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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

‘Average of 40 zakat applicants every month’

Khai Zem Mat Sani 

AN AVERAGE of more than 40 people register for zakat (tithe) every month, according to the minister of Religious Affairs yesterday.

Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Hj Awg Badaruddin Pengarah Dato Paduka Hj Awg Othman said around 40 to 50 people register for tithe every month.

During the 12th Legislative Council (LegCo), the minister also noted that the number of applicants is increasing from time to time.

“Not every applicant will be given the tithe. The tithe is only given to the right people... especially those who fall under six categories or asnaf,” he said.

The six categories are fakir miskin (poor and needy), muallaf (converts), amil (those appointed to collect tithe payments), al gharimin (those in debt but not due to extravagance or illicit habits), and ibnu sabil or musafir (a wayfarer in need of money while travelling).

YB Pehin Dato Ustaz Hj Awg Badaruddin said that the ministry has to follow the procedure in choosing the right person to receive the assistance.

“We must look at the requirements... are they really poor without any form of income, and if they do have jobs, is it (salary) enough?

“Another example, applying for school assistance, we have to look at the other forms of welfare. Is the person receiving any aid from the Community Development Department (JAPEM)? Do they really go to school as in if their attendance is not consistent, then definitely they will not be considered for school aid,” said the minister.

“With the tithe, we hoped the recipients can improve their livelihood. At the same time, we also urged people to find ways on how to earn for living,” he said.

Tithe in the sultanate is under the control of Brunei Islamic Religious Council (MUIB).

It is the highest body of Islamic religion in Brunei and has jurisdiction in the management of the collection and distribution of zakat since 1955.

Sumber - The Brunei Times

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