Malaysia ke dalam perang. Padilla menggambarkan Agbimmudin sebagai prajurit yang tak kenal takut.
Keluarga mendiang putra mahkota adalah pewaris kesultanan yang dulu sangat luas, yang sekarang dianggap sebagai "kerajaan tanpa wilayah."
Pada bulan Juli 2014, KSAB Filipina yang baru, Jenderal Gregorio Pio Catapang Jr., memerintahkan militer untuk meningkatkan patroli di dalam perbatasan negara itu dengan Malaysia untuk memastikan bahwa para pejuang bersenjata dari Mindanao tidak bisa menyeberang ke Sabah lagi.
Catapang tidak ingin mengulang insiden Lahad Datu, yang hampir menyebabkan Filipina berperang dengan Malaysia, bila saja Kuala Lumpur tidak membatalkan rencana pemboman di perbatasannya untuk menghentikan warga Muslim Filipina memperkuat pejuang RSF di Sabah.
Mengejar Sabah melalui cara-cara damai
Idjirani mengatakan Kesultanan akan mengejar klaim atas Sabah di bawah bimbingan Sultan Esmail Kiram II. Esmail adalah pribadi moderat, yang memilih untuk bernegosiasi dengan Malaysia atas masalah Sabah, dibandingkan dengan kakaknya, Jamalul, yang meninggal pada Oktober 2013.
Secara historis, Sabah adalah bagian dari Kesultanan Sulu, tetapi Malaysia menegaskan kepemilikannya melalui Federasi Malaysia yang dibuat pada tahun 1963.
Awalnya, Sabah diserahkan ke Sultan Sulu pada abad ke-17 oleh Sultan Brunei. Kesultanan Sulu menyewakan wilayah tersebut kepada British North Borneo Company [BNBC] pada tahun 1798.
BNBC, yang kemudian di bawah kendali Inggris pada tahun 1946, mengembalikan wilayah itu ke Malaysia. Malaysia mengklaim BNBC membeli Sabah. Kesultanan Sulu membalas bahwa Malaysia membayar sewa kepada keluarga Kiram.
Pada tahun 2004, Kesultanan meminta Mahkamah Internasional PBB untuk menyelesaikan klaim kepemilikan, tapi Idjirani mengatakan pengadilan tidak bisa berlanjut karena Kesultanan tidak memiliki kedudukan sebagai negara.
Pembicaraan rahasia
Idjirani mengatakan pembicaraan awal yang bertujuan untuk mengatur pertemuan resmi mengenai masalah antara Kuala Lumpur dan Kesultanan, adalah bukti bahwa Esmail ingin menyelesaikan klaim melalui cara-cara damai.
Kesultanan adalah pemilik Sabah yang sah dan sesungguhnya, klaim Idjirani.
Idjirani mengingat posisi Esmail dengan Malaysia terkait Sabah: "Bagaimana Malaysia dapat terus menduduki, mengeksploitasi dan memanfaatkan kekayaan dan sumber daya alam Kalimantan Utara [Sabah], seperti minyak, yang bukan milik mereka menurut hak bersejarah dan hak hukum?"
Militer Filipina mendukung potensi perundingan itu. Padilla mengatakan adanya kesepakatan berarti akan menghapus satu masalah keamanan.
Melemahnya klaim Sabah melalui perjanjian damai MILF
Sementara Kesultanan Sulu mendukung kesepakatan damai antara MILF dan pemerintah, mereka menentang masuknya Laut Sulu secara sepihak dalam perjanjian kerangka kerjanya.
Mereka menyatakan bahwa masuknya Sulu akan melemahkan klaim atau perjuangan mereka mendapatkan Sabah melawan Malaysia.
Laut Sulu meliputi Palawan; Zamboanga del Norte; Zamboanga City; Basilan; bagian dari Provinsi Negros; Sulu; Tawi-Tawi hingga Teluk Darver dan Lahad Datu di Sabah hingga Selat Sibutu.
Provinsi-provinsi Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Basilan, Sulu dan Tawi-Tawi tercakup dalam kesepakatan damai antara pemerintah dan MNLF, yang ditandatangani pada tahun 1976 di Tripoli, Libya, dan ditegaskan dalam "Perjanjian Perdamaian Akhir" yang ditandatangani pada tahun 1996.
Perjanjian tersebut menghasilkan penciptaan Daerah Otonomi Muslim Mindanao [ARMM] yang meliputi lima provinsi.
MNLF, yang menentang kesepakatan damai antara pemerintah dan MILF, berpendapat dimasukkannya ARMM di bawah wilayah yang diperluas yang akan diciptakan untuk MILF, secara sepihak akan membatalkan perjanjian damai dengan pemerintah.
Sumber - Asia-Pacific Defense Forum
‘Why is private sector 2nd choice?’
Abdul Aziz Ismail and Ak Md Khairuddin Pg Harun
SEVERAL companies expressed their frustration as Bruneian jobseekers continue to view the private sector as a stepping stone to securing government jobs.
During an interview on the sidelines of the Brunei Job Fair 2015 at BRIDEX Hall, Yong Chee Seng, general manager of First Emporium & Supermarket, said locals should be encouraged to seize every opportunity by working hard and be committed to the company they are employed with.
“Why are we (private sector) the second choice? We offer long-term jobs, but we are treated as just a stepping stone. If you want to work, you have to be committed.
“We are only accepting local applications because we are local, I’m local, and we want to help the nation by offering jobs with low requirements to prevent unemployment, but they have to be committed for the long term,” he added.
Jay Choo Jun Lee, Hua Ho Department Store manager, said it is understandable that the private sector is seen as a stepping stone in getting government jobs.
“We consult the locals to stay longer, but if they were given a chance in the government sector and leaves, we understand and respect their decision.
“Locals have been raised with the mindset of getting a government job, because it’s more secure and believed to have more benefits,” he added.
Mohammad Fairuz Ibrahim, training manager of The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, said Bruneians should consider staying in the private sector as companies are now improving their work perks.
“We have been trying to lure jobseekers by providing benefits too, changing into flexible working hours, increasing the salary and more,” Fairuz added.
A Legislative Council (LegCo) member said Bruneians should see working in the private sector as an opportunity to develop their entrepreneurship skills.
In an interview on the sidelines of a meeting between Ministry of Development officials and LegCo members yesterday, YB Hj Ahmad Morshidi POKDSDDLU Hj Abdul Rahman said some companies have trained employees with the skills to become entrepreneurs.
However, he noted that locals overlooked this opportunity as they are more concerned with the salary in the government.
“Take the example of a recycling company. The employees would learn about waste products and how to make it into a business. Through this experience, he will be able to open his own recycling company. This type of business doesn’t require you to import raw materials because the rubbish that needs to be recycled is readily available,” said YB Hj Ahmad Morshidi.
He reminded young Bruneians that the recent decline of oil and gas exports affects the country’s gross domestic product.
“Developing the country does not only mean working in the government sector. Working in the private sector also helps the nation’s development,” he added.
YB Hj Ahmad Morshidi urged Bruneians to become business owners instead of being workers.
“Of course you need to be patience. You need to start small and your business will develop. In the end, you will be able to hire people instead of being hired.”
Sumber - The Brunei Times
12,200 Bruneians jobless last year
Rachel Thien
MORE than 12,200 Bruneians were jobless last year, the Minister of Home Affairs said yesterday.
Yang Berhormat Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Hj Awg Badaruddin Penga-rah Dato Paduka Hj Awg Othman said only 35.8 per cent of 3,434 companies in five industries had Bruneians accounting for over half of their workforce.
The five industries are the wholesale and retail businesses, hotels, restaurants and eateries, community, social and private services, financial, insurance and legal services and the transport, storage and communication industry.
During the launch of Brunei Job Fair 2015, he said the remaining 2,203 companies still had a foreign workforce which made up 64 per cent of their total manpower.
The minister last year said that there were more than 100,000 foreign workers in Brunei.
YB Pehin Dato Hj Awg Bada-ruddin said this does not mean the country is not welcoming foreigners in the market, but that the government is looking to keep foreign workers within a certain size and number.
He hoped companies without a workforce of 50 per cent Bruneians will feel inclined to hire more locals.
“I will not reiterate what the causes of unemployment are. What needs to be highlighted is the fact that all stakeholders, and the government in particular, have made efforts to tackle the issue of unemployment among Bruneians and will continue to do so,” the minister said.
The Brunei Job Fair 2015 which was launched by the minister yesterday, is currently offering 1,554 jobs in the five industries.
Walk-in interviews will be of-fered for jobseekers during the four-day job fair at BRIDEX Hall 2 in Jerudong from 9am to 5pm.
The fair, held until January 22, was organised by the Local Employment and Workforce Development Agency (APTK).
The acting head of APTK, Hj Shahrul Jeffri Dato Paduka Hj Ibrahim, said the job fair is different from previous editions as they have incorporated zones for jobseekers.
Zone 1 is reserved for information about the Brunei Job Fair and services provided by APTK while Zone 2 will be manned by government agencies to provide information relating to employment-related matters.
APTK will also provide services, such as registration and renewal of APTK cards, course registration, career guidance, CV writing and information on workers’ rights.
A number of companies will present a series of demonstrations – such as how to make coffee and how to make a product more marketable – to attract the interest of local jobseekers to jobs on offer.
There will be a job briefing session for members of the public at Zones 3 and 4.
The briefing will include motivational talks, entrepreneurship, role-play by private company workers, among others.
Local prospective jobseekers who wish to attend walk-in interviews at the job fair are advised to bring along relevant documents and provide personal details.
Sumber - The Brunei Times
YAM pleads guilty to charges
YAM Pengiran Muda Abdul Mu’min yesterday pleaded guilty to all the road traffic charges and the charge of providing false information to the police during investigation.
The court document submitted by deputy public prosecutor Hjh Anifa Rafiza Hj Abd Ghani and Dk Siti Nurul Fairuz Pg Rosli stated that on September 11, 2014, the defendant admitted to careless driving and that he was involved in an accident with a Ford Ranger.
He also pleaded guilty to failure to report the accident to the police within 24 hours.
The defendant also admitted to driving on multiple occasions with a suspended licence for a period of 12 months after he was convicted by the Magistrates’ Court for careless driving last year.
The court document stated the defendant told DSP Abd Hj Hj Apong, District Traffic Officer of Brunei-Muara, that it was Saifuddin who was driving the car at the time of the accident, information which the defendant knew was false, thereby knowing likely that investigations would be conducted on Saifuddin.
While the defendant pleaded guilty to the charge of providing false information, YAM Pengiran Muda Abdul Mu’min disagreed with the charge accusing him of having intentions to cause Saifuddin to be instituted criminal proceedings for an alleged careless driving offence when he knew that there is no lawful ground for such proceeding.
During the proceedings yesterday, presiding senior magistrate Hj Nabil Daraina PUKDPSSU Hj Badaruddin raised a further matter with respect to the charges under the Motor Vehicles Insurance (Third Party Risks) Act, Chapter 90.
The Senior Magistrate drew attention to an appeal heard in the High Court, where the High Court decided that, where a motor vehicle had a valid insurance policy, the driver should not be charged under section 3(1), Motor Vehicle Insurance (Third Party Risks) Act, Chapter 90, merely because there is a clause in the insurance policy that states the insurance policy would be void if the driver commits any offences under the Road Traffic Act, Chapter 68.
DPP Hjh Anifa Rafiza informed the Court that while the prosecution is aware of the case, the prosecution wished to draw the Court’s attention to another appeal case in the High Court in 1982, where it was decided that the discretion lies with the Public Prosecutor as to whether or not charges should be preferred and, in the present case, the prosecution is exercising its discretion to prosecute.
The Court decided to reserve its ruling on the charges.
The Senior Magistrate then convicted the defendant for all the six charges under the Road Traffic Act, Chapter 68 and the Penal Code offence for giving a false statement to the police and rejecting the defendant’s plea with regards to the charge under section for intending to cause Saifuddin to be instituted criminal proceedings when he knew that there is no lawful ground for such proceeding.
The Senior Magistrate reserved his ruling for conviction on the four charges under sec 3(2) Motor Vehicle Insurance (Third Party Risks) Act, Chapter 90.
The matter will be heard again on January 21, at 9am, for the Court’s decision pertaining to the charges under the Motor Vehicles Insurance (Third Party Risks) Act, Chapter 90 and for the defendant, who is represented by Balendran Balasingam of Ho & Siong, to submit his mitigation on the offences that he has been convicted for.
Sumber - The Brunei Times
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Cancer leading cause of deaths in the country
Quratul-Ain Bandial
CANCER deaths rose 13 per cent between 2011 and 2013, according to a recent report released by the Department of Economic Planning and Development (JPKE), making it the leading cause of death in the country.
In its biannual publication titled Brunei Darussalam: Key Indicators 2014 (half year), the JPKE stated that cancer deaths had risen from 256 in 2011 to 295 in 2013.
In a previous news report, resident oncologist at the Brunei Cancer Centre, Dato Seri Laila Jasa Dr Babu Sukumaran, said this trend showed a marked contrast to the West, where cancer death rates have been falling due to early detection.
Lung and breast cancer are the most common forms of cancer detected among Bruneians.
Dato Dr Babu added that diseases such as stomach, colon and breast cancer – typically seen in those over 50 – are now diagnosed in younger people in their 20s, due to poor lifestyle and risk factors such as smoking, obesity and diabetes.
The JPKE report also detailed the increase in deaths from hypertensive disease, which increased by 44 per cent between 2011 and 2013.
Diabetes deaths are also on the rise, increasing by 12 per cent over the same period.
The report also showed a sharp jump in the number of deaths from influenza and pneumonia, rising from 20 to 48 from 2011 to 2013.
Sumber - The Brunei Times
17% teens facing obesity problems
THE Minister of Health has described obesity as worrying in Brunei after 17 per cent of teenagers were found suffering from weight related problems in a World Health Organisation (WHO) study.
Citing WHO’s Global School Health Survey 2014, Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Johan Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Hj Adanan Begawan Pehin Khatib Dato Seri Setia Hj Mohd Yussof said the obesity rate of 17 per cent was prevalent among teenagers aged between 13 to 17.
The minister was speaking during the launch of the first PARK (Program Aktif dan Riadah untuk Kesihatan) project at Tasik Sarubing, Mukim Kota Batu.
A total of 2,599 students participated in the health survey, according to the study’s fact sheet on Brunei.
The statistics also showed that there were more obese students among males than females.
YB Pehin Dato Hj Adanan went on to say that the number of obese adults have also doubled from 12 per cent in 1997 to 27 per cent in 2011.
“If we do not combat obesity, not only we would be exposing ourselves to life-threatening diseases but also jeopardising our quality of life, health, work, productivity, income and may even burden our family,” he said.
He added that the key to fighting obesity is to be more committed and disciplined in wanting not just a better life but also a healthier lifestyle.
“Obesity, particularly among children, should be taken very seriously. So let us together as a nation curb this issue hand in hand for a better and healthier tomorrow,” the minister said.
He also highlighted the importance of parents and guardians in encouraging as well as nurturing their children to be more active in physical activities and adopt healthy dietary habits.
The minister said exercising at least 30 minutes a day, five times a week can help lose weight and reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure. A healthy diet is also vital to maintain a healthy body, added.
YB Pehin Dato Hj Adanan also hoped members of the public would take advantage of facilities such as the Health Promotion Centre and Tasik Sarubing to practice a healthy lifestyle.
Sumber - The Brunei Times
Divorce rate down 12% in 2013
Rabiatul Kamit
DIVORCE rates across the nation dropped by 12 per cent in 2013, according to the latest official statistics released by the government.
The Department of Economic Planning and Development’s key indicators available on its website show that fewer marriages ended in divorce, with 502 divorces filed in 2013 compared with 570 in 2012.
Most of the divorces, totaling 369 cases, were in Brunei-Muara District, where over half the country’s population resides.
The figure showed an 8.6 per cent decrease from 2012.
Tutong District recorded the biggest decline at 35.2 per cent with 44 divorces in 2013 compared with 68 in 2012.
Meanwhile, Belait District saw a 10.3 per cent drop to 78 divorces from 87 in 2012.
Divorce rates in Temburong District, Brunei’s least populous district, remained the same in 2013 with only 11 divorces.
Of the types of divorces filed in 2013, 469 were among Muslim marriages and 33 were among civil marriages.
Although 2013 showed a decline in divorce rates nationwide from 2012, the statistics were higher than 2011, when 334 divorces were recorded.
It was previously reported that post-marriage courses were proven effective in reducing the number of divorces nationwide.
The three-day course, organised by the Family Counseling Service Section at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, aimed to raise awareness of the roles and responsibilities of married couples in fortifying the family institution.
It took place for the first time in Tutong and Belait districts last year.
However, three courses have been held in Brunei-Muara District in recent years.
There were also plans to hold the course in Temburong District.
A previous survey based on 583 marital complaints received by the ministry found that the most common causes of divorces were irreconcilable differences as well as neglect of responsibilities and providing nafkah (sustenance).
Irreconcilable differences topped the list of reasons for divorces with 193 complaints or 33.15 per cent, followed by neglect of responsibilities with 184 complaints or 31.73 per cent.
Other reasons for divorces listed in the survey included infidelity, violence, absent spouse or foreign spouse not returning from the country of origin, polygamy, drug abuse and spouses in detention or prison.
Sumber - The Brunei Times
YAM faces three additional charges
YAM Pengiran Muda Abdul Mu'min is now facing an additional three counts of driving a car wihout insurance, bringing the total number of charges against him to 12.
During the court proceedings yesterday, Deputy Public Prosecutor Hjh Anifa Rafiza Hj Abd Ghani filed the additional charges against YAM Pg Muda Abdul Mu’min, who is already facing multiple counts of road traffic offences and lodging a false report to the police.
The court document stated that YAM Pg Muda Abdul Mu’min is facing four counts of driving on September 11 and November 19 when his driving licence was suspended.
YAM is also accused of careless driving and being involved in an accident that caused damage to the rear of a Ford Ranger on September 11.
The defendant was also charged with lodging a false police report stating that it was Saifuddin who was driving the car at the time, information which the defendant knew was false.
YAM, who is represented by Balendran Balasingam of Ho & Siong, has yet to enter his plea on all of the 12 charges against him.
The defence counsel informed the court that the defendant was not ready for his plea to be recorded as he needed time to consider his plea on the three additional charges, and applied for the case to be adjourned.
Senior Magistrate Hj Nabil Daraina Pehin Dato Hj Badaruddin expressed his concern that since the first day the defendant was charged on October 16, 2014, he had yet to enter his pleas to the offences which were committed in September 2014.
The senior magistrate granted the defence counsel’s adjournment application until the next mention of the case next week, but added that he will not entertain any further applications for long adjournments.
YAM has been released on a $10,000 court bail and one local surety.
Sumber - The Brunei Times
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Tun Abdul Rahman Yakub passes away at 87
KUCHING: Tun Datuk Patinggi Abdul Rahman Yakub passed away Friday, Jan 9, at 9.34pm at Normah Medical Specialist Centre (NMSC) where he had been hospitalised since Dec 15, 2014.
He was 87 years old.
The former Chief Minister of Sarawak was of Melanau descent and also served as the fourth Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak.
Born in Kampung Jepak, Bintulu, on January 3, 1928 to fisherman Wan Yakub Wan Yusuf and housewife Siti Hajar Tahir, he was the sixth of seven children.
His grandfather, Wan Yusof, hailed from Kelantan and was the son-in law to Pehin Orang Kaya Setia Raja Abang Manai, a Melanau community leader who was also a member of the state legislative council under Charles Brooke Rule in 1867.
Abdul Rahman first attended Sekolah Anchi in Miri, later transferring to St Joseph, Miri until his studies were interrupted by the Japanese invasion. During the Japanese occupation from 1941 to 1943, he was an assistant surveyor and interpreter for the Japanese governor in Miri.
After the Second World War, he completed his primary school education and worked as a trainee oil-tester for Sarawak Shell Company in Lutong before being accepted as a Student Native Officer in the Sarawak Civil Service from 1947 to 1948.
In 1953, he was given study leave with full pay by the colonial government to pursue his education at St Joseph’s School in Kuching. He achieved excellent Senior Cambridge results and was offered a scholarship to read Law at Southampton University, England in 1954 and thereafter at Lincoln’s Inn. He was called to the Lincoln’s Inn Bar in 1959 and became the first Bumiputera from Sarawak to be a Barrister-at-law.
After graduating, he was appointed as a Crown Council Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) and stipendiary magistrate. He worked in the Sarawak Legal Department from 1959 to 1963.
The first Prime Minister of Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman brought Abdul Rahman into politics while the second Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak mentored him.
From 1963-65, he was the Deputy Minister for National and Rural Development and concurrently the Deputy Minister for Law.
Abdul Rahman served as the Deputy Minister for Lands and Mines from 1965-69 before being appointed as education minister. Under his tenure, he changed the medium of instruction for all schools and higher learning institutions from English to Malay language.
He was credited for the creation of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 1970.
He was also one of the proponents for Malaysia creating its own oil company, now known as Petronas.
He founded the now defunct Bank Utama Berhad in Malaysia.
Abdul Rahman won the Kuala Rajang state seat during the resumption of the 1969 state election in 1970 representing Parti Bumiputra Sarawak (BUMIPUTERA) which was part of the Sarawak Alliance. The election results did not yield any party with a clear majority. Abdul Rahman was able to convince SUPP to form a coalition government with him as the chief minister.
Three years after his appointment as chief minister, negotiations between Abdul Rahman and Bong Kee Chok culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two on October 20, 1973, at Rumah Kerajaan, Simanggang (renamed Rumah Sri Aman thereafter.)
Bong signed as Director and Political Commissar of PARAKU; Abdul Rahman signed as Ketua Menteri and Director of Operations, Sarawak. It heralded the beginning of the end of the communist insurgency in Sarawak.
He was responsible for setting up several statutory bodies to speed up development in the state across a wide range of fields, including the State Planning Unit. Sarawak’s five administration divisions from the Brooke era were redefined into seven to bring about greater administrative efficiency.
He did away with the primary six common entrance examination, enabling all primary six pupils to continue their education to secondary levels. He also set up the Universiti Pertanian campus in Bintulu and a branch of Mara Institute of Technology in Sarawak.
In addition, he also established the Sarawak Foundation (Yayasan Sarawak) on May 21, 1971 to provide scholarships and educational loans to students in need.
A new bridge costing RM6 million was built in May 1975 creating a link between what we recognise today as two administrative divisions – MBKS and DBKU and was named “Jambatan Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul Rahman Yakub”.
The State Secretariat and the Dewan Undangan Negeri Building were sited at Petra Jaya, making it the administrative centre of the state.
He stepped down on March 26, 1981 as chief minister after undergoing heart surgery in London. He became Governor of Sarawak from April 2, 1981 until April 2, 1985 before quitting due to health reasons. He was awarded Seri Maharaja Mangku Negara that carries the title ‘Tun’.
When he was a federal minister and later chief minister, he received several awards: the Order of the Star of Merit (Korea), the Order of the Star of Ethiopia (The Grand Cordon), Bintang Mahaputra Indonesia among others.
He married Toh Puan Normah Abdullah nee Rosemary Soon Siew Joon in 1956. She was his ‘tower of strength’, always supporting him and giving him confidence to move forward until her passing in 1984.
His later years saw him devoting his time to reading, writing and religious teachings at his own Surau Sri Bahagia with the tremendous assistance of his wife Toh Puan Hayati Ahmat, whom he lived with until his demise.
His other wives surviving him are Zambin Rokiah Mohd Tahir and Siti Maemunah Kamal, both residing in Kuala Lumpur.
He was blessed with 12 daughters, four sons, 47 grandchildren, seven great grandchildren and three adopted children.
Sumber - BorneoPost Online
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TYT Presiden NDP, Mahmud Morshidi Othman mewakili warga NDP menziarahi jenazah Almarhum Tun Hj Abd Rahman Yaakub di Masjid Negeri Petra Jaya Kuching |
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
‘Modern life threatens neighbour relations in villages’
Ak Md Khairuddin Pg Harun
SOME Bruneian elders have expressed concerns over the recent decline of neighbour relations in their villages.
According to Batu Marang village head Hj Maidin Tarip, the demands and pressures of modern life are preventing residents from developing a proper relationship with their neighbours.
He said families are now moving out of their old villages – many due to the National Housing Scheme – and some lack the initiative to get to know their neighbours properly after resettling because of work commitments and selfishness.
In an interview with The Brunei Times, he said the population of his village had declined from 4,000 to 1,012 in 10 years because “they now have houses elsewhere”, especially those who were awarded homes under the National Housing Scheme.
“In this modern era, when people move to a new neighbourhood, it would be very difficult for them to know one another because people are busy with their own lives. But it depends mainly on the individuals,” said Hj Maidin.
“When this happens, I think the biggest challenge for grassroots leaders is to make sure the residents mingle with one another,” he said.
Asked for suggestions on how this can be achieved, Hj Maidin said organising sports activities can help the village bond.
“For example, football helps residents mingle and interact with one another,” he said.
Hj Maidin added that interactions between residents are important to prevent the occurrence of disputes within the community.
“When the community comes together, there will be a ‘peacekeeper’ among them. (The peacekeeper) can prevent fights,” he said.
Head of Kg Sg Matan Pg Hj Abdul Rahman Pg Hj Zainal said the attitude of being busy with family life is another factor that diminishes the value and incidences of bergotong-royong (voluntary community work).
“You can actually see people close their gates when their neighbours hold wedding ceremonies at some of the perpindahan houses. This actually occurs in Brunei even though it is not common,” he said.
Ramlee Hj Maidin, a resident of Tanah Jambu II National Housing Scheme, said a lack of communication has led to the change in lifestyle.
“I used to live in Kg Ayer in the 1990s. Now I have a house under the National Housing Scheme. I am very happy but I couldn’t agree more that the lifestyle has changed. I know my neighbours but we seldom talk. There’s a lack of activities in this village to get to know your own neighbours,” said the 51-year-old.
He was also concerned about letting his children play with the neighbours because of passing cars.
“It’s very dangerous to let children play in the streets,” said Ramlee.
Another resident, Hj Moksin Amit, 70, said Brunei would be an empty shell if this trend continues.
“As a senior, it is sometimes sad to see our younger generation not know their neighbours eventhough they live in the same village,” he said.
Resident of Kg Batu Marang, Japri Johari, 63, said the government should introduce more plans to ensure the residents live as a community.
“I know our village head plays an important role in this, but that’s not enough. The community has to come together. I don’t want to see our younger generation forget that Brunei used to practise gotong-royong in villages. It scares me to think that it would disappear in the future,” he said.
In the 1980s, the water village population was estimated at 40,000 but according to the 2012 national census, this had dwindled to 13,162.
Sumber - The Brunei Times
Unlocking Asean's potential
AEC has a good chance of success given its relatively modest goals.
Can 10 countries with different cultures, traditions, languages, political systems and levels of economic development act in concert to expand their collective potential? That is the question with which the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) has been wrestling for decades. Judging by their leaders' ambitious vision for cooperation, the answer may be yes.
What began as a straightforward push to reduce trade tariffs has evolved into a blueprint for a dynamic open market of 600 million consumers and a production base that can compete directly with the world's largest economies. Once in place, the Asean Economic Community (AEC) will transform Southeast Asia — and its role in the global economy.
Asean's economic potential is undoubtedly impressive. Taken together, the group's members — Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam — would comprise the world's seventh-largest economy. Moreover, Asean's international trade has almost tripled over the last decade. And foreign direct investment has been flowing into the region, with multinationals hoping to capitalise on its rapidly expanding middle class and strategic location at the intersection of China, Japan and India.
The AEC plan aims to build on this momentum by removing barriers to the movement of goods, services, capital and people. The McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) estimates that implementing this integration strategy fully and capturing a larger share of global manufacturing would add between $280 billion and $625 billion to annual GDP by 2030.
Part of that growth stems from encouraging local companies to expand beyond their home markets. By making exporting more efficient and less costly — up to 20% cheaper, in some sectors — goods and services would become attainable for millions of new consumers. This could improve consumption, leading to a virtuous circle of growth.
But Asean's quest to become a unified market is far from complete. While average tariff rates in the original five member states (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) have been virtually zero since 2010, some barriers must still be dismantled. An MGI survey of regional businesses identified restrictions on foreign investment and ownership, inconsistent standards and regulations and inefficient customs procedures as the biggest barriers to trade.
Though full integration appears unlikely by the target date of December 2015, lately the effort has taken on a renewed sense of urgency. As wages in China rise, Southeast Asian economies have a window of opportunity to become the next "factories to the world".
Of course, competing on the basis of low wages alone won't raise living standards in the long term. Asean will also need to compete on productivity — an area in which countries like Cambodia, Indonesia and Vietnam are currently at a disadvantage. Excluding Singapore and Brunei, average labour productivity in Asean remains about 40% lower than in China.
For Asean to become a real manufacturing powerhouse, its lower-income economies will need to focus on modernising equipment and processes and building their workers' skills. They must also increase — and sustain — investment to address glaring infrastructure gaps and bring down high logistics costs.
Some critics insist that, even with such efforts, Asean members vary too widely in terms of economic development to create a smoothly functioning single entity. But Asean, unlike the European Union, is not attempting to form a monetary union.
In fact, Asean's focus on trade makes diversity an advantage, as companies seek to benefit from low-cost labour in some countries and intermediate manufacturing capabilities in others. Though member states may sometimes have to compete with one another for market share and multinational operations, their areas of specialisation would largely be complementary.
Asean's lower-income economies have expressed concern that they will miss out on many of the benefits of deeper integration. But this does not have to be the case. Mexico, for example, has arguably enjoyed greater economic benefits from the North American Free Trade Agreement than the United States or Canada has.
Nonetheless, this uneasiness reflects a central challenge facing Asean. From its inception, the group has fundamentally been a top-down project, driven by the region's leaders instead of its people. But, as member countries have become more democratic, solidifying public support has become increasingly important — meaning that leaders must work to communicate the benefits of integration more effectively.
At the same time, Asean governments must urge businesses — many of which still have limited awareness of the opportunities integration presents — to expand into neighbouring markets. Here, removing a handful of key administrative barriers could go a long way.
As it stands, restrictions on foreign investment and trade barriers continue to shield many domestic industries from competitive pressures. Now, Asean countries must decide whether to retreat into protectionism or reaffirm their commitment to a more open approach. Though the latter would undoubtedly create winners and losers, it could also stimulate overall productivity growth.
As a regional grouping, Asean does not have the kind of deep institutional ties and infrastructure links that bind together the EU's members. Nor has it built the kind of seamless supply chains that funnel massive trade flows through North America. But, if Asean can execute the vision outlined in the AEC plan, it could exceed the sum of its parts.
Sumber - Bangkok Post
Titah KDYMM Sempena Menyambut Awal Tahun Baru Masehi 2015
Titah Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah Ibni Al-Mahrum Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan Dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam Sempena Menyambut Awal Tahun Baru Masehi 2015
Alhamdulillah, dengan rahmat Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala, kita di negara ini, disepanjang tahun Masehi 2014 telah dapat menikmati keamanan dan kesejahteraan.
Insya Allah, kita akan terus melipat-gandakan usaha untuk mempertahankan keamanan tersebut di sepanjang tahun Masehi 2015 pula.
Dengan memasuki Tahun Masehi 2015, kita adalah semakin hampir kepada tempoh sasaran Wawasan Negara 2035. Dalam kira-kira 20 tahun itu, bukanlah satu tempoh yang lama. Kita tidak mempunyai banyak ruang untuk berlengah-lengah lagi. Kita mesti ada sikap dan pemikiran yang lebih progresif.
Dalam jentera kerajaan, Beta telahpun memperkenankan sokongan Majlis Tertinggi Wawasan 2035 untuk melantik Peneraju-Peneraju bagi strategi-strategi yang telah dikenalpasti dalam Wawasan 2035 dan beberapa tambahan strategi-strategi baru. Peneraju-peneraju tersebut terdiri daripada Menteri-Menteri dan Timbalan-Timbalan Menteri yang bertanggungjawab terhadap bidang masing-masing.
Setiap peneraju adalah bertanggungjawab untuk mengenalpasti matlamat-matlamat strategik, menyedia dan melaksanakan pelan-pelan tindakan ke arah pencapaian Wawasan 2035, insya Allah.
Semuanya itu perlu disejajarkan melalui Majlis Tertinggi Wawasan 2035 bagi mengelakkan sebarang duplikasi serta bagi meraih impak dan keberkesanan optima.
Secara spesifik, pada misalnya di bidang pendidikan, Beta adalah mengalu-alukan rancangan Kementerian Pendidikan untuk melaksanakan strategi jangka sederhana dan panjang bagi mempastikan kehadiran penuh kanak-kanak ke sekolah dan juga untuk memperolehi keberkesanan berganda bagi pengajaran dan pembelajaran di peringkat rendah dan seterusnya.
Kita telah menetapkan sasaran yang tinggi dengan sekurang-kurangnya 90 peratus daripada pelajar kita akan mendapat gred A hingga C dalam Penilaian Sekolah Rendah tahun 2017. Dalam masa yang sama, kita berharap usaha tersebut akan dapat membantu semua murid-murid di peringkat tersebut untuk memperolehi kejayaan yang lebih baik.
Bagi maksud ini, penguatkuasaan Akta Pendidikan Wajib, patutlah dikukuhkan lagi. Dengan cara ini, diyakini akan dapat membantu melahirkan generasi yang lebih berdisiplin dan dinamik.
Dalam bidang ekonomi, Jabatan Perdana Menteri adalah sedang menyediakan Petunjuk-Petunjuk Prestasi Utama (KPI) yang perlu dicapai oleh semua sektor ekonomi berdasarkan trajektori yang realistik bagi mencapai tonggak ekonomi dalam Wawasan 2035. Matlamatnya adalah, untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan Keluaran Dalam Negeri Kasar (KDNK) dengan dua fokus utama.
Fokus pertama masih saja tertumpu kepada usaha mempelbagaikan ekonomi daripada banyak bergantung kepada Sektor Minyak dan Gas. Fokus kedua pula ialah untuk meningkatkan produktiviti.
Menyentuh mengenai isu produktiviti ini, kita masih saja mempunyai ruang yang sangat besar untuk memperbaikinya, samada di peringkat sektor swasta mahupun di sektor awam. Selain berkait rapat dengan penjanaan kapasiti atau capacity building dan penggunaan teknologi, ia juga banyak bergantung kepada aspek tabiat dan disiplin semua peringkat dalam usaha menyumbang kepada peningkatan produktiviti organisasi masing-masing.
Mengenai usaha mempelbagaikan ekonomi pula, sebagai usaha berterusan untuk memperkasa Perusahaan Mikro, Kecil dan Sederhana (PMKS), kerajaan, melalui Kementerian Perindustrian dan Sumber-Sumber Utama, sedang giat merancang satu badan khas bagi membantu usahawan-usahawan tempatan kita.
Badan ini akan berperanan membina kapasiti Perusahaan Mikro, Kecil dan Serderhana supaya usahawan-usahawan tempatan boleh berkembang dan bersaing dalam pasaran, di dalam mahupun luar negara.
Beta berharap, kita akan sama-sama menikmati dan meraih peluang-peluang yang ada apabila kita merealisasikan Komuniti ASEAN pada penghujung tahun 2015 nanti.
Mengenai kualiti kehidupan, Beta adalah mahu supaya pihak berwajib akan lebih tangkas dan cekap dalam menangani peningkatan bilangan jenayah, yang berlaku sejak dari beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini. Ini termasuklah jenayah bunuh, rompak dan curi. Tangani semuanya itu dengan bersungguh-sungguh dan tegas. Sekat ia daripada berlaku, dan jika sudah berlaku, cari mereka sampai tertangkap.
Lagi mengenai kualiti kehidupan ialah kesihatan. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, kesihatan di negara ini masih lagi membimbangkan. Kanak-kanak dibawah umur lima (5) tahun pada misalnya, ramai dari mereka itu mengalami masalah berat badan (obesity). Ini, mungkin saja berpunca, dari antaranya, kerana kurang mendapatkan pemakanan sihat, seperti buah dan sayur-sayuran. Jika ini benar, maka pihak berkenaan dan ibu bapa adalah penting untuk mengambil perhatian serta langkah bagi mengatasinya.
Kajian juga turut menunjukkan, bahawa lebih dari 50% kaum bapa adalah masih merokok, dan merokok itu pula dilakukan di dalam rumah dan di dalam kenderaan. Selain merosakkan diri sendiri, mereka yang merokok ini juga sebenarnya telah mendedahkan ahli keluarga mereka kepada bahaya sangat buruk, akibat dari asap rokok.
Ini semua memberi gambaran, bahawa kita dalam hal mengamalkan cara hidup sihat, belum lagi memuaskan.
Masyarakat masih perlu diberi pendidikan dan bimbingan, termasuk 'pendidikan pencegahan' bagi yang melanggar undang-undang dan hukum ugama, seperti terhadap perokok-perokok yang tidak menghiraukan amaran-amaran pihak berkuasa. Beta ingin mengingatkan kepada pihak-pihak berkenaan, supaya jangan hanya bercakap, tetapi bertindaklah dengan tegas dan konsisten sehingga tumpas kelakuan dan perbuatan melanggar undang-undang ini.
Akhirnya, Beta ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada semua peringkat dalam Perkhidmatan Awam serta Pasukan-Pasukan Keselamatan, termasuk mereka yang bertugas di luar negara; dan juga kepada mereka yang berkhidmat di sektor swasta, di atas usaha-usaha ikhlas mereka dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab masing-masing bagi kesejahteraan negara.
Beta dan kaum keluarga Beta juga tidak lupa merakamkan ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru Masehi 2015 kepada seluruh rakyat dan penduduk di negara ini. Beta berdo'a semoga Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala akan terus melimpahkan rahmat dan perlindungan-Nya kepada kita semua dan negara. Ameen Yaa Rabbal 'Aalameen.
Sekian, Wabillahit Taufeq Walhidayah Wassalamu 'Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Mangsa rumah roboh terima sumbangan
Oleh Hajah Saemah Kepli
KUALA BELAIT, 4 Jan – Badan Perhubungan Parti Pembangunan Bangsa (NDP) membuka tirai aktiviti berkebajikan mereka tahun ini, dengan menghulurkan sumbangan kepada sebuah keluarga mangsa kejadian rumah roboh yang berlaku di Kuala Balai baru-baru ini.
Sumbangan diserahkan oleh Naib Presiden NDP Daerah Belait, Pengiran Haji Zainal bin Pengiran Haji Talib kepada Awang Mohd Haikal bin Abdullah Sagang selaku ketua keluarga mangsa. Majlis berlangsung di kediaman sementara mereka di Flat 83 Jalan Maulana dekat sini, hari ini.
Turut serta dalam rombongan menyerahkan bantuan itu ialah ahli-ahli jawatankuasa Badan Perhubungan Daerah Belait NDP serta Timbalan Pengerusi Tetap NDP, Haji Mahdi bin Haji Suhaili.
Menurut Pengiran Haji Zainal, sumbangan tersebut merupakan salah satu daripada aktiviti berkebajikan bersempena Sambutan Maulidur Rasul Tahun 1436H.
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Pengiran Haji Zainal menyerahkan sumbangan kepada Awang Mohd Haikal di kediaman penempatan sementara mereka di Jalan Maulana. |
Penyampaian sumbangan berupa keperluan makanan asasi dan sedikit wang tunai itu juga dihasratkan sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu meringankan kesusahan yang dihadapi oleh ahli keluarga mangsa kejadian rumah roboh berkenaan, selain untuk mengeratkan lagi ikatan silaturahim bersama masyarakat setempat.
Keluarga seramai lima orang itu kehilangan tempat tinggal ekoran kejadian yang berlaku pada penghujung tahun ini, dan kini terpaksa ditempatkan sementara di flat kerajaan di bawah kawalan Jabatan Daerah Belait.
Keluarga terbabit sebelum ini tinggal menumpang dengan menyambung rumah buatan kayu di kediaman sepupunya di Kuala Balai, ekoran belum mempunyai tempat tinggal yang tetap.
Awang Mohd Haikal dan ahli keluarganya yang merupakan saudara baru, telah memohon tempat kediaman daripada jabatan berkenaan, tetapi sehingga kini masih menunggu proses kelulusan permohonan mereka itu.
Sumber - Media Permata
Rohingya’s Ordeal in Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR – Fleeing persecution in Burma, thousands of Rohingya Muslims endure a risky journey to Malaysia, throwing themselves in the heart of a legal limbo in country that refuses to ratify the UN convention on refugees.
“There’s no hope to return to my country,” a Rohingya refugee Nayeemah, whose husband was killed by traffickers as they fled to Thailand, told CCTV on Saturday, January 3.
“Following the death of my husband I’m feeling so anxious, always worrying about my children, about how to save them. There’s no choice.”
Nayeemah is one of thousands of Rohingya who were forced to flee the state-sponsored torture in Burma.
Malaysia has about 40,000 Rohingya Muslims who carry refugee cards issued by the United Nations refugee agency, the UNHCR.
Over the past months, some 18,000 unregistered refugees have arrived at the Asian country, where they fear detention and deportation.
“We were in the jungle. The human traffickers beat people, beat them severely,” Ayub Khan, a Rohingya refugee who is now partially paralyzed after being slashed on his shoulder as he tried to flee a mob in his hometown in Burma, said.
“Some died there in the jungle. Some of us managed to escape. Thanks be to God I made it to Malaysia.”
As long as the UN convention on refugees is not adopted by Malaysia, refugees’ fears are coupled with the legal limbo that prevents them from work legally or send children to schools, even if their children were born in Malaysia.
A government proposal to grant refugees work permissions was opposed last year by the immigration department that warned that the permission would encourage immigration.
Described by the UN as one of the world's most persecuted minorities, Rohingya Muslims are facing a catalogue of discrimination in their homeland.
They have been denied citizenship rights since an amendment to the citizenship laws in 1982 and are treated as illegal immigrants in their own home.
The Burmese government as well as the Buddhist majority refuse to recognize the term “Rohingya”, referring to them as “Bengalis”.
Rights groups have accused the Burmese security forces of killing, raping and arresting Rohingyas following the sectarian violence last year.
Between 2012 and 2013, Buddhists mob attacks have left hundreds of Rohingya Muslims killed and evacuated more than 140,000 from their homes.
The violence has displaced nearly 29,000 people, more than 97 % of whom are Rohingya Muslims, according to the United Nations.
Many now live in camps, adding to 75,000 mostly Rohingya displaced in June 2012, after a previous explosion of sectarian violence.
Sumber -
Myanmar tipu Rohingya
Etnik Islam tidak terima hak selepas isytihar identiti Benggali
YANGON 5 Jan. - Masyarakat etnik minoriti Rohingya di Myanmar mendakwa, program eksperimen pendaftaran kerakyatan yang diusahakan kerajaan tidak memberi kelebihan yang besar buat golongan terpinggir itu meskipun mereka menukar status kepada etnik Benggali.
Mengikut laporan portal Burma Times, segelintir penduduk Rohingya yang telah mendaftar di bawah program tersebut untuk mendapatkan kerakyatan penuh Myanmar, masih tidak dibenarkan meninggalkan kem pelarian yang didiami sejak dua tahun lalu ekoran rusuhan agama yang tercetus di negeri Rakhine.
Seorang daripada 40 etnik Rohingya yang telah mendapatkan kad pengenalan berwarna merah jambu, Aye Khaing berkata, sepatutnya dia boleh bergerak bebas di seluruh negara selain memasuki universiti, menyertai parti politik, dan menikmati banyak lagi hak sebagai rakyat Myanmar apabila memperoleh kad tersebut.
Jelasnya, selepas dua bulan mendaftar dalam program tersebut, dia masih terperangkap di kem pelarian di Myebon, apabila pihak polis dan pengawal sempadan mengetatkan kawalan dan tidak membenarkan sesiapa keluar dari lokasi itu.
“Saya berasa seperti dikenakan tahanan rumah,” kata wanita terbabit.
Seorang lagi etnik Rohingya, Aung Lwin berkata, ketua menteri Rakhine dan beberapa pegawai kanan kerajaan telah melawat kem itu beberapa kali dalam tempoh enam bulan lalu dan mereka sering menekankan kepentingan menukar status kepada Benggali bagi mendapatkan kerakyatan.
“Dokumen baharu itu tidak bermakna selagi kerajaan tidak dapat menjamin keselamatan dan membenarkan kami meninggalkan kem. Setakat ini, kami sedar kerajaan hanya menipu,” katanya.
Dalam pada itu, program kerajaan pimpinan Presiden, Thein Sein itu terus mendapat kritikan antarabangsa apabila ramai yang mempersoalkan ketelusan kerajaan untuk melindungi etnik Rohingya jika program tersebut diperluaskan.
Malah seorang diplomat Barat yang enggan mendedahkan namanya baru-baru ini berkata, kerajaan Myanmar secara jelas gagal dalam mengatasi masalah di Rakhine.
“Kegagalan mereka menyebabkan isu hak asasi manusia semakin buruk dan mencetuskan krisis kemanusiaan yang teruk terhadap penduduk Islam Rohingya serta mewujudkan suasana yang tidak selamat untuk semua orang,” kata diplomat berkenaan.
Sumber - Utusan Online
KDYMM: Gandakan penerangan dan dakwah
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 2 Jan – Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam bertitah menyeru pihak-pihak berkenaan dalam kerajaan supaya menggandakan lagi penerangan dan dakwah dalam perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan amal soleh ini, khasnya dalam kalangan guru-guru ugama.
“Ambillah peluang bagi menghidupkan semangat suka beramal kepada kanak-kanak kerana di peringkat ini naluri mendengar dan menerima itu adalah cukup terbuka. Sekali dua sahaja menyebutnya akan terus rakat atau melekat.
“Inilah di antara tujuan besar sistem wajib ugama diadakan. Kita mahu biar anak-anak kita itu benar-benar kenal serta memahami apa itu dosa dan pahala. Nanti apabila mereka sudah cukup kenal dan faham, maka InsyAllah inilah masanya anak-anak itu akan jadi anak-anak yang soleh yang suka kepada amal soleh dan ibadat,” titah Baginda dalam perutusan sempena Sambutan Maulud Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Menurut Baginda, mereka ini akan jadi generasi penerus yang baik. Jika kita tidak menyiapkan mereka dari sekarang, masa depan Brunei akan mengalami kesukaran berdasarkan zaman adalah semakin rosak, akan lebih pantas untuk membawa kita ke jurang kerosakan.
“Menyebut tentang zaman rosak ini, menjadikan kita amat diperlukan untuk berhati-hati kerana virus kerosakan itu bukanlah mudah untuk dikawal. Ia boleh menjangkiti apa sahaja, ia boleh mencemari pegangan beragama, mencemari pendidikan, mencemari budaya dan lain-lain.
“Hari ini kita masih senang tanpa gangguan tetapi esok-esok siapa tahu, gangguan itu datang dari anasir-anasir yang tidak diundang. Anasir-anasir yang tidak diundang itu boleh sahaja terdiri daripada makhluk bernyawa dan malah boleh juga berupa ledakan-ledakan pemikiran atau ideologi atau aliran yang tidak sema ada dengan Brunei.
“Ini semua mustahak diperincikan daripada sekarang dan apa-apa persediaan yang perlu untuk menghadapinya. Pada hemat beta, persediaan satu-satunya yang paling mustahak ialah dengan memastikan dasar dan isi pendidikan kita tidak menyimpang walau sedikit dari konsep Melayu Islam Beraja.”
Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia dalam titah turut melahirkan rasa bersyukur ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana kita di negara ini dapat pula bersama-sama menyambut Maulidur Rasul Sayyidina Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam yang sudah barang tentunya akan membawa kepada keberkatan bagi kita bernegara.
“Menyambut Maulidur Rasul adalah merupakan tradisi yang terus-menerus berkembang di sepanjang zaman. Ia dilakukan sebagai mengenang siapa Baginda itu, seorang nabi dan rasul dan penyelamat kepada dunia dan umat manusia.
“Allah Subhanahu Wataala telah menyifatkan Baginda sebagai rahmat bagi seluruh alam, sama ada alam itu terdiri daripada manusia atau haiwan atau flora dan bunga atau makhluk yang tidak kelihatan atau tumbuh-tumbuhan. Semuanya itu sama-sama mendapat rahmat dengan kelahiran Baginda ke alam maya ini.
“Sebagai tanda kita bersyukur kepada Allah di atas kurnia-Nya mendatangkan rahmat maka sewajarnyalah rahmat itu kita tantang, kita hormati dan cintai dengan sepenuh jiwa dan raga kita.
“Caranya bukanlah dengan mendewa-dewakannya atau mendirikan lambang-lambang kenangan untuknya tetapi tanda bersyukur sejati adalah dengan mengikut segala Sunnah yang diajarkan oleh pembawa rahmat ini.”
Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia seterusnya bertitah, kita juga dituntut untuk mencintai Baginda dan salah satu tanda mudah mencintai itu ialah dengan membanyakkan selawat ke atas Baginda. Selawat ini sungguhpun mudah tetapi ganjarannya adalah lumayan. Sekali sahaja berselawat, Allah akan membalas dengan sepuluh rahmat.
Namun dalam zaman serba sibuk ini, walaupun sesuatu amal soleh itu mudah sahaja untuk dibuat seperti berselawat, tetapi sangat senang pula ia dicicirkan disebabkan oleh kesibukan yang membungkus manusia.
Tegasnya, manusia hari ini sudah kurang tertarik dengan pahala berbanding dengan keseronokan dunia. Apa-apa yang berkilauan di mata itulah yang diutamakan, sedang janji akhirat yang belum nampak tidak dapat mengusik hati mereka.
“Beta berharap di saat-saat penuh berkat memperingati Maulidur Rasul ini kesedaran umat Islam akan lebih kuat dan bertambah untuk mengamalkan suruhan-suruhan agama dari yang wajib sampai kepada yang sunat.
“Hanya dengan cara ini sahaja kita akan dapat mengumpul bekalan untuk akhirat kita, lagi banyak kita beramal lagi besar harapan untuk kita dapat menjawat ganjaranNya di akhirat kelak.
“Agama telah pun memberitahu bahawa pahala bagi amal soleh itu adalah hebat-hebat belaka, bukan sahaja amalan wajib malah amalan sunat juga tidak kurang hebatnya. Misalnya, cuma kerana dua rakaat sembahyang sunat Subuh sahaja pun pahalanya adalah lebih baik dari dunia dan segala isi di dalamnya.”
Sumber - Media Permata
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Concerted effort vital in realising Vision 2035: HM
HIS Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam yesterday called for a concerted effort towards achieving National Vision 2035, following the appointment of leaders to oversee its strategies.
In his New Year’s Eve titah, the monarch said there is little room for procrastination as the deadline for Brunei’s vision nears.
“The next 20 years is not a long time… We must have a more progressive attitude and mindset,” said His Majesty.
Vision 2035 Executive Council
His Majesty has approved the recommendation of the Vision 2035 Executive Council to appoint leaders for strategies that have been identified as well as a number of additional strategies in the country’s vision.
The leaders are ministers and deputy ministers who have been tasked with identifying specific targets, devising and implementing action plans towards the realisation of National Vision 2035.
“All these need to be aligned through the Vision 2035 Executive Council in order to avoid any duplication as well as to derive the optimum impact and effectiveness,” said the monarch, adding that the appointed leaders will be responsible for their respective fields.
His Majesty welcomed the Ministry of Education’s plan to implement medium and long term strategies to ensure full student attendance in the classroom, as well as to derive multiplied efficacy in teaching and learning from lower to subsequent levels.
“We have set a high target of at least 90 per cent of students achieving grades A to C in the Primary School Assessment for 2017,” said the monarch.
The target is hoped to be able to help all students at the primary school level to become more successful in their studies. In doing so, His Majesty said the enforcement of the Compulsory Education Act should be enhanced in a bid to produce a more disciplined and dynamic generation.
On the economic front, the monarch said the Prime Minister’s Office is preparing a list of key performance indicators (KPIs), which need to be achieved by all economic sectors on the basis of a realistic trajectory to reach economic base under National Vision 2035.
His Majesty said the objective is to boost the growth of gross domestic product with two main focus areas of economic diversification, followed by improving productivity.
In a bid to diversify the economy, the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources is planning to develop a special body to provide local entrepreneurs with assistance by building the capacity of micro, small and medium enterprises to enable growth and competition in markets locally and abroad. “It is my hope that we will all be able to enjoy and take advance of the opportunities made available after we realise the ASEAN Community by 2015,” said the monarch.
Commenting on productivity, His Majesty observed there is still room for improvement in the private and public sectors. Besides being closely related to capacity building and technology, the monarch said productivity is dependent on the attitude and discipline of all levels in the organisations.
Quality of life
The monarch expressed his wish for the authorities concerned to be swift and efficient in tackling the rising number of criminal cases occurring over the past few years, which include murders, robberies and house break-ins.
“Deal with all these crimes intently and firmly. Prevent crimes from occurring, and if they do occur seek out the perpetrators until they are caught and brought to justice,” said His Majesty.
His Majesty also voiced grave concerns over the health of the people. Citing the findings of a study, the monarch noted many children below the age of five are suffering from obesity. Among the contributing factors were lack of healthy food consumption such as fruits and vegetables.
“If this is true, it is essential for the health authorities and parents to take the necessary measures to overcome this problem,” said His Majesty.
Research also indicated that more than 50 per cent of parents are smokers who are puffing cigarettes at home and inside vehicles. In addition to putting themselves at risk, the monarch said “smokers are exposing their own family members to the awful hazards of tobacco smoke”.
The monarch said such statistics show that the people have not yet reached a satisfactory level in practising a healthy lifestyle.
“Our society still needs couching and guidance, including preventative education for those who disobey the law and religious rulings, such as errant smokers who flout warnings from authorities,” said His Majesty, reminding those concerned to take serious action to purge unlawful habits.
New Year’s Greetings
In ending his titah, His Majesty expressed his heartfelt appreciation to all levels of the civil service and security forces, including those working abroad; as well as the private sector for their sincere efforts in carrying out their respective tasks and responsibilities for the nation’s welfare.
“My family and I wish a Happy New Year 2015 to all citizens and residents of this country. I pray Allah SWT will continue to bless and protect us all and our country,” said His Majesty.
Sumber - The Brunei Times
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