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Thursday, February 25, 2016

ASEAN, China And The US: An Uneasy and Fragile Triangle

ASEAN-US Special Leaders’ Summit – February 2016

Jean-Pierre Lehmann

THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT that, symbolically at least, the recent U.S.-ASEAN Special Leaders’ Summit in California was a historic event.

I was in the ASEAN region 50 years ago when ASEAN per se did not yet exist; it was founded the following year, 1967, by five of its current ten members: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, which were later joined by Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia. At the time Southeast Asia was the world’s bloodiest battlefield, with not only the Vietnam War raging but also insurrections and risks of wars between countries. With the establishment at the end of 2015 of the ASEAN Economic Community, the group has had a highly successful journey.

This is all the more remarkable in that no region in the world contains such religious, political and economic diversity (as well as diverse colonial histories) as Southeast Asia. In recent decades, notwithstanding its multiple fault lines, ASEAN has been an island of comparative stability in what has been and is increasingly a turbulent world. The contrast between Southeast Asia and Southwest Asia (the Levant) is particularly striking. In this context it has to be said that the U.S., since its defeat in the Vietnam War 40 years ago, has been, on balance, a benign force, both in respect to security and economic development.

This stability, however, must not be taken for granted. It is fragile: There are various social, environmental, economic, political and ideological threats within countries, and potential areas of conflict between countries. Furthermore, while one cannot say that the U.S.’ role has become hostile in the region, it is ambivalent. The U.S.-ASEAN summit is presumably a component of the “pivot to Asia” strategy, but it is not clear what the “pivot to Asia” means, nor to what it is directed.

The really grave threat would be if ASEAN becomes a proxy battlefield between the superpower U.S. and the rising great power China, somewhat comparable to the position of the Balkans between the great powers on the eve of World War I. Many issues could exacerbate not only tensions between China and the U.S. but also among ASEAN member states. Two especially stand out.

TPP – The Exclusive (no China) Partnership

With the collapse of the multilateral WTO Doha Round, Washington has been pursuing various regional and megaregional trade policy initiatives. The TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) consists of a dozen Pacific countries from Latin America, North America and East Asia, including four ASEAN member states: Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam. It excludes China. Whereas the Washington rhetoric argues that TPP (like its Atlantic counterpart, TTIP) is a building block to a more liberal global trade order, others, notably but not only in Beijing, see it as a stumbling block, divisive and exclusive. The regional trade dynamics could become highly geopoliticized.

The second and potentially most explosive issue is the South China Sea. It is an immensely complex issue not only for the Asia-Pacific region but also the world. Territorial disputes are especially acute between China and four ASEAN states, three of which (Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam) are also members of TPP (the fourth is the Philippines).

From the perspective of the U.S. and the threatened ASEAN countries, China appears in the South China Sea as a rising territory-grabbing imperialist nation impeding freedom of navigation. From the Chinese perspective the South China Sea is as critical to its security as the Caribbean was to the U.S. at a time when it was seeking its place in the global sun. The U.S. transformed the Caribbean into an American lake, as the Chinese wish to transform the South China Sea into a Chinese lake.

With China highly dependent on supplies of vital resources, notably energy, minerals and food, any disruption in the South China Sea, particularly the geopolitically critical Malacca Strait, threatens the lifeline to China’s 1.3 billion people.

Just as there is no unanimous view among ASEAN member states about TPP, there is no unanimous view about the South China Sea. To avoid transforming the region once again into a battlefield, visionary statesmanship will be called upon from all key actors: China, the U.S. and the ten member states of ASEAN.

It is, to put it mildly, a bit worrying.

Sumber - Forbes

Private sector,youth urged to step up diversification efforts

Rachel Thien, Waqiuddin Rajak and Quratul-Ain Bandial

THE volatile oil prices have forced Brunei to conduct a reality check on its economy, with senior government officials saying it is time for youth and the private sector to step up.

Minister of Communications Yang Berhormat Dato Paduka Hj Mustappa Hj Sirat said the instability of oil prices has time and again reminded the need to increase diversification efforts and seek other ways to grow the economy.

“No doubt as a nation, we have done much to strengthen our national unity, progress and peace. But in the face of economic uncertainty challenges, we have to do a reality check and look at our economic fundamentals,” he said on the sidelines of the 32nd National Day parade yesterday.

YB Dato Hj Mustappa said economic fundamentals meant focusing more on the important role of the private sector in boosting the economy, and in manpower development.

He said the government has taken “important measures” to improve the business climate including reducing bureaucracy and ease of doing business.

“The Ministry of Communications is at the moment, taking an active role in looking at enhancing the mobility of people, goods and services by improving connectivity and reliability in public transport system.

“This in turn will hopefully create dynamism and opportunities, economic space, resilience and competitiveness. But more importantly, it also helps in addressing other social issues related to immobility in the country,” he added.

Minister of Energy and Industry at the Prime Minister’s Office YB Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Mohammad Yasmin Hj Umar said entrepreneurs should take heed of the monarch’s titah to do more for Brunei. “We have been through the good and bad sides of oil prices. I wish to repeat that as long as we stick to our own ways of overcoming issues and according to our basic principle of MIB, I see no issue for us in trying to move onto the next level.

“His Majesty has said that we have our own ways to deal with any situation, and that our MIB philosophy always plays an important role. We must look at our challenges and turn them into opportunities, and this is where we have to work hard,” he continued.

Following his recent working trip to the United States, the minister said it is clear that innovation, entrepreneurship and digital economy are where the world economy is heading. “This is why we want our ease of doing business to be very efficient and made into a one-stop centre, and we are working and heading into that direction,” the minister said.

With the launch of Darussalam Enterprise (DARe), the new statutory body that is driven by industry players to nurture and support local enterprises from startup to growth, the minister said the climate of doing business will improve here. “I think our entrepreneurs have a lot of potential. They have a lot of capability and they are as good as any other entrepreneurs outside of Brunei.

“I have confidence that with our young talents who are thriving abroad, and this is a positive sign,” he added.

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Lailaraja Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Hj Awg Halbi Hj Mohd Yusof said citizens should not be reliant on the government for handouts.

“The content of the titah is very explicit. We hope that the young generation will take heed of the titah. They need to start thinking of building the country. They have to realise they are important agents of change,” he added.

Meanwhile, Legislative Council (LegCo) representative of Belait District Zone 1 Yang Berhormat Hj Mohd Shafiee Ahmad said projects need to be prioritised according to the demands and needs of the country.

He reminded the public to spend prudently, as well as support government initiatives in boosting the country’s economic growth. “Let’s unite and maintain Brunei as being a beautiful, prosperous and peaceful country, and to be fully committed in living with our MIB philosophy and being a Zikir Nation,” he said.

Another LegCo member YB Pehin Datu Imam Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Hj Awg Abdul Hamid Bakal said members of the public should try to be less dependent on the government, and support its move in finding businesses and industries that can be developed.

“The government is encouraging the people to do their best in developing other sectors, and had been spending the budget wisely to help stabilise Brunei’s economy.

“So let us be less dependent on the government and have our own initiatives on how we can help improve our beloved country,” he added.

Sumber - The Brunei Times

Ahli NDP turut serta perbarisan sambutan Hari Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam ke-32 tahun

Seramai lebih 100 orang di kalangan ahli-ahli Parti Pembangunan Bangsa di ketuai oleh TYT Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden telah menyertai Perbarisan Sempena Sambutan Ulangtahun Hari Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam ke-32 tahun pada 23hb Februari 2016.

China mengesahkan ‘senjata’ di pulau pertikaian

BEIJING, 18 Feb (AFP) – China mengesahkan ia mempunyai senjata di sebuah pulau yang dipertikaikan di Laut China Selatan, kata media negeri hari ini, tatkala Setiausaha Negara AS John Kerry mengecam Beijing atas ‘penenteraan’ rantau penting itu.

AS dan Taiwan berkata China telah menghantar peluru berpandu ke Pulau Woody, sebahagian daripada rangkaian Paracels, selepas Fox News melaporkan senjata itu telah tiba di sana sejak seminggu lalu.

Beijing menuntut kesemua Paracels, walaupun Hanoi dan Taipei mempunyai tuntutan bertindan. China merampas beberapa pulau dari Selatan Vietnam dalam pertempuran berdarah pada akhir Perang Vietnam.

Kementerian Pertahanan China mengesahkan “China telah menghantar senjata di pulau itu untuk masa yang lama,” lapor akhbar Global Times, yang mempunyai hubungan erat dengan parti pemerintah Komunis. Ia tidak menyatakan senjata tersebut berada di pulau.

Namun ia berusaha tidak mengheboh penghantaran berkenaan, berkata laporan terbaru merupakan contoh media Barat yang memain ‘helah yang sama’ mengenai ‘ancaman China,’ akhbar memetik pejabat berita kementerian sebagai berkata.

Ketegangan di laut di mana satu pertiga daripada minyak dunia melaluinya telah meningkat dalam beberapa bulan ini sejak China memindah terumbu di pulau Spratly ke selatan di pulau tiruan yang berupaya menampung kemudahan tentera.

Washington berkata tindakan Beijing mengugut laluan bebas di kawasan penting itu dan telah menghantar kapal perang berhampiran dengan pulau yang dipertikaikan untuk menuntut kebebasan pelayaran, sekaligus menimbulkan kebimbangan perluasan.

Sementara itu Beijing menegaskan ia mempunyai hak untuk membina sistem ‘pertahanan diri’ di rantau tersebut. Satu editorial pada hari ini dalam akhbar Global Times berkata AS telah “menyuntik elemen paling banyak tentera di rantau.”

Sumber - Media Permata

Titah KDYMM Sempena Sambutan Hari Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam Kali Ke-32, Tahun 2016


Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Alhamdulillah  Rabbil ‘Alameen, Wabihiee Nasta’eenu ‘Alaa Umuuriddunya Wadden, Wassalaatu’ Wassalaamu ‘Ala Asyarafil Mursaleen, Sayyidina Muhammaddin, Wa’alaa Aalihee Wasahbihee Ajma’een, Waba’du.

Beta gembira bahawa “Generasi Berwawasan” masih saja diteruskan sebagai tema Sambutan Hari Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam pada tahun ini. Ini bersesuaian, sebagai sebuah negara yang berhasrat untuk terus maju, yang benar-benar memerlukan generasinya yang berwawasan. Satu soalan penting di sini ialah, apakah bentuk dan ramuan-ramuan utama Generasi Berwawasan itu?

Pada hemat Beta, Generasi Berwawasan ialah mereka yang bijak menangani apa jua cabaran, dan menjadikan cabaran itu sebagai peluang-peluang atau opportunities untuk meningkatkan lagi kesejahteraan hidup bernegara. Hakikatnya, dunia ini sentiasa diasak oleh perubahan dan pergolakan, yang menjadikan semua negara termasuk juga kita, tidak terlepas dari pelbagai cabaran.

Cabaran sangat berpotensi untuk membawa kepada perubahan. Kerana itu, janganlah takut kepada cabaran. Cuma, cabaran itu mestilah dihadapi dengan bijaksana. Kebijaksanaanlah yang menentukan corak perubahan kepada yang lebih baik.

Rancangan-rancangan atau pelan-pelan tindakan, semuanya itu memerlukan kebijaksanaan. Tanpa kebijaksanaan, segala usaha boleh saja gagal atau tidak memuaskan.

Dalam merancang dan bertindak juga memerlukan ‘dasar’ yang jelas, bukan sesuka hati sahaja. Dasar kita di negara ini ialah MIB. Maka semua rancangan dan tindakan itu mestilah berlandaskan MIB.

Dasar yang kukuh dan sempurna mampu, untuk memangkin pembangunan, di samping juga mampu, untuk melahirkan masyarakat yang baik. Masyarakat yang baik adalah aset dan pasak bagi negara.

Sifat-sifat masyarakat yang baik ialah seperti jujur, sabar, amanah dan baik hati. Daripada sifat-sifat inilah akan membuahkan suasana dan keadaan yang disenangi, iaitu kehidupan bersatu padu dan harmoni.

Kita memerlukan perpaduan dan keharmonian, kerana daripada keduanya itulah akan lahir keamanan dan kestabilan. Keamanan dan kestabilan pula amat penting untuk pembangunan, sehingga tanpa keduanya itu, pembangunan tidak mungkin dilaksanakan.

Inilah harga keamanan dan kestabilan itu. Seyogia kita semua, sama-sama memeliharanya.

Keamanan dan kestabilan tidak boleh roboh walau apa pun keadaan. Jika ia roboh, walau dalam keadaan kita makmur, maka kemakmuran itu tidak akan memberi makna apa-apa. Apatah  lagi di sa’at-sa’at ekonomi lembap, ia adalah lebih-lebih lagi diperlukan untuk mengimbangi keadaan.

Kesejahteraan masih saja boleh diraih dari keamanan, walaupun ekonomi global bermasalah. Dengan bermodalkan keamanan, kita masih saja ada peluang untuk memperbaiki keadaan, sama ada melalui usaha-usaha peningkatan ataupun setakat bertahan. Maksud Beta dengan bertahan di sini, ialah seperti langkah berjimat, sementara kita menunggu fajar baru ekonomi kembali pulih.

Yang penting di sini ialah sikap berani dan optimis. Setiap orang perlu berani menjadi peneroka, di samping berfikiran terbuka dengan apa-apa yang diteroka itu.

Peneroka yang berani adalah individu yang hebat, walaupun yang diteroka itu cuma berskala kecil atau sederhana sahaja, seperti seorang pengusaha yang baru berlatih memulakan perusahaannya.

Inilah yang kita perlukan. Negara sangat memerlukan orang-orang seperti ini. Manakala rakyat lebih berani menjadi peneroka, maka kesannya kepada kemajuan adalah positif, dan hasil Keluaran Dalam Negeri Kasar juga boleh ditunggu untuk meningkat.

Brunei Darussalam adalah sebuah negara merdeka. Kita selaku rakyat dan penduduk adalah dituntut untuk membebaskan diri daripada segala sikap yang merugikan. Diantara sikap merugikan itu ialah, suka berpeluk tubuh dan ketandusan semangat patriotik.

Sikap seperti ini, sepatutnya, tidak ada lagi dalam era merdeka. Kerana kemerdekaan itu sendiri merupakan perangsang atau penggerak ke arah lebih super dan lebih progressive, bukan lebih culas dan lemah.

Untuk akhirnya, Beta sukacita merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua peserta dan petugas serta ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa-Jawatankuasa yang sama-sama berusaha dalam menjayakan Sambutan Perayaan Ulang Tahun Ke-32 Hari Kebangsaan pada tahun ini.

Beta juga merakamkan ucapan yang sama kepada semua lapisan rakyat, meliputi semua peringkat warga Perkhidmatan Awam, termasuk mereka yang bertugas di luar negara, Pasukan-Pasukan Keselamatan serta mereka yang berkhidmat di sektor swasta dengan iringan doa semoga kita dan negara akan sentiasa berada di dalam pemeliharaan dan perlindungan Allah jua, Amin.

Sekian, Wabillahit Taufeq Walhidayah,  Wassalamu ‘Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

KDYMM: Hadapi cabaran dengan bijaksana

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Isnin, 22 Februari. - Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam bertitah, dunia ini sentiasa diasak oleh perubahan dan pergolakan yang menjadikan semua negara termasuk Negara Brunei Darussalam tidak terlepas dari pelbagai cabaran.

''Cabaran sangat berpotensi untuk membawa kepada perubahan kerana itu janganlah takut kepada cabaran. Cuma, cabaran itu mestilah dihadapi dengan bijaksana. Kebijaksanaanlah yang menentukan corak perubahan kepada yang lebih baik,'' titah Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam sempena Sambutan Ulang Tahun Hari Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam Ke-32, di Istana Nurul Iman.

Baginda bertitah, rancangan-rancangan atau pelan-pelan tindakan, semuanya memerlukan kebijaksanaan kerana tanpa kebijaksanaan segala usaha boleh saja gagal atau tidak memuaskan.

''Dalam merancang dan bertindak juga memerlukan 'dasar' yang jelas, bukan sesuka hati sahaja. Dasar kita di negara ini ialah MIB. Maka semua rancangan dan tindakan itu mestilah berlandaskan MIB,'' titah baginda.

Oleh yang demikian, baginda bertitah, dasar yang kukuh dan sempurna mampu untuk memangkin pembangunan, di samping juga mampu untuk melahirkan masyarakat yang baik kerana masyarakat yang baik adalah aset dan pasak bagi negara.

Baginda bertitah, mengingatkan sifat-sifat masyarakat yang baik ialah seperti jujur, sabar, amanah dan baik hati. Daripada sifat-sifat itu akan membuahkan suasana dan keadaan yang disenangi, iaitu kehidupan bersatu padu dan harmoni.

Terdahulu dari itu, Kebawah DYMM Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam bertitah, melahirkan rasa gembira mengenai tema Sambutan Hari Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam, 'Generasi Berwawasan' yang masih diteruskan pada tahun ini.

''Ini bersesuaian, sebagai sebuah negara yang berhasrat untuk terus maju, yang benar-benar memerlukan generasinya yang berwawasan,'' titah baginda.

Dalam pada itu, baginda menekankan satu persoalan penting mengenai apakah bentuk dan ramuan-ramuan utama Generasi Berwawasan itu?

Pada hemat baginda, Generasi Berwawasan ialah mereka yang bijak menangani apa juga cabaran dan menjadikan cabaran itu sebagai peluang-peluang atau opportunities untuk meningkatkan lagi kesejahteraan hidup bernegara.

Sumber - Pelita Brunei

Keamanan dan kestabilan perlu dipelihara

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Isnin, 22 Februari. - Walaupun ekonomi global bermasalah, namun kesejahteraan masih sahaja boleh diraih dari keamanan kerana keamanan dan kestabilan tidak boleh roboh walau apapun keadaan.

Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam bertitah, jika ia roboh, walau dalam keadaan kita makmur, maka kemakmuran itu tidak akan memberi apa-apa.

Kerana itu, titah baginda, perpaduan dan keharmonian itu perlu kerana daripada keduanya itulah akan lahir keamanan dan kestabilan. Keamanan dan kestabilan pula amat penting untuk pembangunan, sehingga tanpa keduanya itu, pembangunan tidak mungkin dilaksanakan. Inilah harga keamanan dan kestabilan itu. Kerana itu kita perlu semua sama-sama memeliharanya.

''Apatah lagi di saat-saat ekonomi lembab, ia adalah lebih-lebih lagi diperlukan untuk mengimbangi keadaan,'' tegas baginda lagi sempena Sambutan Ulang Tahun Hari Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam Ke-32 Tahun.

Dengan bermodalkan keamanan, titah baginda, kita masih saja ada peluang untuk memperbaiki keadaan sama ada melalui usaha-usaha peningkatan ataupun setakat bertahan.

''Maksud beta dengan bertahan di sini, ialah seperti langkah berjimat, sementara kita menunggu fajar baru ekonomi kembali pulih,'' titah baginda lagi.

Sumber - Pelita Brunei

Berpeluk tubuh, tandus semangat patriotik merugikan

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Isnin, 22 Februari. - Kita selaku rakyat dan penduduk adalah dituntut untuk membebaskan diri daripada segala sikap yang merugikan.

Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam bertitah, di antara sikap merugikan itu ialah, suka berpeluk tubuh dan ketandusan semangat patriotik.

Baginda bertitah demikian sempena Sambutan Ulang Tahun Hari Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam Ke-32 yang disiarkan ke seluruh negara melalui Radio dan Televisyen Brunei, Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia menegaskan, sikap seperti ini, sepatutnya tidak ada lagi dalam era merdeka kerana kemerdekaan itu sendiri merupakan perangsang atau penggerak ke arah lebih 'super' dan lebih 'progressive', bukan lebih 'culas' dan lemah.

Baginda juga menegaskan, ialah apa yang penting adalah sikap berani dan optimis. Setiap orang perlu berani menjadi peneroka, di samping berfikiran terbuka dengan apa-apa yang diteroka itu.

Peneroka yang berani adalah individu hebat, walaupun yang diteroka itu cuma berskala kecil atau sederhana sahaja, seperti seorang pengusaha yang baru berlatih memulakan perusahaannya.

Inilah yang kita perlukan. Negara sangat memerlukan orang-orang seperti ini. Manakala rakyat lebih berani menjadi peneroka, maka kesannya kepada kemajuan adalah positif, dan Hasil Keluaran Dalam Negeri Kasar juga boleh ditunggu untuk meningkat.

Sumber - Pelita Brunei

Nearly 40% UNISSA graduates still unemployed: statistics

Ak Md Khairuddin Pg Harun

NEARLY 40 per cent of Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) bachelor’s degree graduates from 2011 and 2014 are still unemployed, according to the latest statistics from the university’s Academic Registrar’s Office.

In an interview with The Brunei Times, the Islamic university’s Acting Academic Registrar, Hayattuddin Hj Moksin, said the figure was gathered at the end of last year to determine the number of the institution’s unemployed graduates.

For the period from 2011 and 2014, the Islamic university has produced a total of 348 bachelor’s degree graduates. Of the total, 146 are employed, 73 are continuing their studies and the rest are still unemployed.

Hayattuddin said the university is in the process of providing more workshops and practical courses to enhance the career marketability of the students. “This year we want our undergraduates to undergo work experience at various government departments to expose them to the working environment during their third year. For those taking Usuluddin, they will work at Islamic Da’wah Centre, while those taking syariah and law will work at law firms or the magistrates’ courts,” he said.

“We are planning to get feedback from departments and companies that our graduates are currently working for. We also found that job seekers (unemployed) from our university applied for attachment programmes at various government departments and private sectors. This feedback will hopefully help us provide the best courses that is of high demand in the market,” he said.

“We want to tell the members of the public that UNISSA graduates possess similar English language skills and competencies with other foreign and local universities,” said Hayattuddin.

Sumber - The Brunei Times

Majority of Brunei farms suitable for rice production: study


A MAJORITY of areas that are used for rice production in the Brunei-Muara and Temburong district have been identified as environmentally suitable for commercial production, according to government studies.

In a press statement sent by the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism (MPRT) yesterday, a presentation was delivered regarding the ‘Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment Studies’ at the Department of Agriculture and Agrifood headquarters earlier this week.

The findings revealed that the areas that will contribute significantly to national rice production include Wasan, Junjongan, Panchor Murai, Batong and parts of Batang Perhentian in Brunei-Muara district. Selapon and Sipal in Temburong district were also included.

“However, areas like Bebuloh and parts of Batang Perhentian in the Brunei-Muara district and Lekiun-Perdayan and Senukoh in Temburong district have limitations,” the statement read.

These limitations, the statement added, prevent further expansion and mechanised cultivation of the areas mentioned due to deep peat soil. “The study has recommended the formulation and enforcement of regulations to restrict the use of peat soil for rice cultivation and other crop production activities,” read the statement.

The studies also revealed that currently, all project areas are free from nitrate and pesticide contamination as the current usage of fertilisers and pesticides are still within the controlled safe limit.

During the presentation, appropriate mitigation measures were suggested to prevent or minimise the impact to the environment.

These measures include recycling rice straws as fertiliser through composting and reducing the use of pesticides through integrated pest management.

An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) was also formulated and proposed, added the statement.

The plan includes monitoring the environmental impacts of rice production areas.

The findings were presented by Technotest Sdn Bhd, represented by Dr Biswajeet Pradhan, an Associate Professor from the University Putra Malaysia.

The event was attended by the Acting Deputy director of Agriculture and Agrifood, Hjh Khartini Hj Musa as well as senior officers and staff from the department.

“The main objective of the studies was to assess the impact of commercial rice production development on the environment,” read the statement. - Wail Wardi Wasil

Thursday, February 18, 2016


LIMBARUH HIJAU, KHAMIS, 18 FEBRUARI 2016 – Bak kata pepatah, ‘rumah siap, pahat berbunyi'. Itulah yang terjadi ketika rombongan Parti Pembangunan Bangsa (NDP) yang diketuai oleh TYT Presiden NDP membuat kunjungan muhibbah ke Rumah Panjang Kampung Sumbiling Baru di Mukim Amo Temburong selasa lalu.

Penghuni Rumah Panjang Kampung Sumbiling Baru di Mukim Amo Temburong itu sepatutnya bergembira dan lebih selesa kerana sudah dapat memulakan kehidupan di rumah panjang yang baru siap dibina oleh pihak kerajaan dengan kerjasama beberapa penderma-penderma, persatuan dan badan-badan kebajikan bukan kerajaan di negara ini.

Sebaliknya rata-rata penghuni meluahkan rasa kurang selesa dengan reka bentuk rumah panjang yang baru siap dibina itu. Antara kekurangan yang ketara yang disuarakan oleh beberapa penghuni rumah panjang tersebut ialah reka bentuk yang lebih mirip barik panjang, ketiadaan serambi atau ruai disebelah hadapan rumah panjang yang baru itu dan ruang yang agak kecil untuk dijadikan ruang tamu, ruang makan dan dapor serta satu tandas yang juga digunakan untuk bilik mandi.

Sehubungan dengan itu Presiden NDP menyatakan rasa terkilan beliau dengan keadaan reka bentuk rumah panjang tersebut yang menurut beliau kurang memberikan perhatian kepada gaya hidup dan budaya masyarakat Iban.

“Tahniah kepada pihak-pihak berkenaan atas usaha melaksanakan tanggungjawab membantu dan menyediakan rumah panjang baru kepada penghuni-penghuni yang kehilangan tempat kediaman mereka . Dalam masa sama saya juga merasakan perlaksanaan tanggungjawab itu akan lebih cemerlang jika pihak-pihak berkenaan lebih peka akan gaya hidup dan budaya masyarakat Iban yang merupakan penghuni rumah panjang tersebut”.

“Saya juga berharap aduan penghuni ini tidak disalah taafsirkan sebagai sifat tidak ‘bersyukur' dan tidak berterima kasih. Mereka berhak meluahkan pandangan mereka dan kita wajar menghormatinya dan berlapang dada serta menlihatnya sebagai satu input yang positif kearah melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab yang lebih efektif dan cemerlang demi kebaikan negara dan bangsa”.

“Saya melihat musibah kebakaran yang dialami oleh penghuni rumah panjang Kampung Sumbiling Baru itu merupakan satu peluang untuk pihak berkuasa memodenkan rumah panjang di Brunei dengan memberi nilai dan gaya baru kepada rumah panjang di negara ini tanpa mengorbankan ciri-ciri unik rumah panjang. Ia juga merupakan satu peluang mengembangmajukan sektor kerajinan tangan dan aktiviti ekonomi masyarakat puak Iban sebagai satu lagi usaha mengembangluaskan sektor pertanian dan pelancongan negara. Malangnya peluang tersebut terlepas begitu saja.”, ujar sdr Malai Hassan Othman, Presiden NDP.

“Kalau sahaja didapatkan pelbagai input daripada pemimpin masyarakat Iban perkara ini setentunya dapat dielakkan. Biasanya rumah panjang mempunyai 10 dan 20 bilik . Setiap rumah panjang mempunyai "ruai" iaitu ruang bilik bersama yang terletak di bahagian hadapan rumah itu di mana kebanyakkkan aktiviti diadakan di tempat itu”.

“Malangnya rumah panjang yang baru dibina tidak menyediakan kemudahan ini dan tidak hairanlah bak kata pepatah rumah siap, pahat berbunyi”, ujar sdr Malai Hassan Othman sambil menambah mungkin saja isu bajet yang menjadi penghalang kepada pihak berkenaan untuk membina rumah panjang yang lebih sesuai untuk penghuni-penghuni tersebut.

Katanya memang tidak dinafikan dari aspek fizikalnya rumah panjang yang baru itu lebih baik dari yang lama. Ia merupakan bangunan konkrit yang lebih utuh dan sempurna dari yang lama, tetapi dari aspek kebudayaan, kerohanian, memelihara keturunan dan kehormatan ketara banyak yang perlu ditambahbaik.

“Aspek-aspek ini sangat penting diberiakn perhatian sewajarnya selaras dengan tanggunjawab memeliahara negara sebagai sebuah negara yang selamat, aman, makmur dan sentiasa mendapaat perlindungan Allah serta tuntutan membina generasi berwawasan ke arah merealisasiakan Wawasan 2035 yang menjadi tema Hari Kebangsaan kita”, tegas beliau lagi.

Beliau berharap pihak-pihak berkenaan akan memberikan perhatian kepada perkara ini agar penghuni rumah panjang di Kampung Sumbiling Baru terutama anak-anak mereka akan dapat menjalani kehidupan yang lebih selesa, selamat dan sejahtera.

Lawatan romobongan NDP ke Rumah Panjang Kampung Sumbiling Baru itu merupakan salah satu program Tahunan Kembara Merdeka NDP sempena memperingati Hari Kebangsaan Negara kali ke-32 pada tahun ini.

Objektif program tersebut ialah untuk sama-sama berusaha menanamkan semangat dan kesedaran berbangsa dan bernegara dikalangan rakyat dan penduduk terutama sekali masyarakat pendalaman agar terus taat setia kepada raja, bangsa dan negara. Dalam masa sama ia juga merupakan satu pendekatan NDP untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab politiknya sambil berdakwah mempastikan kezaliman tidak mendapat tempat di negara ini sebaliknya keadilan dan ihsan ‘tumpah' kepada rakyat dan penduduk negara ini seperti yang ditekankan oleh Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Turut serta dalam lawatan tersebut ialah sdra Pengiran Haji Zainal Pengiran Talib, TYT Timbalan Presiden NDP, sdra Haji Zaini bin Bakar, Naib Presiden NDP Temburong, sdra Haji Metali bin Haji Ibrahim, Naib Presiden NDP Belait, sdra Haji Ali Yusuf, Bendahari Agung NDP, sdri Hajjah Kertini, Ketua Hawa NDP, sdra Mohammad Abdullah Peter, Penolong Setiausaha Agung NDP serta ahli-ahli Badan Perhubungan NDP Temburong, Belait dan Brunei Muara.

Sumber - Laman Aspirasi

US gov’t vows to uphold freedom of navigation

Thursday, February 18, 2016 

THE United States will continue to fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows in a clear signal to uphold freedom of navigation in the resource-rich South China Sea amid reports of Beijing deploying missiles to one of the disputed islands.

President Barack Obama yesterday said they will support the right of all countries to do the same by helping allies and partners to strengthen their maritime capabilities.

“Freedom of navigation must be upheld and lawful commerce should not be impeded. I reiterated that the US will continue to fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows,” he said in a press conference at the Special US-ASEAN Leaders Summit in Sunnylands, Rancho Mirage.

ASEAN nations Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam have overlapping claims in the South China Sea, but Beijing is asserting ownership over a vast majority of the contested area.

Over the two-day summit, Obama said the leaders discussed how disputes between claimants must be resolved peacefully through legal means, such as the upcoming arbitration ruling under the UN Convention of the Law of the Seas which parties are obligated to respect and abide by.

The talks also focused on the need for tangible steps in the South China Sea to lower tensions, including a halt to further reclamation, new construction and militarisation of disputed areas.

“With regard to security, the US and ASEAN are reaffirming our strong commitment to a regional order where international rule and norms – and the rights of all nations, large and small – are upheld,” said Obama.

He told reporters that America’s foreign policy rebalance to the Asia Pacific, including Southeast Asia, will continue to be a priority in his presidency.

“When ASEAN speaks with a clear, unified voice, it can help advance security, opportunity and human dignity not only for the more than 600 million people across ASEAN, but for people across the Asia Pacific and around the world,” said the US president.

A joint statement issued by the leaders at their special summit reaffirmed a firm adherence to a rules-based regional and international order that upholds and protects the rights and privileges of all states.

The leaders also shared commitment to peaceful resolution of disputes, including full respect for legal and diplomatic processes, without resorting to the threat or use of force in accordance with universally recognised principles of international law.

Additionally, they pledged to promote cooperation to address common challenges in the maritime domain.

The statement also included their shared commitment to maintain peace, security and stability in the region, ensuring maritime security and safety, including the rights of freedom of navigation and overflight and other lawful uses of the sea.

US and ASEAN leaders said they would also protect unimpeded lawful maritime commerce as well as non-militarisation and self-restraint in the conduct of activities.

Sumber - The Brunei Times

US tells TPP members to improve labour standards

Rabiatul Kamit
Sunnylands, USA

THE United States yesterday warned Brunei and other Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) members of failing to implement improved labour and environmental standards as this will lead to restrictions in receiving full benefits of the free trade deal.

Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said countries have to meet the baseline for labour rights and environmental protection to access lifted tariffs and open markets.

“There’s a powerful incentive to countries in the TPP to meet those standards, because if they don’t, they won’t receive all benefits… That is what’s in it for everybody in the TPP that meet their end of the deal,” he told reporters in Sunnylands, Rancho Mirage.

Under the labour chapter of the trade agreement, Brunei must undertake reforms to protect labour rights which include introducing a minimum wage.

The US negotiated a separate side deal with Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam, requiring the three governments to implement specific legislative and regulatory reforms as well as increase enforcement capacity as outlined in their respective consistency plans.

TPP members must also allow mechanisms for the creation of a workers’ union, procedures for collective bargaining and strikes as well as prohibit discrimination.

While the sultanate has yet to enact minimum wage laws, the government enables workers to anonymously report violations of labour laws that include follow-up and documentation procedures, another condition laid out in Brunei’s consistency plan.

Last week, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Dato Paduka Hj Erywan Pehin Dato Pekerma Jaya Hj Mohd Yusof had said Brunei will revise several pieces of legislation, including minimum wage, labour and transparency laws before the sultanate ratifies the TPP.

Rhodes believed the TPP empowers members across the Asia Pacific region to not only improve and enhance trade relations, but also uphold labour and environmental standards.

“Over time, we think that can improve the standards in those countries and the region as whole, because there will be a benefit that comes to countries who are elevating their standards and improving their performances in these areas,” he said.

The core international standards on labour rights, which all TPP members must demonstrate, are in line with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) regulations.

At the plenary session of the Special US-ASEAN Leaders Summit, US President Barack Obama reiterated that Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam have committed to high labour and environmental standards in joining the TPP.

He previously said the TPP will help countries deal with issues involving forced labour, child labour and discrimination against women, by using internationally recognised labour laws.

“We know from our own history that when workers are able to come together and speak with one voice, it helps to boost wages which improves working conditions and raises living standards. This progress ripples out and benefits all workers,” he said last November.

As one of the hallmarks of the TPP, Obama said hundreds of millions of workers will now be covered by higher, enforceable labour standards.

Sumber - The Brunei Times

Inovasi rangsang pertumbuhan

CALIFORNIA, 16 Feb – Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam bertitah menekankan pentingnya ASEAN dan Amerika Syarikat (AS) untuk membincangkan kerjasama bagi menangani cabaran yang dihadapi ekonomi global, seperti harga minyak yang menurun dan pasaran kewangan yang tidak dapat dijangkakan.

Dalam hal ini, Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia menegaskan pentingnya kerjasama yang lebih kukuh ke arah menggalakkan inovasi dan ekonomi digital sebagai strategi-strategi utama bagi merangsang pertumbuhan ekonomi yang juga merupakan salah satu keutamaan Wawasan ASEAN 2025 ke arah meningkatkan nilai global rantau ini.

Baginda Sultan menekankan perkara ini pada sesi Retreat 1 bagi Sidang Kemuncak Khas Pemimpin-pemimpin AS -ASEAN yang diadakan di Great Room, Sunnylands Welcome Center, Sunnylands Center and Gardens, hari ini.

Dalam titah tersebut, Baginda mula-mula melahirkan rasa gembira di atas penekanan berterusan Amerika Syarikat bagi memperkukuhkan lagi kerjasama dengan ASEAN.

Baginda juga melahirkan harapan supaya AS dapat berkongsi amalan-amalan terbaik bagi mewujudkan persekitaran yang boleh memupuk pertumbuhan inovasi dan kreativiti di rantau tersebut.

Dalam hal ini, mewujudkan satu program bagi warga ASEAN menjalani latihan dengan pelbagai syarikat-syarikat Amerika adalah antara perkara yang boleh dilaksanakan, dan sebagai salah satu cara yang boleh menyumbang ke arah pembangunan sumber manusia.

Baginda juga mengambil maklum bahawa kemajuan-kemajuan teknologi mampu memudahkan lagi perniagaan, sama ada kecil mahupun besar, untuk beroperasi secara global.

Oleh itu, Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia menekankan kepentingan meningkatkan kesedaran dan menggalakkan penggunaan teknologi dan ekonomi digital untuk kekal berdaya saing dalam ekonomi global.

Terdahulu keberangkatan tiba Baginda di Sunnylands Center and Gardens bagi Retreat 1 dialu-alukan oleh Presiden AS, Barack Obama.

Baginda seterusnya dijunjung menandatangani Buku Lawatan Sunnylands Estate.

Retreat 1 dimulakan dengan ucapan pembukaan oleh Presiden Obama diikuti dengan Ucapan Pembukaan daripada Presiden Republik Demokratik Rakyat Laos, Tuan Yang Terutama Choummaly Sayasone, selaku Pengerusi ASEAN.

Sumber - Media Permata

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

‘Tamu Kianggeh at its cleanest since HM surprise visit’

Wail Wardi Wasil

TAMU Kianggeh vendors said the open-air market is at its cleanest since His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddulah, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, made a surprise visit a week ago.

Vendors told The Brunei Times yesterday that the tamu is in peak condition as Municipal Department officials visited the market almost every day to ensure hygiene is practised.

One of the vendors, Einon Hj Tuah, said the whole market was cleaned after His Majesty’s visit to the market.

Previously, she said the cleaning of the market would be conducted once or sometimes twice a month.

During a visit to the Ministry of Home Affairs last week, the monarch had expressed dissatisfaction with the hygiene at Tamu Kianggeh, describing it as messy and an eyesore.

Another vendor, Jamil Hj Tamin, said the Municipal Department previously sent notices to vendors if they were about to clean the market.

During those days, he said vendors would close up shop and pack up their wares to make it easier for cleaners to clear the filth.

“However, there were many instances when we opened our stalls the next day, only to find out that not every part of the market was cleaned, except the front area,” he said.

He said if the Municipal Department has better communication with the vendors, they would be more than willing to cooperate in ensuring cleanliness and management of stall spaces.

“About five years ago, there would be cleaning campaigns conducted by the Municipal Department every week on Mondays, vendors would also take part in the campaign,” said the 41-year-old.

Jamil said if the authorities could reintroduce the weekly cleaning campaign, the cleanliness of the market would be easily maintained.

The Municipal Department has also sorted out the vendors’ stalls in one area of the market, which is the parking area across the Brunei Malay Teachers Association (PGGMB) building in the capital.

Jinut Hj Timbang, one of the vendors who operates in the area, said Municipal Department officials approached them on Saturday and supervised the rearrangements of the stalls.

Previously, the vendors’ stalls would be scattered around the parking area, often creating traffic congestion for car owners using the parking lot.

They are are located only on one side of the parking lot, where there is a bridge connecting the space to Tamu Kianggeh.

“If it is for our own good, then we will happily do it, I’m sure there will be no future problems if the Municipal Department just communicate with us more often,” she said.

Sumber - The Brunei Times

HM to attend US-ASEAN summit

Rabiatul Kamit

HIS Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, and his ASEAN counterparts will convene for a special summit with US President Barack Obama at the Sunnylands Centre in Rancho Mirage, California today.

It is the first time Washington is hosting a standalone summit for leaders of the 10-nation bloc on American soil as the US deepens its engagement with ASEAN, a central pillar of its rebalance to Asia.

The move marked the Obama administration’s commitment to the region of diplomatic, economic and strategic importance, which sits astride some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes and is a key partner in addressing regional and global challenges.

Both sides are looking to build on the momentum at the two-day summit, following the elevation of their relationship to the level of a strategic partnership at the ASEAN Summit last November.

US officials said the Sunnylands Summit will comprise a retreat session on economic issues to highlight the strength of the US-ASEAN economic relationship, where they will identify ways to promote further trade and investment.

The leaders will also exchange ideas on policy reforms to promote growth and integration by focusing on key themes such as innovation and entrepreneurship.

There will be discussions on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) with ASEAN members Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam part of the pact.

Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand have also expressed interest in joining the ambitious free trade agreement.

Meanwhile, the working dinner will enable the leaders to share views on broader strategic developments in the region.

Although the dinner was designed to be in an informal setting, Obama is expected to take the opportunity to stress America’s commitment to the region as well as importance of issues including governance, accountable institutions and rule of law.

The retreat session on political and security issues will explore ways to enhance cooperation on major political security challenges confronting the region.

Among the topics of conversation will be upholding international law in the South China Sea maritime dispute involving ASEAN claimants Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam. The leaders will also discuss ISIS in relation to terrorism and countering violent terrorism.

Other key items on the political and security agenda include trafficking-in-persons, global health and climate change.

Prior to His Majesty’s departure to the US, several members of the Royal family gathered at the Sultan’s Flight Hangar in Rimba to bid adieu including His Royal Highness Prince Hj Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister's Office.

Also present were HRH Prince Hj Sufri Bolkiah; HRH Prince ‘Abdul Malik; HRH Prince ‘Abdul Wakeel; and HRH Princess Ameerah Wardatul Bolkiah.

Sumber - The Brunei Times

HM, ASEAN leaders in US for Summit

His Majesty being greeted by officials at the hotel at Rancho Mirage in Sunnylands on Sunday.

Rabiatul Kamit

HIS Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, arrived in California on Sunday ahead of a special summit hosted by United States President Barack Obama for ASEAN heads of state this week.

The monarch and the other nine leaders from the regional grouping will meet the American president in Sunnylands, Rancho Mirage, on February 15 and 16 as both sides seek to intensify their recently-elevated strategic partnership.

Economic cooperation and security issues are expected to top the agenda of the two-day standalone summit, a first-of-its-kind to take place in the US as Washington demonstrates commitment to ASEAN as central to its Asia Pacific rebalance.

Engagement with the 10-nation bloc is of strategic importance to the US as the Southeast Asian region, which straddles some of the world’s vital shipping lanes, is a key partner in addressing regional and global challenges.

While the Special US-ASEAN Leaders Summit is slated to produce an outcome document highlighting shared principles, United States officials said it will be less formal compared to traditional meetings featuring strict agendas and tightly negotiated joint statements.

His Majesty’s arrival amid heightened security at the nearby Palm Springs International Airport was greeted by US Assistant Chief of Protocol Gladys Boluda and a number of high-level senior representatives from the Brunei government.

Among those welcoming the Sultan was Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Dewa Dato Seri Setia Lim Jock Seng, Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and Second Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Also present were YB Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Mohd Yasmin Hj Umar, Minister of Energy and Industry at PMO, and Dato Paduka Hj Serbini Hj Ali, Brunei’s ambassador to the United States.

Collectively, ASEAN states comprise the third largest economy in Asia and the seventh largest economy in the world with a combined GDP of US$2.4 trillion. It is also the US’s fourth largest trading partner with trade in goods topping US$226 billion.

The US along with ASEAN members Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam are part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an ambitious free trade pact that aims to deepen economic ties and boost growth between the 12 nations involved.

With over 39 years as dialogue partners, the United States and ASEAN cooperate on a diverse range of issues from countering terrorism and pandemic disease to upholding international law and standards in the South China Sea and other issues.

Sumber - The Brunei Times

Sulu has no right over Sabah – Amde Sidik

The Sulu sultan's army did not participate during the battle between the two sultans of Brunei, Sultan Muhyddin and Sultan Abdul Mubin, in 1660.

It was only after Muhyddin had won, the Sulu army landed and took the opportunity to seize a number of war boaties.

The Sulu army were terrified by the resistance of Sultan Abdul Mubin in Pulau Chermin, according to Pehin Mohd Jamil Al Sufri, a renowned Brunei historian in his "Tarsilah Brunei II Period of Splendor and Fame" (2007).

He did not deny the fact that the Sulus were invited and promised the northern territory of Brunei, then part of Sabah, but only if they helped him to win. The civil war lasted 11 years.

During the battle for Pulau Chermin, Sulu forces were supposed to attack the island from Pulau Keingaran and from the sea, but they did not do so. According to Pehin Mohd Jamil, Sultan Muhyddin refused to cede the territory claimed by Sulu.

The area was only “claimed”, not ceded.

This issue must be clarified to Malaysians and to the world at large, to counter the claim of Jacel Kiram’s manifesto campaign in her bid to become a senator in the Philippine parliament.

It does not concern us if she becomes senator or not, but harping on history, which has no more relevance, claiming our Sabah state is theirs of which 99% Sabahans are not interested to be ruled by the defunct sultanate, this must be made known.

Among other writers, LR Right in her "The Origin of British Borneo 1970", said the legitimacy of Sulu claims is in considerable doubt partly because of the unreliability of tarsilas such as "Selesilah" which in many cases are nothing more than legend to enhance the status of the royal house.

Succeeding sultans of Brunei have denied that North Borneo was ever given to Sulu, only the weight of Sulu tradition supports the claim.

Such a claim is resting on the treaty signed by Sultan Sulu, Jamalulazam, with GB Overbeck on January 22, 1878, where Overbeck was appointed as Datuk Bendahara and Raja Sandakan an area from Kimanis to Sungai Sibuku, but three weeks earlier, the same Overbeck signed an agreement with Sultan Abd Mubin of Brunei.

Mubin appointed Overbeck as Maharaja Sabah and Raja Gaya and Sandakan on December 29, 1877, an area from Bangi to Sungai Sibuku.

There were so many treaties as well as overlapping treaties being signed but only to be revoked soon after there were signed, so to speak. Among them were Treaty Bases of Peace & Capitulation in 1878, which Sultan Sulu signed with the Spanish, agreeing that Sulu ceded its sovereignty to Spain including the "claimed" eastern Borneo. Also, the Madrid Protocol in 1885, when Spain agreed to relinquish its Borneo territory to Britain.

On April 22, 1903, Sultan Jamlulul Kiram signed an agreement “Confirmation of Cession of Island” granting sovereignty to British Borneo Company.

It sounds ridiculous to entrain such claims and the latest was in 1962, when the Sulu ceded it sovereignty to the Philippine government. Obviously, the Philippines looks far better knowledgeable on the status of claims than the Sulu. – February 14, 2016.

SMEs need quick access to funds

Leo Kasim

LOCAL small and medium enterprises (SMEs) need an ecosystem which gives them quicker access to finance and will allow them to scale their operations.

According to Haslina Taib, APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) member for Brunei, local SMEs often have difficulty getting funds on time or are constrained by the lack of market opportunities within local borders.

She said SMEs in regional countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines are often funded privately by venture capitalists (VCs) or angel investors resulting in less administrative burden.

But in Brunei, most funding come from the government. SMEs have to go through a more complex administration of funds.

“So there needs to be a policy or process that allows private sector to get a license to operate funding in Brunei,” she told The Brunei Times.

Haslina, who is also co-chair of the ABAC SME working group, said it is important for government process to be simpler to attract more VCs and angel investors into the country.

She said the private investors could be given licences to run their investment operations while the government monitors their business dealings.

Such a system will limit SMEs expectations of getting government funding and give them quick access to much needed funds.

“At this stage, we need them (VCs and angel investors) more than they need us,” she said.

Haslina said the system should be based on an open market where the investors provide not just financing but also business links.

For their part, SMEs would promote their products and services to win investors over.

Alternative financing needs to function in an environment where it is not overburdened by regulation, she said, adding that SMEs would also need to have the idea of being financed by alternative means “embedded” in them.

Hafimi Abdul Haadi, another ABAC member, said SMEs often do not have business models that fit the criteria of conventional financing methods provided by banks.

“When you innovate, you can only see results only when you’ve done it. So most SMEs come up with a business model that does not really equate to what is going to happen in the future,” she said.

She said this makes alternative financing from VCs important to SMEs which are developing their products. In 2014, ABAC reported the total unmet need for credit by SMEs globally is about US$2.1 trillion ($2.91 trillion) to US$2.5 trillion.

In its report entitled “APEC Framework for Innovative SMME Financing Mechanisms”, ABAC said East Asia faces a credit gap in the range of US$900 billion to US$1.1 trillion while South Asia sees a gap of up to US$370 billion.

Sumber - The Brunei Times

Sunday, February 14, 2016

HM tells MoHA to tackle overdue building taxes

Ak Md Khairuddin Pg Harun and Waqiuddin Rajak

HIS MAJESTY Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, yesterday called for a more efficient and effective system to tackle overdue building taxes.

During His Majesty’s titah at the Ministry of Home Affairs Headquarters, the monarch urged the ministry to create an effective management system for the collection of taxes and proper enforcement of the law to address those who fail to pay.

“From my personal observation, many cases of building taxes payable by dignitaries and VIPs are still outstanding but the authorities only managed to issue and collect a significant amount of revenue from ordinary people only,” said His Majesty.

The Sultan noted that shortcomings have been identified hindering authorities over tax collection processes but emphasised that reviews over the building tax rate should be focused on making municipal areas among the main contributors to economic activities in the country.

“Hence, related issues with failure of the tax collectors should be properly addressed by the Ministry of Home Affairs by creating an effective and efficient management system for the collection,” he said.

“Enforcement needs to be tightened and emphasised to the officers responsible.

“These include the controlling officers, and most importantly, there should be a law to prosecute those who fail to (pay the tax),” he added.

His Majesty also urged MoHA to review the proposal by consulting and coordinating with the stakeholders in the government.

These are the Department of Energy and Industries of the Prime Minister Office, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Development.

Chairperson of the Bandar Seri Begawan Municipal Board Pg Dato Paduka Hj Abd Rahman Pg Seri Indera Pg Hj Ismail told The Brunei Times that the problems with tax collections were partly due to the vendors asking to pay in installments, with some refusing to pay without valid reasons. “We usually issue charges to them but there are some that still do not pay even after we sent them summons,” he said.

The building tax, he explained, is payment imposed on building owners within Bandar Seri Begawan. The tax is collected to improve services of other departments under the Bandar Seri Begawan Municipal Board and also for maintenance of the capital.

The tax, he said, is imposed on property owners annually and charges would usually be issued in January. The tax per building is not fixed, said the chairperson, as it may differ from one building to another, depending on factors such as the location of the building.

"At the moment, we are looking at various ways on how to manage and collect the tax, but certainly we would need cooperation from other parties too,” he added.

Sumber - The Brunei Times

HM demands answers from MoHA on tamu

Waqiuddin Rajak

THE Ministry of Home Affairs was placed in the hot seat yesterday when His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, demanded answers over the inaction of officials in tackling problems.

Delivering his titah during a visit to the ministry’s headquarters yesterday, the monarch said the maintenance of markets has worsened because it continues to be neglected.

His Majesty said he witnessed Tamu Kianggeh vendors selling their goods all over the market without considering hygiene and comfort during his visit there last Sunday.

Describing the conditions of the market as messy and an eyesore, the Sultan added that he had difficulties navigating the tamu because the stalls were disorganised and some occupied a larger space than others, including selling their products on the stairs.

“This is an unpleasant sight. I also saw garbage and stones scattered around, while there is a vendor selling kuih apam balik (local delicacy) outside of a building nearby,” he said.

“Where are the municipal authorities? Did they not see this situation?

“If so, why was it left without being addressed?” he continued.

The monarch went on to say that the long abandoned building near the market showed that the authorities had given the green light to construct the building without careful assessment as it was not necessary and suitable to be built in the area.

Some of the vendors, he said, had also complained of foreigners loitering at the cemetery behind the tamu on Fridays and Sundays.

“According to the vendors there, this is unpleasant to them, there were efforts to forbid (the foreign workers) but it was unsuccessful,” he said.

“The vendors had to report to authorities including the police and the Municipal Department, but the situation did not change, and it became worse,” he added.

The monarch expressed concerns as the vendors had also told him that the foreigners may disturb them as they were drunk.

“So my question is, where is the discretion of the authorities in this? Where are measures to preserve the sanctity of the cemetery? Where are our efforts to ensure peace and safety?” he said.

“Do we not see drunk people at the cemetery as threatening? Would it not be possible that apart from them being intoxicated, they may also plan something that can endanger the country?” he added.

The monarch noted no changes had been made, an indication that the issue was not resolved.

“If it is addressed, at least we will see changes for the better, but the situation at the tamu seems to be getting worse,” he said.

He added that if the authorities were not told or instructed to take action, changes would not be made.

“So here I would like to once again ask, where are the municipal authorities and the others?” he added.

The Sultan said the same can be applied to the Jerudong wet market as it is now only left with fishmongers as fruits and vegetable vendors had long abandoned their stalls in the building.

These vendors had brought their goods to the corridors of the building, making it difficult for people to pass by as it is now filled with temporary stalls for vendors to sell their goods.

His Majesty said the reason they had abandoned their designated stalls because it was dark, hidden and not enough clean air, making it difficult for them to attract customers.

The building, His Majesty said, is now abandoned, neglected and dirty.

“This continues to persist, where are the authorities? Why has it not been visited?

“How long has this been going on? What are we waiting for?” he said.

Sumber - The Brunei Times

Thursday, February 11, 2016

More people seeking gov’t welfare benefits

Wail Wardi Wasil

GOVERNMENT agencies in charge of welfare benefits have seen a rise in the number of people asking for assistance in recent years, the minister of culture, youth and sports said yesterday.

During a dialogue session between the Ministry of Culture, Youths and Sports (MCYS) and Legislative Council members, Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Lailaraja Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Hj Awang Halbi Hj Mohd Yusof said the issue of poverty is one of the critical issues that must be dealt with immediately.

He said that in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people requesting government welfare through bodies such as the Community Development Department (JAPEM) and the Brunei Islamic Religious Council (MUIB).

According to the press release, JAPEM’s statistics showed that there were 6, 478 heads of families that received the Monthly Welfare Benefits (BKB) last year. This was an eight per cent increase compared from 6,019 in 2014.

Statistics published by JAPEM through also showed that the number of welfare recipients in 2014 also revealed an increase of 15 per cent compared to 5,247 in 2013.

The ministry is aware that this development was brought forth by various factors such as unemployment, insufficient wages, a high number of dependents in the family and many others, he said.

YB Dato Pehin Hj Halbi added that this increase in the number of welfare recipients is a cause for concern and the situation must be improved.

The minister added that due to the increase, the National Council on Social Issues (MKIS), in an effort to reduce social problems in the country, has made the issue of poverty a top priority.

This is done, he said, by aiding welfare recipients in releasing themselves from the cycle of poverty.

YB Dato Pehin Hj Halbi went on to say that the ministry will also continue its efforts in further strengthening youth development in the country.

He said the ministry is aiming to review a number of national and ministerial policies under youths, sports, culture as well programmes that are currently running under the ministry.

“This is to ensure that these policies are still relevant and effective and at the same time, it is to take into consideration whether some policies need a change in trajectory,” said the minister.

He added that the ministry will also aim to improve the synergy between relevant authorities, whether from the government sector, the private sector or grassroots leader, adding that “engagement” and “public consultation” is the key to preserving the peace and harmony of the nation.

The dialogue session was headed by Yang Berhormat Hj Sulaiman Ahad and was held at the Conference Room of the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium in Berakas.

Sumber - The Brunei Times

U.S. and India consider joint patrols in South China Sea - U.S. official

By Sanjeev Miglani

The United States and India have held talks about conducting joint naval patrols that a U.S. defense official said could include the disputed South China Sea, a move that would likely anger Beijing, which claims most of the waterway.

Washington wants its regional allies and other Asian nations to take a more united stance against China over the South China Sea, where tensions have spiked in the wake of Beijing's construction of seven man-made islands in the Spratly archipelago.

India and the United States have ramped up military ties in recent years, holding naval exercises in the Indian Ocean that last year involved the Japanese navy.

But the Indian navy has never carried out joint patrols with another country and a naval spokesman told Reuters there was no change in the government's policy of only joining an international military effort under the United Nations flag.

He pointed to India's refusal to be part of anti-piracy missions involving dozens of countries in the Gulf of Aden and instead carrying out its own operations there since 2008.

The U.S. defense official said the two sides had discussed joint patrols, adding that both were hopeful of launching them within the year. The patrols would likely be in the Indian Ocean where the Indian navy is a major player as well as the South China Sea, the official told Reuters in New Delhi on condition of anonymity.

The official gave no details on the scale of the proposed patrols.

A Pentagon spokesman, Commander Bill Urban, said the United States and India "continue to explore ways to deepen defense cooperation, including in the area of maritime security", but no decisions had been made on joint patrols.

There was no immediate comment from China, which is on a week-long holiday for Chinese New Year.

China accused Washington this month of seeking maritime hegemony in the name of freedom of navigation after a U.S. Navy destroyer sailed within 12 nautical miles of a disputed island in the Paracel chain of the South China Sea in late January.

The U.S. Navy conducted a similar exercise in October near one of China's artificial islands in the Spratlys.


Neither India nor the United States has claims to the South China Sea, but both said they backed freedom of navigation and overflight in the waterway when U.S. President Barack Obama visited New Delhi in January 2015.

Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also agreed at the time to "identify specific areas for expanding maritime cooperation".

More than $5 trillion in world trade moves through the South China Sea each year. Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Taiwan also claim parts of the waterway.

In December, the issue of joint patrols came up when Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar visited the U.S. Pacific Command in Hawaii, an Indian government source said.

"It was a broad discussion, it was about the potential for joint patrols," said the source, who declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter.

India has a long-running land border dispute with China and has been careful not to antagonize its more powerful neighbor, instead focusing on building economic ties.

But it has stepped up its naval presence far beyond the Indian Ocean, deploying a ship to the South China Sea almost constantly, an Indian navy commander said, noting this was not the practice a few years ago.

The commander added that the largest number of Indian naval ship visits in the South China Sea region was to Vietnam, a country rapidly building military muscle for potential conflict with China over the waterway.

India has extended a $100 million credit line for Hanoi to buy patrol boats and is training Vietnamese submariners in India, while Hanoi has granted oil exploration blocks to India in waters off Vietnam that are disputed with China.

Still, the idea of joining the United States in patrols in the region was a long shot, the Indian officer said.

The Philippines has asked the United States to do joint naval patrols in the South China Sea, something a U.S. diplomat said this month was a possibility.

Sumber - Reuters

Sulu ‘sultan’ still staking claim over Sabah

By Ruben Sario

KOTA KINABALU: The self-styled Sulu sultanate is maintaining its claim over Sabah with the newly- installed “sultan” Phugdalun Kiram II pushing for a conference to resolve the issue.

The sultanate’s spokesman Abraham Idjirani said they would be pursuing a peaceful resolution of their claim.

“The sultan’s concern is to find a resolution to this long-standing dispute and the way forward is an international conference on the matter,” he told The Star in a telephone interview from Manila on Wednesday.

He said the conference should seek to address the sultanate’s sovereignty and proprietary issues over Sabah.

He said that besides officials from the sultanate, the Philip-pines and Malaysia, the conference should include representatives of the natives of Sabah who were among the main stakeholders of the matter.

He said the sultanate had written to the Malaysian government for such a conference, but had not received any official response as yet.

Phugdalun Kiram II was installed as the 35th “sultan” of Sulu and North Borneo on Feb 6.

The “sultan” who was known as Datuk Phugdal adopted the name of his great grandfather Sultan Phugdalun to thwart other claimants to the Sulu sultanate lineage.

His brother Raja Muda Agbimuddin Kiram had led some 200 gunmen of the Royal Sulu Army in the occupation of Kg Tanduo in Lahad Datu on Feb 12, 2013 before Malaysian security forces moved in to flush them out.

He fled to the Philippines in early April 2013 and died months later in Tawi Tawi.

Some 60 people, including nine Malaysian security personnel, were killed in the operations against the gunmen.

Another 30 people, including the son of Phugdal’s brother, Esmail Kiram – Datu Amir Bahar Husin Kiram – were detained and were subsequently charged with various offences, including waging war against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

Their trial is currently under way.

Sumber - The Star Online

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Thai army accused of torture in war-hit south: Report

A study found 54 cases of physical and mental torture or mistreatment between 2014-15, often at military camps.

BANGKOK: Thai security forces have tortured scores of detainees in the country's conflict-strewn south, rights groups said on Tuesday (Feb 9), with beatings, suffocations and death threats among a litany of alleged abuses.

Special security laws govern Thailand's Muslim-majority southernmost provinces, where more than 6,500 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in a 12-year insurgency against Thai rule.

Under martial law and the emergency decree that smothers the south, suspected rebels can be detained for six weeks without charge.

As a result many young Muslim men have been swept into arbitrary detention where they are vulnerable to torture, according to a report by several well-respected advocacy groups to be released on Wednesday.

The study, rare research in a dangerous zone cloaked by security forces and insurgents, is based on interviews with 54 former detainees between 2014-15 who alleged they were physically or mentally tortured over the last few years.

Alleged beatings of suspects, threats at gunpoint, sensory deprivation and suffocation were all routine during detention, researchers said. Many of the suspects were later released without charge.

"What we have documented is the tip of the iceberg," said Pornpen Khongkachonkiet, of the Cross Cultural Foundation, a rights group. The situation has worsened since Thailand's 2014 coup put the military in power, she added.

"With no accountability or oversight mechanisms since the coup ... interrogation officers have almost a free hand" over detainees, she explained.

The insurgents are seeking greater autonomy from Thailand, which annexed the culturally distinct region more than a century ago.

The rebels employ brutal tactics including shootings, beheadings and bombings often targeting perceived civilian collaborators such as teachers and even Buddhist monks.


One suspect, Weasohok Doloh, told AFP that he was hauled into custody in May 2015 on suspicion of involvement in a bombing - an accusation he denies.

He was taken to Inkayuth military camp, an interrogation centre in Pattani province, where he alleged he was abused over several days. "At first they just slapped me," the 32-year-old builder said, adding he resisted confessing to links with the rebels.

But the abuse worsened and after a few days he alleged he was stripped naked by three interrogators who also tied his hands.

"Suddenly one (interrogator) pushed me onto a chair and forced a plastic bag over my head. I couldn't breathe ... they released the bag when I said I would confess. But I had nothing to confess to, so they did it again," he said.

In total he spent 84 days in custody before prosecutors decided not to press charges.

"Inkayuth military camp is a place where bad things are swept under the carpet," says Anchana Heemmina of Duay Jai, a local rights group which co-authored the report.

"We have heard stories of suffering from there for 12 years," she added, urging the army to allow lawyers access to suspects from the moment of arrest.

A Muslim man died in custody at Inkayuth in December last year. The army says it was from a heart attack.

A separate report released last week by the Muslim Attorney's Centre (MAC), a southern-based advocacy group, collected testimony of 75 people who alleged they were the tortured in custody in 2015.

Army spokesman Pramote Prom-In, dismissed the torture allegations contained in both reports as "imaginary".

"Losing their freedom may be torture for them ... but we need to enforce the law," he told AFP. "Detainees are allowed family visits and arrests are made in front of witnesses," he added.

The military has hailed a record drop in violence in recent months as the result of better intelligence-led operations since it took power.

It is also engaged in contacts with a number of rebel representatives that Bangkok hopes will lead to full peace talks.

But critics cast doubt on the army's sincerity and the ability of their rebel interlocutors to tug the leash of the rebel foot soldiers.

Sumber - Channel NewsAsia

Keberangkatan Kebawah DYMM ke Tamu Kianggeh suntik semangat para penjaja

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Ahad, 7 Februari. - Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam berkenan berangkat melawat Tamu Kianggeh di ibu negara awal pagi tadi.

Keberangkatan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia telah disambut dengan rasa penuh kegembiraan oleh para penjaja dan pengunjung di tamu tersebut.

Keprihatinan baginda terhadap kesejahteraan rakyat dan penduduk di negara ini jelas kelihatan melalui keberangkatan baginda meninjau dengan lebih dekat keadaan dan aktiviti di Tamu Kianggeh yang sememangnya sibuk terutama pada hujung minggu.

Semasa lawatan tersebut baginda berkenan bercemar duli dan berinteraksi bersama para penjaja sambil meninjau aktiviti harian mereka, jelas menggambarkan betapa eratnya hubungan antara raja dan rakyatnya.

Meskipun dalam keadaan hujan, baginda tetap meneruskan lawatan dan orang ramai tidak melepaskan peluang untuk menjunjung kasih serta bersalaman dengan baginda.

Tamu Kianggeh merupakan tempat yang mudah bagi memperoleh barangan keperluan harian dengan harga yang berpatutan termasuk juadah dan buah-buahan tempatan, ikan, sayur-sayuran, bunga-bungaan dan kraf tangan, di samping menjadi salah satu tempat tarikan pelancong asing ke negara ini.

Sejarah kewujudan Tamu Kianggeh bermula pada awal 1960-an dulunya merupakan tempat padian wanita menjual pelbagai hasil produk mereka dengan menggunakan bot yang juga dikenali sebagai padian.

Beroperasi seawal pagi dan berakhir pada lewat petang setiap hari yang mana kebanyakan para penjaja di sini terdiri daripada kaum wanita atau warga emas tempatan. Tamu Kianggeh merupakan pasar terbuka terletak di tepi Sungai Kianggeh di tengah-tengah ibu negara.

Apa yang jelas, keberangkatan baginda bercemar duli ke Tamu Kianggeh akan menjadi ristaan serta dapat menyuntik semangat para penjaja tempatan untuk lebih bergiat aktif menjalankan perniagaan mereka.

Sumber - Pelita Brunei

Usaha tangani rasuah dipergiat

Oleh Rafidah Jumat & Sim Y.H

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 4 Feb – Jabatan Peguam Negara dengan kerjasama Biro Mencegah Rasuah dan Jabatan Perdana Menteri, dalam menangani rasuah, telah menggubal Perintah Pencegahan Rasuah (Pindaan), 2015 yang berkuat kuasa pada 22 September 2015, dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan integriti dan kejujuran dalam kalangan pegawai-pegawai awam.

Rasuah boleh berlaku dalam pelbagai bentuk termasuk penyogokan, pemerasan, pengaruh, penipuan dan penggelapan wang, termasuk dalam bentuk penyalahgunaan kuasa.

Bab 12A baru akan menjadikannya suatu kesalahan bagi pegawai awam menggunakan dana awam untuk tujuan peribadi, memberikan layanan keutamaan yang tidak wajar, menyalahgunakan maklumat yang diperoleh semasa menjalankan kewajipannya atau berkelakuan dengan cara yang akan menyebabkan kepentingan peribadinya bercanggahan dengan kewajipan awamnya.

Bab 12B pula memperkenalkan kesalahan salah laku dengan sengaja atau lalai melaksanakan kewajipan yang membawa kepada penyalahgunaan amanah awam terhadap pemegang jawatan.

Peguam Negara, Yang Berhormat Datin Seri Paduka Hajah Hayati binti POKSDSP Haji Mohd Salleh berkata kesalahan-kesalahan di bawah bab itu boleh dilakukan tanpa menerima suapan atau manfaat kewangan.

Menurut beliau, seorang pegawai awam boleh didapati bersalah atas kesalahan itu jika dia terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan kuasa atau budi-bicara, penyalahgunaan tugas rasmi atau kegagalan mengisytiharkan sebarang percanggahan kepentingan.

Yang Berhormat Datin menekankan perkara ini semasa menyampaikan ucapan pada Majlis Pembukaan Tahun Undang-Undang 2016, yang berlangsung di Mahkamah Tinggi, Bandar Seri Begawan, hari ini.

Beliau seterusnya berkata, dalam menjalankan pembaharuan untuk mempelbagaikan ekonomi, Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam telah memperkenankan bagi penubuhan jawatankuasa yang bertanggungjawab melaksanakan pembaharuan bagi menjadikan negara ini lebih menarik bagi pelabur-pelabur asing.

“Untuk mewujudkan keyakinan pelabur, kita bukan sahaja perlu mempunyai persekitaran politik dan ekonomi yang baik, malah penting untuk mempunyai infrastruktur undang-undang yang berkesan dan bebas untuk melindungi hak pelabur.

“Kita juga mesti mempunyai undang-undang yang memupuk persekitaran pro-perniagaan dan pro-pelabur, dan antaranya Perintah Ketidaksolvenan, 2016; draf Perintah Transaksi Bercagar, 2016; Aturan-aturan dari Aturan-aturan Mahkamah Besar (Pindaan), 2015; draf Perintah Keselamatan Kebakaran, 2015 dan draf Perintah Akta Lesen Perniagaan (Pindaan) 2015,” katanya.

Mengenai integriti, ujarnya, satu lagi pertimbangan penting yang mempengaruhi keputusan pelabur dalam memilih destinasi pelaburan adalah tahap rasuah di sesebuah negara.

Kajian telah menunjukkan rasuah mempunyai kesan negatif kepada tahap pelaburan, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan memberi kesan kepada pertumbuhan PKS. Banyak kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa negara-negara dengan tahap rendah rasuah menarik lebih FDI per kapita.

Yang Berhormat Datin dalam ucapannya turut memuji pelbagai usaha yang dibuat oleh Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD) dan agensi-agensi lain dalam memerangi penggubahan wang haram, pembiayaan keganasan dan jenayah kewangan yang semakin bertambah. Menurut beliau, pihaknya juga telah membantu kementerian-kementerian dan jabatan-jabatan kerajaan dalam rundingan panjang bagi Perjanjian Perkongsian Trans-Pasifik (TTP) yang dibuat pada 5 Oktober 2015, terutamanya dalam memastikan perjanjian itu mengikut kehendak pihaknya dan tidak bercanggah dengan dasar negara, kedaulatan dan perlembagaan Brunei.

Yang Berhormat Datin yang turut mengalu-alukan penubuhan mahkamah komersial, telah berkongsi tiga ciri penting komposisi Mahkamah Komersial iaitu pandangan antarabangsa, kemahiran dan pengetahuan komersil dan simpati timbang tara.

Dengan aliran perdagangan dan pelaburan merentas sempadan di Asia, TPP dan lain, diharap akan dapat mempergiatkan semula perdagangan dan pelaburan, tambahnya.

Sumber - Media Permata

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Burma’s Parliament Opens in the Dawning of a New Democratic Era

Simon Lewis

The country overwhelmingly voted for Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy in November

Burma embarked upon a democratic era on Monday as a new parliament sat for the first time, with democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi finally in a position to lead the country.

Nearly three months ago, street parties broke out in major cities as it became clear that her National League for Democracy (NLD) would win a majority of seats — 77% in the final count — in the Nov. 8 elections. The country has been in a state of muted excitement ever since, with many unable to completely banish doubts over whether power would truly be handed over after more than five decades under the rule of military generals or their proxies.

Suu Kyi and the NLD first emerged as a political force in 1988, when the country erupted in massive demonstrations against the one-party rule of dictator Ne Win, who had seized power in a 1962 coup. Suu Kyi, the daughter of the country’s slain independence hero, was in Rangoon by chance during the uprising to care for her ailing mother, but captivated crowds with a speech in support of the protests.

In 1989, Suu Kyi, now 70, was put under house arrest, where she would spend much of the next two decades, proving to be a thorn in the sides of Burma’s military rulers both during her incarceration and in periods of release. She won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, and over the years earned the devotion of most Burmese, who call her “Mother Suu.”

The NLD won a majority in elections held in 1990, but the results were ignored by the generals, who insisted a new constitution was needed before power could be transferred. It took them until 2008 to draft the charter, which laid the ground for elections in 2010. The NLD did not participate, but shortly after the polls, the government finally freed Suu Kyi and she was allowed to enter parliament through a by-election in 2012.

The constitution now stands as the major stumbling block to truly democratic rule, however. It cements the military’s role in politics, keeping soldiers in charge of key ministries overseeing security, policing and borders, and giving the Commander in Chief the right to select 25% of the lawmakers. Conveniently, it takes a vote of more than 75% of lawmakers to amend the constitution.

But on Monday, lawmakers in green fatigues were vastly outnumbered on the benches of Burma’s parliament by newly minted NLD representatives, including a number of veteran activists who spent lengthy terms in prison for opposing army rule.

The NLD’s majority gives the party — which Suu Kyi leads in an unapologetically autocratic manner — the ability to select the next President. But the generals who wrote the constitution, apparently foreseeing such a future, made sure to block her from adopting that role. The charter says the President must not have close family members who “owe allegiance to a foreign power”; Suu Kyi’s two sons are British citizens.

Suu Kyi has insisted she will simply select a President who will carry out her wishes, regardless of constitutional rules on the role of the head of state. But she has not yet named her choice, sparking months of speculation. Possible candidates include Dr. Tin Myo Win, 64, Suu Kyi’s personal physician and a former political prisoner.

Despite the setbacks, the opening of parliament suggests that a remarkably peaceful transition may nearly be complete.

Outgoing President Thein Sein, a former general who has overseen five years of tightly controlled political and economic reforms, said in a speech to the final session of the last parliament on Friday that members of his administration would cooperate with the new government to ensure a smooth transfer of power.

Thein Sein has cast his role as ensuring that Burma’s transition to democracy did not follow the path of Arab Spring uprisings that ended in civil war.

“At the time when the [Burmese] government started to implement the democratic transition, Arab nations in the Middle East started their own drives toward democratization, known as Arab Spring,” he said, according to an official readout. “Over the last five years, the Arab nations are getting further and further from reaching their original goal of democracy.”

Sumber - TIME