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Thursday, April 30, 2015
HM: ASEAN needs to be bolder
Rachel Thien
ASEAN needs to be bolder in striving for deeper integration that goes beyond the economy, said His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.
In his titah at the Southeast Asian leaders’ summit yesterday, His Majesty said ASEAN’s aspirations to be a community should focus not only on economic integration, but also on being a “highly competitive, innovative and relevant part of the global value chain”. The monarch said community-building is a constantly evolving process, and as ASEAN moves beyond 2015, it is necessary for the regional bloc to continue building on the achievements over the past decades to achieve greater integration.
ASEAN therefore needs to maintain its momentum and be bolder in striving for even deeper integration, His Majesty said, while giving Brunei's support to the priorities laid out by Malaysia as this year’s chair.
To achieve the ASEAN Community and generate further confidence in the region's political and economic stability, the Sultan said ASEAN's work this year must demonstrate its political will to fulfil all its commitments.
Public expectations will be high to see what positive steps ASEAN has taken towards realising an economic community that comprises a single market and production base that is inclusive, more dynamic and resilient to external shocks, His Majesty added.
The Sultan also touched on ASEAN’s progress in facilitating the cross border flow of goods, services and investments.
He said ASEAN has also succeeded in forming strong links with key economies outside ASEAN, which have brought the regional grouping greater economic prosperity.
As global economies become more integrated and interdependent, His Majesty said ASEAN needs the cooperation and support of all its partners.
To be a successful regional community in the wider global community of nations, His Majesty believes that ASEAN needs to further their cooperation with current and future potential partners.
His Majesty said since 1967, ASEAN has contributed to the peace and stability enjoyed by more than 600 million people in this region.
On the economic front, the monarch said ASEAN has enabled the region's overall trade to grow from US$10 billion ($13.3 billion) in 1967, to US$2.3 trillion ($3.06 trillion) in 2013.
Earlier, the monarch joined other leaders at the opening of the 26th ASEAN Summit at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, where Malaysian Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak said this is “ASEAN’s time”, and that it is imperative measures were established to continue the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib said in realising the AEC, removing barriers to trade goes beyond reducing tariffs and include the elimination of non-tariff barriers, such as overly burdensome regulation that hampers free and fair trade.
“We must accelerate programmes to harmonise standards, increase capital market and financial integration, and promote the freer movement of goods, services, investments and talents between our countries,” he said.
“It has been estimated that if infra-ASEAN trade was boosted from 24 per cent to 40 per cent, the incremental impact on the ASEAN economy could be 2.5 trillion dollars annually. It would result in a further seven trillion dollars spending on infrastructure.”
The prime minister said this year will be a milestone in the history of ASEAN, and that the vision of creating a single economy will be realised by the end of the year.
He also pointed out concerns over the South China Sea territorial dispute, saying that ASEAN must address the issue in a proactive, but also positive and constructive way.
“Respect for international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, must be the basis of the rules of engagement and activities in the South China Sea. As chairman, Malaysia hopes that we will achieve progress in our efforts towards the early conclusion of a Code of Conduct,” he said.
Accompanying His Majesty were Second Minister of Finance at the Prime Minister's Office YB Pehin Orang Kaya Laila Setia Dato Seri Setia Hj Abd Rahman Hj Ibrahim, Second Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade YB Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Dewa Dato Seri Setia Lim Jock Seng and Minister of Energy at the Prime Minister's Office YB Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Mohammad Yasmin Hj Umar.
Meanwhile in the afternoon, His Majesty flew over to Langkawi and joined his counterparts for the 26th ASEAN Summit Retreat and the closing ceremony of the sum-mit. Following the retreat and closing of the summit, the monarch and Her Majesty Duli Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha joined a barbeque dinner at Lang-kawi's Westin Hotel's poolside, hosted by the Malaysian prime minister and his spouse.
Accompanying His Majesty to the retreat were YB Pehin Dato Hj Abd Rahman, YB Pehin Dato Lim Jock Seng and YB Pehin Dato Hj Mohd Yasmin.
Sumber - The Brunei Times
MNLF affirms solidarity with MILF
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Exclusive: Japan considering joint U.S. air patrols in South China Sea - sources
By Nobuhiro Kubo, Tim Kelly and David Brunnstrom
(Reuters) - Japan's military is considering joining the United States in maritime air patrols in the South China Sea in response to China's increasingly assertive pursuit of territorial claims, a Japanese and a U.S. source familiar with the discussions said.
News of the deliberations came as Japan and the United States unveiled new defense guidelines during a visit to Washington by Japanese Prime Minster Shinzo Abe, reflecting his plans for Japan to take on a wider security role beyond the direct defense of its home islands.
While no concrete plans had yet been formulated, Japan could join U.S. patrols in the South China Sea, or operate patrols in rotation from the Japanese island of Okinawa on the edge of the East China Sea, the Japanese source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
So far the discussion is within the Japanese military, but any move to begin patrols would need civilian approval.
Japanese air patrols in an area where China is pushing disputed territorial claims, including though a massive program of land reclamation, would risk antagonizing Beijing.
But defense officials in Tokyo worry that doing nothing would allow China to eventually impose its authority over a region through which $5 trillion of sea-borne trade passes ever year - much of it heading to and from Japan.
"We have to show China that it doesn't own the sea," said the Japanese source.
A U.S. military source said a decision to begin flights in the South China Sea could prompt Tokyo to ask the Philippines for access to air bases under disaster relief training and other joint training exercises. This would give Japanese aircraft added range to stay out on patrol longer, he said, also speaking on condition of anonymity.
A senior Philippine military source said such access would not currently be possible, because Manila does not have any military co-operation agreement with Tokyo similar to the pact it has with Washington, which allows U.S. ships to use its bases to re-fuel, re-supply and make emergency repairs.
But Philippine President Benigno Aquino, one of the most vocal regional critics of China's reclamation program, is due to meet Abe in Tokyo in June, when the South China Sea issue is certain to be discussed.
U.S. President Barack Obama told reporters after talks with Abe on Tuesday that the two countries shared concerns about China's reclamation and construction activities in the South China Sea and were "united in our commitment to freedom of navigation and respect for international law".
He said the new defense guidelines meant U.S. and Japanese forces would be more flexible, and that Japan would "take on greater roles and responsibilities in the Asia-Pacific".
Neither he nor Abe detailed what those roles might be.
Japanese Defence Minister Gen Nakatani and Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida dodged questions about the possibility of joint patrolling of Asian sea lanes when pressed at a news conference with U.S. counterparts on Monday, saying legislation in Japan had still to be worked out and regional countries consulted.
Speaking at a daily briefing in Beijing on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the United States and Japan were "not involved in the South China Sea issue" and should not do anything to "complicate the situation".
The United States has a squadron of Lockheed Martin (LMT.N) P-3 Orion patrol planes and a squadron of new Boeing (BA.N) P-8 Poseidon sub-hunting aircraft in the region, six of which are stationed in Okinawa.
Japan operates a fleet of 70 P-3s in the seas around Japan and is due to deploy about 20 new Kawasaki Heavy (7012.T) P-1 patrol aircraft with twice the range of the older Orions over the next five years.
In an interview in January, Admiral Robert Thomas, commander of the U.S. Seventh Fleet, told Reuters that Washington would welcome Japanese air patrols in the South China Sea, because their presence would provide a stabilizing counterweight to a growing fleet of Chinese fishing and naval vessels.
Thomas's comment, which was criticized by the Chinese government, was quietly welcomed by some Japanese defense officials. It helped "break down a psychological barrier" that had made discussion about possible operations in the South China Sea a taboo, a Japanese defense ministry source told Reuters.
A spokesperson for the U.S. State Department said it was "not aware of any official plans or proposals for Japan to patrol the South China Sea" but welcomed "a more active role for Japan in ensuring stability and security in East Asia and globally, including in addressing maritime security challenges".
A senior U.S. defense official said last week details of future activities would have to be worked out as Japan completed domestic legislation needed to expand the role of its defense forces as it reinterprets the limits of its pacifist post-war constitution.
China claims about 90 percent of the 3.5 million sq km (1.35 million sq mile) South China Sea. The Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei and Vietnam also claim large parts.
At a regional summit in Malaysia on Monday the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) released their most critical statement yet of China's building of man-made islands on disputed reefs, which Washington and Tokyo worry will become military bases to police the area.
ASEAN said that China's reclamation program "eroded trust and confidence and may undermine peace, security and stability".
Sumber - Reuters
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Sebar luaskan sikap pemedulian kerajaan terhadap masyarakat
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Selasa, 21 April. - Sebagai usaha berterusan untuk meningkatkan hubungan dua hala di antara pihak kerajaan dengan rakyat dan rakyat dengan kerajaan, Jabatan Penerangan, Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM) hari ini meneruskan Program Sua Muka atau 'Personal Contact' ke kediaman Ketua Kampung Perpindahan Mata-Mata, Pengiran Haji Mohd. Salleh bin Pengiran Haji Abd. Rahman.
Rombongan diketuai oleh Pegawai Penerangan sebagai Ketua Unit Hubungan Masyarakat, Bahagian Kenegaraan dan Kemasyarakatan, Awang Ali Termizzi bin Haji Ramlli / Ramli serta para pegawai dan kakitangan yang lain di Jabatan Penerangan, JPM.
Dengan dikendalikan oleh Unit Hubungan Masyarakat, Bahagian Kenegaraan dan Kemasyarakatan jabatan berkenaan, program tersebut terus menjalinkan kolaborasi yang lebih erat dalam hal ehwal kemasyarakatan yang diharap dapat membina minda kesedaran sivik masyarakat yang menjurus ke arah cintakan agama, bangsa, raja dan Negara, selaras dengan aspirasi kerajaan dan rakyat Negara Brunei Darussalam.
Selain itu, program ini berkenaan juga berhasrat untuk menyebarluaskan sikap pemedulian pihak kerajaan terhadap masyarakat, membarigakan maklumat dan program serta perkembangan dan kemajuan mukim dan kampung selaras dengan pencapaian dan perkembangan semasa yang dijalankan atau diusahakan oleh Majlis Perundingan Mukim dan Kampung (MPMK) dalam sama-sama menjayakan projek atau program yang dirancangkan.
Sehubungan itu, dalam menyahut fungsi Jabatan Penerangan, selaku mata, telinga dan lidah kerajaan, menerusi program ini jua, maklumat-maklumat seperti isu-isu semasa dan dasar kerajaan dapat dikongsikan bersama di samping menerima maklum balas yang perlu diambil perhatian dan diambil tindakan oleh pihak-pihak yang berkenaan.
Sememangnya program yang menjurus kepada mendekati orang ramai secara bersua muka adalah masih relevan dalam zaman yang canggih ini kerana ia lebih bersifat ‘personal’ dan interaksi akan lebih berkesan serta dapat memberikan jalinan muhibah yang baik.
Oleh itu, hubungan baik yang terjalin antara warga Perkhidmatan Awam dan masyarakat akan dapat mewujudkan kemakmuran dan keharmonian masyarakat dan negara di mana ia disifatkan sangat penting dalam memelihara perpaduan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat.
Sifat integriti antara pemimpin akar umbi dan masyarakat setempat adalah penting untuk menunjukkan bahawa Kerajaan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam melalui Jabatan Penerangan sangat prihatin terhadap apa jua perkembangan, kemajuan serta masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh rakyat.
Kefahaman mengenai pemedulian pihak kerajaan terhadap rakyat juga adalah sangat penting untuk mengangkat kredibiliti kerajaan di mata masyarakat. Dengan adanya program sebegini ia akan dapat memupuk semangat kekitaan dan bertanggungjawab terhadap negara serta menyemai hubungan yang erat antara kerajaan dengan rakyat - rakyat dengan kerajaan.
Sumber - Pelita Brunei
‘Silence won’t prevent teen pregnancy’
Ak Md Khairuddin Pg Harun
SILENCE would not help in preventing teen pregnancies, the Brunei Darussalam AIDS Council president said yesterday.
Iswandy Ahmad said reproductive health is not openly discussed in Brunei, and the attitude of waiting for others to take action on social issues would only exacerbate the problem. Responding to the 3,405 teen pregnancies recorded from 2004 to 2013, he said a silent community is one of the reasons for the high numbers. “Young people are exposed to many things that may confuse them. Without proper life skills, education, right attitude and self-dignity, these social issues like teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are bound to happen,” he told The Brunei Times.
He said parents and teachers must help teenagers navigate in today’s world. “Teenagers nowadays have access to all kinds of information from their friends and the Internet. Showing them love and having an open ‘let’s talk about anything’ policy will help them feel free to speak to adults about matters that they need to know about,” said Iswandy.
“Any form of education should start at home, and reproductive health education — including aurat (covering parts of the body based on Islam) between mahram (legally married couple) and non-mahram — should be done at home to form a healthy social relationship,” he added.
Iswandy said reproductive health education is not an eve-ryday topic to be discussed openly as Asian culture is generally respectful. “Nonetheless, appropriate ways need to be addressed. For example, parents must relate teenage pregnancy to unhealthy relationships, where religion and society forbid the act of zina (fornication),” he said.
The president said reproductive health education includes Islamic teachings such as aurat, mandi wajib (full body cleansing) and fiqh munakahat (provisions of Islamic law on marriage). “We should not just copy and paste other countries’ ways. We should adapt to the culture in Brunei.”
Hj Saili Hj Chuchu, education officer at the Department of Schools, said parents should share the responsibility of educating their children on reproductive health so that they would understand the repercussions of pre-marital sex.
“Parents should stress the importance of culture and Islamic values to their children. We need to remind our children to stay away from zina (illegal sexual intercourse). At home, parents must strengthen their aqidah (faith),” he said, adding that the actions of children mirror that of their parents.
Parents should always remind their children that Islam prohibits unmarried males and females to be alone in a room as it may raise fitnah (false accusation). “When parents remind their young children at home about the repercussions of sexual activities outside marriage, the children would have strong Islamic values when they grow up,” he said.
Ali Yusri Abdul Ghafor, acting head/assistant director of Counselling and Career Section of the Department of Schools, said reproductive health education should be integrated with Islamic values and the MIB (Malay Muslim Monarchy) doctrine. “When we (school counsellors) are approached by students about topics pertaining to reproductive health education, we would remind them about Islamic values such as the sin of pre-marital sex and tell them about the moral obligation of preserving our MIB concept,” he said.
Ali Yusri, who has been counselling students since 1998, said the curiosity of students about reproductive health should be approached carefully to prevent the students from being misled about sexual intercourse.
Mazlan Hanif from Kg Rimba said he has never talked about reproductive health to his children. “It would be strange to teach your children on how to put on a con-dom. I think teaching this would make your children more curious about sex rather than preventing it,” said the 51-year-old father, who has four children.
He fears that teaching reproductive health to children would encourage them to experience pre-marital sex. “If we start to teach children on how to have safe sex, wouldn’t that encourage them to learn how to have sexual intercourse by putting on condoms and taking birth control pills?
“Even if you manage to teach your children about sex, you won’t get a response from them. Instead, they will talk with their friends. Now boys and girls become friends not like in the past. They will talk about it and who knows what will happen,” he added.
Another parent, Wahab, said: “Some parents are not aware that their children can access porn on the Internet and at the tip of their fingers. If this is left unchecked, it would be a problem.”
Sumber - The Brunei Times
Brunei must protect national food security
Daniel Wood
GLOBAL food developments in production, distribution and consumption, new and emerging pathogens, as well as antimicrobial resistance mean that national food security is constantly battling new threats.
The Ministry of Health (MoH), at the Belait district World Health Day 2015 Forum yesterday, said that it was well aware of the clear and present danger of food contamination posed by an increasing trend in tourism and trade.
Unsafe food has been related to some two million deaths annually, with the majority of them happening among children. Food contaminated by dangerous bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemicals have been proven to cause more than 200 diseases, including diarrhoea and cancer.
"Food safety faces many new threats such as changes in production technology, climate change, micro-organism change… All these issues… emphasise the need to strengthen the national food security system," said Dr Maimunah Hj Mokim, Senior Medical Officer, District Health Office, Belait.
MoH in statement to the press said that it would remain on constant alert, ensuring continuous monitoring to guarantee and protect public health. The Ministry recommended that Brunei adopt World Health Organization's (WHO) "from farm to plate" approach in global efforts to increase food safety.
This requires all stakeholders in the food production chain to play their roles, employing simple and practical methods described in WHO's food safety handbook Five Keys to Safer Food.
These are: keep clean, separate raw and cooked food, cook food thoroughly, keep food at safe temperatures, and use safe water and raw materials.
Four panel speakers from various health departments discussed a range of topics under the overarching theme of food safety, consistent with WHO's theme for 2015. Among the topics discussed were public food safety, food contamination by controlled products, food-related health risks and food safety from an Islamic perspective.
Some 200 people from the public and private sector, including food business owners, school food programme suppliers and canteen operators, farmers, food manufacturers and health professionals turned up for the event, participating in a question-and-answer session at the end of the presentations.
Participants also discussed food safety provisions under the Public Health Act (Food) Chapter 182.
Present as guest of honour was Belait District Officer Hj Haris Othman.
Sumber - The Brunei Times
Monday, April 20, 2015
Over 3,000 teen pregnancies in 10 years
Izzati Jalil
THE Maternal and Child Health Clinic has recorded over 3,000 teen pregnancies in 10 years, including an 11-year-old girl becoming the youngest mother in Brunei, a medical officer at the Health Promotion Centre said.
Dr Hjh Norol-Ehsan Hj Abd Hamid said a total of 3,405 teen pregnancies were reported from 2004 to 2013.
She said that even though the number of teen pregnancies seemed high, it does not give a clear picture as there are still those who are not registered at the health clinic.
The medical officer gave a talk on infectious diseases and teen pregnancies to Sayyidina Husain Secondary School students and staff yesterday.
She went on to say that the teen birth rate has declined almost continuously over the past decade, noting the drop of 456 unplanned teen pregnancies in 2004 to 264 in 2013. While there was a drop in the pregnancy rate for the 10-19 age group from 2004 and 2013, she said reported cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the sultanate have increased.
Dr Hjh Norol-Ehsan said statistics showed that there were 50 reported cases of teens suffering from STIs in 2000, while 68 cases were recorded in 2010.
Even though there’s only been an increase of 18 cases within a span of 10 years, the numbers are still alarming, she added.
“You may think you like someone so much that you engage in sexual activities with your girlfriend or boyfriend, but you must remember the risks and consequences that come with it,” she told the Year Nine students.
“What if you impregnate someone’s daughter or become pregnant just because you’re too in the moment? Who is going to be held accountable for the child? You must be responsible for your behaviour,” she continued.
The medical officer added that adolescents who are exposed to early sexual experiences are influenced by what they see on the media or even friends.
“With the easy access of media, you may feel curious to know more about sex or how it feels like, so that’s why youngsters engage in illicit activities despite it being forbidden by Islam,” she said.
Speaking to The Brunei Times, Dr Hjh Norol-Ehsan said she hoped the students would be able to share the knowledge with their peers who may not know about the consequences of having multiple sex partners.
“Some of the students don’t talk about it openly with their parents at home, so instead they talk among their friends and some of the information shared may not be accurate. Hopefully today will give them a more accurate outlook on teenage pregnancy and sex,” she said. A total of 216 students from Sayyidina Husain Secondary school attended the talk, which was held to raise awareness on the effects of unplanned pregnancy.
Sumber - The Brunei Times
27 World War II bombs found on Jln Ong Sum Ping
THE Royal Police Force (RBPF) last night confirmed that 27 unexploded bombs from World War II were discovered on Jln Ong Sum Ping.
In a press statement, the police said construction workers found the mortar bombs that were believed to be from the World War II era during the Japanese occupation of Brunei.
According to, 10,000 Japanese troops arrived at Kuala Belait during the Second World War on December 16, 1941. The Japanese occupation ended in 1945.
The statement said the supervisor of the construction workers lodged a police report around 11.35am yesterday.
As a result of the discovery, a part of Jalan Ong Sum Ping was closed yesterday.
The RBPF urged members of the public to refrain from touching or disturbing any suspicious or dangerous items.
The public are advised to inform the police by calling 993 or contact the nearest police station.
Sumber - The Brunei Times
3 Examples Of Exemplary Leadership Among Our ASEAN Neighbours
Written by Arief Irsyad
Everyone dreams of living in a country that is developed and advanced in terms of the people's mentality and social development.
But to get there, it all depends on a leader's wisdom navigating the nation towards that dream.
Malaysia is surrounded by immediate neighbours who exemplify at one point or another inspired leadership which charted the growth of Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia to greater heights.
An Iconic Leader In The Eyes Of The Nation
After the passing of Lee Kwan Yew, the Father of Modern Singapore, many people debated his role and influence in shaping Singapore's political scene over several decades.
Nevertheless, Singaporeans still look up to Lee whom they still consider as their greatest leader so far.
He proved his mettle as a capable leader in being able to reign in any political rift in his country.
Thanks to his firm stand in upholding the Sedition Act and Internal Security Act (ISA), politics in Singapore is civilized and orderly.
It is undeniable that like any other country, there exists opposing voices in Singapore who criticize Lee's administration but they do so respectfully.
While making known their disagreement over policies involved in governing the nation, the opposition never made personal attacks and always placed the country's interests above all else.
This was evident during his passing, the people of Singapore united in showing their love towards their former Prime Minister.
Even after Lee had retired from active politics, he was still highly regarded and continued to serve as advisor whose views were highly-respected just as when he was the country's leader.
In the eye of Singaporeans, he remains a great man.
No one can beat the greatness of Singaporeans spirit of unity and love for Lee Kwan Yew, the Father of Modern Singapore.
Loyalty To A Supreme Leader
Brunei Darussalam stands unique among its ASEAN neighbours as it is ruled by an absolute monarch, who in this modern age has managed to cement his reign of what is a model Islamic country in Southeast Asia.
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah has succeeded in commanding the undivided loyalty of his subjects who wholeheartedly embrace him as their King and accord him the respect he deserves.
Brunei is not like any other countries in Asia because there is no political party there. It really is all about one king and one voice.
Brunei is among the Islamic countries which has successfully implemented Hudud as a whole and the people of Brunei agree and respect Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah's decision.
There is no known opposition or resistance to his leadership as His Highness' tolerant and caring attitude has endeared him to his people.
Always with the interest of his nation at heart, he has been known to alight from his vehicle to direct traffic in Brunei.
As a result, the people of Brunei think highly of their ruler. His sincerity in caring for his nation and its people is reflected in the loyalty he commands in return from his subjects.
Brunei Darussalam is a small country but years ahead in comparison to other Islamic nations in Asia because of they have the right spirit and attitude in implementing Allah’s law.
People Power As A True Reflection Of Democracy
Indonesia is a shining example of a republic where the people’s voices reign supreme when choosing their leader which has seen seven presidents been installed and removed by people power.
Compared to its neighbours, it might appear less successful in terms of education and economy, but when it comes to exercising their democratic right, Indonesians exhibit uncommon spirit when opposing leaders that they deem as unfit to rule.
History stands witness during the historic episodes when Sukarno, Indonesia Father of Independence’s ruling, kings and sultans were overthrown by commoners because of the united show of people power. Indonesia protects its belief in a republic fiercely governed by a democratically elected leader, the president.
Starting from Sukarno, Suharto, Gusdur, Habibi, Megawati Suekarnoputri, Susilo Bambang Widoyono and now Joko Widodo, all were rightfully elected by the people in response to changing times.
For instance, Sukarno’s leadership enjoyed immense popular support followed by Suharto who exercised military rule during his era.
That Habibi’s ruling only lasted a few months have clearly proven that the support of Indonesians for their leader is crucial in determining the direction of the nation.
Indonesians do not have any qualms about changing their leader.
When the poeple stand together, there is nothing that can break their unity and combined power to determine the future of a nation or bring down a goverment which no longer enjoy the people's support.
We need to follow in the footsteps of these three Southeast Asian countries in terms of putting the interests of the nation, the people and its leadership above all else.
There are many ways to foster togetherness and unity as shown in these three countries which above all else benefitted from exemplery leadership which propelled their country forward.
Sumber - Malaysian Digest
Brunei Darussalam’s banks weather oil price volatility
Banks in Brunei Darussalam have so far weathered the impact of falling oil prices, winning plaudits from credit rating agencies for their resilience and stability.
Credit ratings agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) said in early March that the Sultanate’s strong economic base had dampened the effects of the drop in oil prices on the banking sector, echoing the view of the central banking authority, the Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD), earlier in the year.
“In our view, the low loan-to-deposit ratio and strong net external creditor position of the Brunei banking system mitigates [oil price-related] risks,” said S&P. Speaking about oil exporters more broadly, the agency noted the decline in global prices would result in lower government revenues and exports, reducing banking liquidity and potentially slowing sector growth and triggering an increase in non-performing loans. Nevertheless, it said that earnings buffers are sufficient to absorb losses in Brunei, alongside the six GCC member states, Kazakhstan, Malaysia and Nigeria, and it did not expect them to experience losses beyond its normalised estimates.
Strong capital levels
According to the AMBD, bank assets and deposits registered marginal declines of 3.7% and 4.3% respectively year-on-year in 2014, loans rose by 1% to $5.7bn and asset quality continues to improve. “The key financial soundness indicators in the banking sector were maintained at healthy levels [in 2014]. Strong capital and high liquidity levels, together with sustained earnings and improved credit risk management, resulted in maintaining financial system stability,” the AMBD said in a statement.
The positive outlook for banks is an achievement given that oil and gas account for more than half of the Sultanate’s economy and over 90% of exports. Oil revenues have helped foster a strong banking sector; many among the affluent population are able to bank with more than one institution and the government is a significant source of deposits. As S&P noted in March, “The banks are likely to maintain their substantial deposits from a wealthy government and its related entities, and the retail sector.”
The rise of Islamic banking in recent years has also helped the sector to flourish. Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) reported solid growth last year with a 7% increase in revenues and a 16% rise in profit, according to a recent statement from the Asian Banker. In February, S&P affirmed its BBB+ long-term rating for Baiduri Bank − the Sultanate’s biggest conventional bank − citing its stability. “We affirmed the ratings to reflect Baiduri’s stable businesses, sound management and strategy, and expected government support tempered by a loan book with high single-name concentration,” said Amit Pandey, S&P credit analyst.
Challenging times ahead
The endorsement is not to say banks will escape the oil price slump unscathed. Credit reform and the government's widening budget deficit are seen as the two main challenges. “A protracted weakness in oil price may enhance the challenges for the banking system. However, that is not our base case view on oil prices as of now,” added Pandey.
Minister of Finance II Pehin Dato Abd Rahman Ibrahim announced a total budget of $6.4bn for the 2015/16 fiscal year in March, with revenues projected at $4.12bn, about $1.5bn lower than last year. This will lead to a budget deficit of $2.28bn, representing about a tenth of GDP, which is among the highest in the ASEAN region.
“What we know for sure, these low oil prices will give significant impact and pressure to the economy of this country, as our private companies in the hydrocarbon sector recorded lower revenue, not to mention lower government revenue from the country’s main source of income,” said the minister.
However, reforms that have already been put in place and debt consolidation achieved through stricter financial measures are helping the banking sector.
Last October, the AMBD deregulated rates on housing loans, revoking regulations on profit rates on residential property financing for Islamic banks as well as interest rates on residential property loans for banks. In March 2013, the AMBD implemented a cap on interest rates or annualised profit rates for residential financing of 4.5%.
Speaking to OBG last year, the managing director of BIBD, Javed Ahmad, said the new regulations had been effective at limiting the amount of personal financing, establishing a fixed-rate pricing framework and setting a minimum deposit rate for investors.
Sumber - Oxford Business Group
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Presiden NDP turut hadir memenuhi jemputan ke Majlis Istiadat Persandingan dan Persantapan Diraja
Menjunjung kasih atas jemputan kedua-dua Majlis Istiadat Persandingan dan Persantapan Diraja Sempena Perkahwinan Diraja antara DYTM Pg Muda Abdul Malik dengan YTM Anak Isteri Pg Rabia'atul Adawiyyah.
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TYT Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden menghadiri Istiadat Persandingan Diraja di Istana Nurul Iman |
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TYT Presiden NDP bersama Ketua Penerangan dan Hal Ehwal Awam menghadiri Istiadat Persantapan yang diadakan di Istana Nurul Iman |
Perkahwinan Diraja diraikan dengan penuh gemilang
Oleh Salawati Haji Yahya
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 12 April – Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam dan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha berkenan berangkat ke Istiadat Persandingan Diraja di Balai Singgahsana Indera Buana, Istana Nurul Iman hari ini.
Istiadat kemuncak persandingan diraja di antara Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Duli Pengiran Muda ‘Abdul Malik dengan Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Raabi’atul ‘Adawiyyah berlangsung penuh gilang-gemilang dan penuh tradisi istiadat kebesaran diraja.
Berkenan berangkat ke Istiadat, Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Pengiran Muda Mahkota Pengiran Muda Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Anak Sarah, Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Pengiran Perdana Wazir Sahibul Himmah Wal-Waqar Pengiran Muda Mohamed Bolkiah dan Yang Teramat Mulia Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Zariah.
Berangkat sama Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Pengiran Bendahara Seri Maharaja Permaisuara Pengiran Muda Haji Sufri Bolkiah, Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Bini Hajah Faizah, Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Pengiran Digadong Sahibul Mal Pengiran Muda Haji Jefri Bolkiah, Yang Teramat Mulia Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Norhayati serta anggota kerabat diraja bersama-sama tetamu khas Baginda Sultan dan Baginda Raja Isteri.
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Baginda Sultan dan Baginda Raja Isteri berkenan bergambar ramai bersama kedua mempelai Pengantin Diraja dan ayahanda serta ibunda Pengantin Diraja perempuan |
Istiadat Persandingan Diraja dimulakan sejurus keberangkatan Baginda Sultan dan Baginda Raja Isteri serta kerabat diraja yang lain di Balai Singgahsana Indera Buana. Sejurus keberangkatan tiba Baginda Sultan dan Baginda Raja Isteri, pasangan pengantin diraja di junjung masuk ke balai berkenaan.
Pengantin Diraja Perempuan yang kelihatan sungguh ayu mengenakan pakaian tenunan berwarna kuning keemasan lengkap dengan perhiasan yang menambahkan keanggunannya dan kesopanannya mula-mula memasuki Balai Singgahsana, Istana Nurul Iman.
Kemudian, Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Duli Pengiran Muda ‘Abdul Malik berangkat masuk ke Balai Singgahsana dengan diapit sama oleh Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Pengiran Bendahara Seri Maharaja Permaisuara Pengiran Muda Haji Sufri Bolkiah dengan didahului pembawa alat-alat Perkahwinan Diraja dan dipimpin masuk Mufti Kerajaan, Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia (Dr) Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned.
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Kedua mempelai pengantin diraja ketika bersanding di Balai Singgahsana Indera Buana, Istana Nurul Iman |
Baginda Sultan seterusnya menapakkan tangan anakanda Baginda, YTM Pengiran Muda ‘Abdul Malik di atas kepala YAM Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Raabi’atul ‘Adawiyyah diiringi tembakan meriam 17 das.
Sejurus itu, Istiadat Bersanding dimulakan dengan bacaan Selawat oleh Yang Berhormat Pehin Dato Paduka Seri Setia (Dr) Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Aziz.
Sebaik saja selesai bacaan doa selamat, kedua-dua pengantin diraja berangkat meninggalkan Balai Singgahsana dengan dijunjung dan diapit oleh adindanya, Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Duli Pengiran Muda Abdul Wakeel yang didahului dengan dian tunggal.
Sumber - Media Permata
Monday, April 13, 2015
Jumaat 10 April 2015 Menalaudani Kehidupan Bekas Pejuang Kemerdekaan
Aktiviti Kembara Merdeka 2015 NDP diteruskan
lagi dengan menyantuni salah seorang pejuang kemerdekaan yang telah menyertai
pejuang-pejuang lainnya dalam menuntut kemerdekaan pada tahun 1962 dahulu. Rombongan
NDP yang diketuai oleh TYT. Presiden Saudara. Mahmud Morshidi Awang Othman telah
berkesempatan mengunjungi Saudara. Haji Azahari Bin Jais di gerai beliau di Tamu
Beliau bersama isteri telah berniaga di gerai makanan sejak limabelas tahun yang lalu sebagai salah satu usaha beliau bagi mencari rezeki . Selepas dibebaskan dari tahanan pada 7 Mac 1975, beliau pernah berkhidmat di Jabatan Penerangan; setelah berhenti dari situ beliau berusaha sendiri sebagai pemandu teksi .
Meninjau usaha beliau itu, beliau mengakui
pendapatan berniaga secara kecil-kecilan sepertinya itu ibarat dapat hari ini
untuk modal hari esok , kerana beliau juga terpaksa membayar gaji seorang
pekerja tempatan selain untuk
perbelanjaan anak beliau yang pada masa ini sedang menuntut di salah sebuah
Pusat Pengajian Tinggi dan juga menampung
kehidupan harian .
"Berniaga gerai makanan di sini,
memerlukan kesabaran dan ketabahan, kerana pelanggan tidak begitu ramai"
kata beliau sambil menyambung "kecuali hujung minggu seperti hari Jumaat
dan Ahad barulah ramai pelanggan yang datang, begitu juga pada hari-hari
kelepasan umum ."
Beliau menerangkan, mengikut syarat yang
dikenakan oleh pihak berkenaan, mereka hanya dibenarkan menjual secara bungkus
sahaja atau dalam bahasa biasa "tapau" sahaja. Peniaga tidak
dibenarkan menyediakan meja dan bangku untuk pelanggan duduk. "Jadi kadang-kadang
pelanggan terpaksa makan duduk sahaja di belakang gerai atau ditepi pagar
" tambah beliau.
Dalam pertemuan itu beliau mengusulkan supaya
pihak yang berkenaan akan membenarkan mereka menyediakan satu atau dua buah meja
dan beberapa buah kerusi walaupun hanya untuk beberapa orang sahaja bagi
memudahkan pelanggan mereka makan, kerana tidak semua pelanggan mereka membawa
makanan itu pulang malah ada yang terus makan di situ. Bagi menghormati mereka yang
semuanya berugama Islam adalah elok
mereka itu disediakan tempat makan.
Selain itu, beliau juga merayu supaya mereka
diberikan bantuan dan sokongan selaku
peniaga kecil ini dengan menyediakan dana khas untuk peniaga kecil-kecilan
seperti mereka dengan memberikan bantuan kewangan sebagai modal pendahuluan tanpa bayaran pada jumlah yang bersesuaian
atau serendah-rendahnya B$5,000.00 mengikut jenis dan saiz perniagaan . Dengan
adanya bantuan berkenaan dapatlah mereka gunakan untuk membeli peralatan dan kelengkapan yang
diperlukan selain sebagai modal pusingan untuk membeli bahan-bahan makanan yang
harganya tidak menentu dan mahal.
Selain daripada itu, beliau juga merayu untuk
dipertimbangkan supaya diberikan kouta seorang tukang masak berbangsa
Indonesia, kerana ramai pelanggan beliau terdiri daripada warga Indonesia.
Dalam hal ini tambahnya, dia pernah memohon
tambahan seorang pekerja sebagai tukang masak berkenaan tetapi tidak diberikan
kebenaran kerana syarat gerai berkenaan khusus untuk bumiputera dan orang
tempatan sahaja, namun kata beliau melihat kepada situasinya beliau sangat
memerlukan seorang tukang masak yang mahir dalam masakan Indonesia.
Beliau seterusnya berharap, supaya pihak yang
berkenaan akan dapat mempertimbangkan rayuan beliau yag juga turut dikongsikan
oleh rakan-rakan beliau di situ. Beliau terus menambah bahawa mereka berniaga
di situ bukan untuk mencari kaya tetapi hanya untuk mencari rezeki bagi
meneruskan sisa-sisa umurnya selepas keluar dari tahanan. Beliau tidak pernah
mengharapkan untuk meminta-minta jauh sekali mengharapkan bantuan sebagai fakir
miskin kerana menurut beliau, dia masih mampu berusaha mencari rezeki.
Pada akhir pertemuan beliau sempat menyembahkan
Ucapan Selamat Pengantin Diraja dan berdoa semoga kedua mempelai diraja itu
bahagia berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat mereka. Beliau juga menyembahkan
menjunjung kasih kerana dikurniakan pencen warga emas.
Melihat kepada kegigihan beliau berusaha
berniaga walaupun sudah menjangkau usia 75 tahun, sepatutnya
menjadi contoh kepada warga emas yang lain agar berusaha mencari dan menambah
rezeki masing-masing tanpa bergantung sepenuhnya kepada bantuan kerajaan.
Kembara Merdeka - Bersama Peniaga Kecil di Tamu Kianggeh
10 April 2015, BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN : Keheningan
Bandar Seri Begawan mencari ceria seketika setiap tiba fajar hari Jumaat dan Ahad menjelang.
Keriuhan dan kesebukan sebahagian kawasan
di sudut bandar berkenaan mengesankan jiwa di sekitar Tamu Kianggeh, satu-satunya
tamu harian yang ada di bandar berkenaan; kerana disitulah sebahagian kecil
peniaga-peniaga Melayu mengadu nasib mereka menjalankan perniagaan
kecil-kecilan mencari rezeki yang tidak seberapa, namun demi menyara diri dan
keluarga mereka tetap gigih walau apapun halangan dan rintangan.
Kesempatan berinteraksi dan membeli sebagian
barang di situ, rombongan Kembara Merdeka NDP yang diketuai oleh TYT. Sdra.
Mahmusd Morshidi, Presiden NDP tidak melepaskan peluang untuk beramah mesra dan
bertanyakan sesuatu kepada sebahagian peniaga di situ. Dalam gambar di atas
TYT. Presiden sempat menemubual seorang peniaga yang datang dari daerah
Temburong. Beliau hanya berniaga ke tamu berkenaan pada hari-hari Jumaat dan
Ahad sahaja dengan menaiki motor sangkut bersama beberapa orang rakan beliau
yang juga berniaga di situ. Pada hari itu beliau hanya menjual telor masin yang
dijeruk sendiri, kelupis berjalin beras merah, kueh wajid dan dua jenis kueh
bingka. Manakala di sebelah kanan beliau hanya berjual beberapa jenis kueh
kelupis berinti, udang galah yang sudah dimasak goreng dan bingka beras dan
bingka susu.
Di sudut lain rombongan Kembara Merdeka berkesempatan meninjau dan membeli sedikit barang iaitu asam aur-aur. Peniaga tersebut hanya menjual dua jenis barang sahaja selain buah kundur, namun demi untuk mendapat sedikit rezeki beliau tetap bersabar dan menanti pembeli.
Begitulah gigih dah tabahnya peniaga-peniaga
kecil-kecil di Tamu Kianggeh menari rezeki demi sesuao nasi kata salah seorang
peniaga yang sempat ditemui.
Kegigihan dan ketabahan peniaga-peniaga Melayu
di situ tidak dapat kita nafikan dan
sangkal, apabila meninjau dan melihat sendiri peniaga-peniaga di gerai Tamu Kianggeh
itu dengan barang-barang jualan yang tidak seberapa.
Beraneka jenis barang jualan di situ yang
terdiri daripada kueh mueh tradisi seperti kueh sepit, makanan cincin, kueh
jala , kueh rangin, kueh buah hulu. Hasil-hasil pertanian berbagai jenis sayur
seperti sayur lemiding, pakis, rebung. buha-buahan binjai, mempelam, jambu dan
lainnya. Begitu sebahagiannya berjual ikan-ikan yang mereka tangkap sendiri
seperti kembura, kitang, belais,udang.
Pendek kata pelbagai barang keperluan harian
hasil-hasil tempatan ada dijual di situ, tidak terkecuali hasil kraftangan
seperti parang, candung, tudong dulang (tudong saji) candas gegawi. Kerana
kepelbagaian barang itulah tamu berkenaan menjadi tarikan pembeli tidak
terkecuali para pelancung mengambil kesempatan untuk melihat dan membeli
barang-barnag yang boleh dijadikan buah tangan.
Apabila ditanya mengenai hasil jualan, mereka
mengatakan hanya sekadar cukup untuk modal bahan-bahan, belanja minyak motor
sangkut dan sedikit lebihan untuk modal pusingan dan . Walaupun pendapatan
hanya sedikit dan terpaksa mengharungi Sungai Temburong untuk berniaga ke tamu
itu namun mereka tetap sabar dan
bersyukor dengan rezeki yang sedikit itu dapat juga menampung perbelanjaan
seharian mereka.
Kesabaran mereka menunggu pelanggan dan
kegigihan serta ketabahan mencari rezeki itu selayaknya kita hargai, mereka
sanggup berjemur ketika panas , berbasah ketika hujan demi mendapatkan rezeki
daripada usaha dan titik peluh mereka tanpa mengadu atau meminta-minta daripada
Di sudut lain rombongan Kembara Merdeka berkesempatan meninjau dan membeli sedikit barang iaitu asam aur-aur. Peniaga tersebut hanya menjual dua jenis barang sahaja selain buah kundur, namun demi untuk mendapat sedikit rezeki beliau tetap bersabar dan menanti pembeli.
Manakala gambar di atas seorang nenek bersama
cucunya hanya menjual tiga piring sayur batang pisaang yang sudah dipotong,
sepiring lada , tiga piring kunyit, tiga botol lada kisar, seikat daun pisang
dan sepiring buah mangga muda. Tentu kita dapat mengira berapa pendapatan yang
diperolehinya waimapun barang tersebut habis dibeli.
Walaupun hanya dapat menjual sebelas piring
buah mempelam muda, peniaga ini tetap sabar menanti pelanggannya , jika ada
rezeki akan habislah jualannya itu; jika sebaliknya hanya itulah saja rezekinya
pada hari itu.
Mereka ini dikategorikan peniaga-peniaga
kecil-kecilan; dan jika lihat bolehlah digolongkan sebagai peniaga saradiri,
bukan untuk menjadi kaya mencari kekayaan tetapi sekadar dapat hidup dan
menyara diri sendiri dan keluarga. Sejauh mana mereka mempunyai dedikasi,
keazaman dan kesungguhan, kerana daripada pemerhatian , jualan mereka tidak
seberapa sekadar ada barang hendak dijual walaupun hanya dua tiga barang
sahaja, sayugia jua belum tentu semua barang jualan mereka habis dijual.
Dapatkah mereka menerima risiko ini walaupun itu merupakan asam garam berniaga
Melihat kepada kesungguhan, ketabahan dan usaha
mereka untuk mencari rezeki , kita sepatutnya dapat memberikan sesuatu
sumbangan atau bantuan bagi merengankan bebanan mereka seperti menyediakan Skim
Pembiayaan dan Bantuan Kewangan mengikut saiz perniagaan yang bertujuan
menyediakan modal kepada mereka pada kadar jumlah yang bersesuaian tanpa
bayaran; dengan pengawasan pihak yang berkenaan. Sekiranya mereka berjaya dan
mampu mengembangkan perniagaan maka jumlah pembiayaan bolehlah dipertimbangkan
untuk ditambah.
Peniaga ini hanya berniaga jeruk binjai. Sudah
cukup baginya untuk berniaga di situ walapupun terpaksa diberada di atas
jambatan tempat orang lalu lalang. Terbelakah nasib mereka ini jika kita hanya
memerhatikan sahaja tanpa berbuat sesuatu.
Jangan sampai ayam di kepuk mati kelaparan;
itik berenag mati kehausan dan anak-anak dibulan mati kelaparan. Mampu dan
sanggupkah kita menyaksikan limpahan rezeki di negara kita diabil oleh orang
luar sedang kita hanya jadi penonton di negara sendiri.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Time for Asean to push harder for Code of Conduct
By Richard Heydarian
The Philippines will host the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit this year and Chinese President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Wang Yi are both expected to attend.
That will provide an opportunity for both sides to revive their frayed top-level diplomatic channels. Ties between the two countries have deteriorated dramatically since 2012, largely due to their territorial spats in the South China Sea.
The informal dialogue between Mr Xi and his Filipino counterpart, President Benigno Aquino, in Beijing late last year marked the first face-to-face exchange between the two leaders and raised hopes for more conciliatory bilateral relations this year.
Unfortunately, however, there are growing signs that 2015 will be another challenging year. Recently, Mr Wang defended China's controversial reclamation work and construction of facilities in the contested waters as being "lawful and justified" and accused other claimants of engaging in illegal building. The five other claimants are the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan.
That salvo follows other signs of increasing acrimony, including a recent decision by Filipino officials to effectively evict 18 Chinese experts employed by the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP). The State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) has a 40 per cent stake in NGCP.
The Philippine government indirectly raised national security-related concerns as a basis for refusing to renew the visas of the Chinese nationals, who have been involved in operating, maintaining and expanding the Philip-pines' electric grid.
Last month, the Philippines was expected to submit additional arguments to the Arbitral Tribunal at The Hague, which is reviewing Manila's formal complaint against China's sweeping maritime claims and expanding paramilitary and construction activities in the South China Sea.
Favouring bilateral diplomacy, dialogue and consultation, Beijing has fervently opposed Manila's call for compulsory arbitration as an act of provocation.
China has responded by recently ramming three Filipino fishing boats navigating close to the Scarborough Shoal, a contested feature located 198km west of Subic Bay in the Philippines and 900km away from the nearest Chinese coastline, which Chinese paramilitary forces occupied after a perilous stand-off with the Philippine Navy in mid-2012.
Against the backdrop of renewed maritime tensions, Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario urged Asean to show unity and exhibit greater resolve. He warned that China's alleged aim to "establish full control" over the South China Sea represents a "watershed" moment for Asean's credibility.
Latest satellite imagery released by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington indicates expanding Chinese construction activities in the Spratly chain of islands where Beijing has reportedly been building artificial structures which can serve both civilian and military purposes. For instance, the Fiery Cross Reef, a highly strategic contested feature, has been artificially expanded by 11 times over, with approximately 200 Chinese troops garrisoned in the area.
Filipino defence officials estimate that China has completed almost half of its reclamation project in the Fiery Cross, which could host its own airstrip by the year-end as a potential prelude to the imposition of an Air Defence Identification Zone in the South China Sea.
This represents a flagrant violation of the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties (DOC) in the South China Sea, which explicitly discourages claimant states from unilaterally altering the status quo.
China has also just finalised a comprehensive survey of fishery resources in the contested areas, while celebrating the discovery of the Lingshui 17-2 gas field, which is located about 150km south of the Hainan province.
In retaliation, the Philippines has decided to move ahead with refurbishing its facilities on disputed features, particularly its airstrip on the Thitu island, the second-biggest feature in the Spratly chain of islands.
Dismissing Beijing's accusations of "hypocrisy", Manila contends that its "repair" operations are in "no way comparable to China's massive reclamation activities", which permanently and decisively alter the nature of contested features - a violation of international law.
Asean seems to have taken notice of this alarming situation.
During the Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM) in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, earlier this year, Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman stated that the participants in the two-day event "shared the concern raised by some foreign ministers on land reclamation in the South China Sea".
In the following weeks, at the Asean Defence Senior Officials' Meeting Plus, held in Kuala Lumpur, the Asean leadership pushed for placing the DOC and Code of Conduct (COC) issue on the agenda of the Asean Defence Ministers' Meeting Plus, which is to be held in November.
With Singapore slated to take over as the country coordinator for Asean-China relations in August, there is cautious optimism that there will be a more pro-active push on the COC issue.
Top Singaporean leaders have been increasingly vocal in their call for a rule-based resolution to the disputes in the South China Sea. Singapore's Foreign Minister K. Shanmugam stated recently that his country is committed to addressing growing worries over how "the progress on the COC was a little muted compared with the way land reclamation was being carried out", and that Singapore shares the "common goal to try and do as much as we can to try to get to a proper document on (the) COC".
There is growing expectation on Asean to deliver on the issue.
And there are, at the very least, growing signs that all key Asean members have refused to turn a blind eye to China's posturing in the South China Sea.
It is high time for Asean to ramp up its efforts to implement the DOC and negotiate the final contours of a COC in the region, Otherwise, anxious claimant states such as the Philippines would have little choice but to increasingly rely on alternative strategies to push back against Chinese territorial assertiveness.
Sumber - The Straits Times
NDP turut menyampaikan ucapan takziah
Limbaruh Hijau, 29 Mac 2015
NDP Turut merakamkan ucapan takziah atas kepergian Mendiang Lee Kuan Yew, bekas Perdana Menteri Singapura yang pertama yang telah meninggal dunia di Hospital Besar Singapura pada kira-kira jam 3.18 pagi 22 Mac 2015 yang lalu.
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Timbalan Presiden NDP Saudara Hj Juneed Ramli ketika menandatangani buku ucapan takziah |
Rombongan NDP yang diketuai oleh Timbalan Presiden, Saudara Hj Juneed bin Ramli berangkat ke Kedutaan Singapura di ibunegara petang Ahad kemarin bagi sama-sama merakamkan ucapan takziah dengan menandatangani buku takziah di kedutaan tersebut. Turut berangkat bersama Timbalan Presiden ialah, Pengerusi Tetap Saudara Hj Abdul Rahman Yusof, Timbalan Pengerusi Tetap Saudara Mahdi Hj Md Suhaili, Naib Presiden Daerah Belait Pg Hj Zainal Pg Talib dan salah seorang anggota Dewan Harian iaitu Saudara Hj Mohd Ali Yusuf.
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Pengerusi Tetap NDP Saudara Hj Abdul Rahman Yusuf menandatangani buku lawatan sebaik sahaja tiba di Kedutaan Besar Republik Singapura |
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Bergambar kenang-kenangan, rombongan NDP sebelum meninggalkan bangunan Kedutaan Besar Republik Singapura setelah selesai menandatangani buku ucapan takziah |
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
HM censures police for corrupt practices
Quratul-Ain Bandial
HIS Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mui’izzaddin Waddaulah, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, publicly censured the Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) yesterday for corrupt practices, questioning why only 21 per cent of criminal cases were solved in 2014.
The monarch, in his capacity as Inspector-General of RBPF, made an impromptu visit to the police headquarters in Gadong, casting a scrutinising light on police operations.
In a titah delivered at the Officers’ Mess, His Majesty cited several cases of police corruption, including the case of a high-ranking police officer indicted for graft two weeks ago. The superintendent in question allegedly accepted a luxury car from a convicted criminal in exchange for helping him cross the border illegally.
“These cases have happened many times in the past – of policeman receiving or demanding bribes from offenders. Although the policeman has done the right thing by apprehending the offender, but somehow shamelessly changes his mind by asking for something in return for letting the offenders go scot-free instead of bringing them to justice.”
The Sultan said this had been the case with traffic offenders and those found committing khalwat (close proximity). He added that police officers have also been found to be involved in immoral activities, such as gambling, drinking and smuggling banned goods.
“Such elements of lawlessness, if the police are also implicated, will taint the image of the police force,” he stressed.
“We are worried this syndrome has infected our police force, as evidenced by the statistics of crimes occurring in 2014, when a total of 6,824 cases were recorded but only 1,228 or 21 per cent were solved. Where are the other 5,596 cases which were not heard of?”
His Majesty added that these statistics do not include more serious crimes, such as murder and armed robbery, which the police have so far “failed to bring to justice”.
“The failure to solve these cases undoubtedly is due to weakness… such as police officers who are not competent to look after public safety, dishonesty, disloyalty, and lack of integrity.”
He said evidence seized during criminal investigations are frequently reported missing due to carelessness and “acts committed by deceitful hands”.
“Many criminal cases cannot be brought to court because the files have gone missing. Why are they missing or lost? Were these made to disappear deliberately to dispose of material evidence or simply due to the carelessness of the investigating officers?”
The monarch said all these issues were proof of police inefficiency, and that Islam severely condemns corruption, whether for material gain or the accrual of power.
“Bribery is undoubtedly dangerous to the nation. Because of corrupt practices the government machinery can be adversely affected, and when the government machinery is affected, the provision of services to the people will be compromised.”
His Majesty said both the bribe-giver and bribe-taker should be punished equally, yet it is usually just the bribe-taker who gets dragged to court.
“Are the bribe-givers given protection because they have provided information? … Bribe-takers have been arrested, while the bribe-givers are freed. Is it because we have come to regard collaborating with the authorities as a right to legal protection?
“If this is true, letting go of the bribe-giver and punishing the bribe-taker is an act that is one-sided, in disregard for the principles of justice. Both are both guilty and deserve to be punished in Hell as promised by Allah (SWT),” he said, asking the relevant authorities to look into the matter.
The Sultan also urged police personnel “not to be weak”, and avoid corruption at all costs.
“Being a member of the police is an honourable occupation, respected by people of all walks of life. It is also a force that looks after the security of the nation… That is why it is essential for holders of the post to maintain their reputation, and at the same time be firm and honest.”
“Corruption is a disease, the destroyer of happiness. Those perpetuating corruption or bribery are criminals. Punish them justly,” he said.
Sumber - The Brunei Times
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