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Tuesday, August 27, 2013
MoFAT responds to TPP queries
Dear Editor,
RESPONDING to the queries put forward by public over the past week on Brunei Darussalam's participation in the negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MoFAT) would like to take this opportunity to express its appreciation for the continued interest in these negotiations, and would like to inform the public of the following:
Brunei Darussalam is a founding member of the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, which has its origins in the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership or 'P4' Agreement which was signed by Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Singapore and New Zealand, and entered into force for Brunei Darussalam in July 2006. The Trans-Pacific Partnership builds upon the 'P4' Agreement, and includes additional members like Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Vietnam and the United States of America.
It is also important to note that the TPP is not Brunei Darussalam's first engagement in a free trade agreement (FTA). We already have FTAs that have entered into force with all ASEAN member states — China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand — that have led to increase in Brunei Darussalam's exports to these countries.
The TPP will further build upon these existing agreements by providing Bruneian exports greater access to the markets of the 11 TPP partners by lowering duties on Brunei Darussalam's exports, making our goods more competitively priced, and therefore, increasing demand for our products. At the same time, imports into the country will also become cheaper as a result of preferential tariff treatment, making goods more affordable for the general public. Concurrently, Bruneian companies will have the opportunity to use inputs from TPP partner countries for the manufacture of goods, which in turn, can be exported from Brunei Darussalam, to other countries, taking advantage of preferential duty rates conferred under the agreement.
With regard to concerns on foreign service providers entering the Brunei market, the reality remains that Brunei Darussalam currently lacks expertise in many critical areas, and this agreement will enhance the quality of services provided within the country. At the same time, this will encourage local service providers to become more competitive and deliver higher quality services to consumers, as well as facilitate their entry into the markets of TPP countries.
Brunei Darussalam's participation in many of these FTAs, including the TPP will bring many benefits to the country, and will support national efforts to promote economic diversification, in line with Brunei Darussalam's national vision, Wawasan 2035. Cognisant that Brunei Darussalam is a small economy with a small domestic market, the government recognises the importance of enhancing the country's ability to attract more foreign direct investment (FDI), which is one of the key tools in encouraging economic growth, not just for capital but also as a tool to facilitate transfer of technology, bring in expertise and promote innovation. The commitments that Brunei Darussalam will eventually undertake as part of this agreement, will facilitate such investments into the country.
Moreover, with the TPP, companies will see Brunei Darussalam as more than just a market of over 400,000.
There is potential and opportunity to use Brunei Darussalam as a base, and to tap into foreign markets where Brunei Darussalam has already established trade links, and this includes not just the members of the TPP, but also our immediate neighbours in the region as well as all of our FTA partners. Ultimately, the goal remains to increase economic activity within the country, in order to spur competitive markets, create jobs, and further uplift the standard of living.
On the queries on whether the TPP will impinge upon Brunei Darussalam's sovereignty, our accession to the TPP will not prevent us from continuing to apply our laws and regulations.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade continues to work closely and consult all relevant government Ministries and agencies as well as various stakeholders. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade further encourages interested members of the public to contact us directly with any concerns, by e-mail on
Thank you.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Dipetik dari - The Brunei Times
Defence discussions kick off today
Daniel Wood
ASEAN Defence Ministers to meet for ADMM retreat, 2nd ADMM-Plus
ASEAN Defence Ministers are set to convene for a series of meetings here in Brunei Darussalam from Tuesday onwards for the second ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting (ADMM) Plus meeting which is scheduled to take place from August 27 to 30.
More than 100 foreign media representatives are expected to be present in Brunei for a series of ASEAN defence meetings this week.
A media walkthrough was held on Monday for local media and foreign representatives, where Ministry of Defence public relations officers provided a brief overview of the scheduled programmes and outlined the possibilities for media coverage.
The schedule of deliberations among ASEAN defence ministers will be behind closed doors, stated the officials however there will be live video feeds made available throughout the meetings to ensure that media representatives are well provided for.
External media coverage is expected to be light, although a press conference has been scheduled shortly after the highlight of the meetings which is the signing of the Bandar Seri Begawan Joint Declaration of the 2nd ADMM-Plus on August 29.
Dedicated media relations officers will be present on both days to assisst and provide journalists with access to certain restricted zones throughout the coverage.
Defence ministers representing ASEAN and dialogue partner nations will meet tomorrow for the ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting (ADMM) Retreat, followed by the 2nd ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting-Plus (2nd ADMM-Plus) on the following day.
Most of the dignitaries will be arriving today, including ASEAN Secretary-General Le Luong Minh.
Participants of the retreat on Wednesday are scheduled to take part in recreational activities, capping off with an ASEAN-US Defence Ministers informal meeting after lunch.
Bilateral meetings are understood to take place on the same afternoon at The Empire Hotel & Country Club in Jerudong.
Ministers attending the 2nd ADMM-Plus meeting on Thursday are expected to discuss developments on the areas of practical cooperation through the five 'Experts' Working Groups' already established namely disaster management; military medicine; peacekeeping operations; maritime security and counter-terrorism.
The delegates will also witness the handover of the ADMM Chairmanship to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar before holding audience with His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.
The programme will then proceed to the signing of the joint declaration based on agreed points of discussion.
Meanwhile on Friday, meeting participants will visit the Multi-National Coordination Centre in Muara - the focal point for June's ADMM-Plus Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief and Military Medicine Exercise (HADR & MM Ex). A recap of the HADR will take place, followed by a possible light simulation exercise demonstration.
The final event will be a reception on board the offshore patrol vessel, KDB Darussalam.
During the 1st ADMM-Plus meeting in Vietnam in 2010, most ministers had expressed concern on non-traditional security challenges, including piracy, cyber security and climate change.
The meeting's outcome recognised the need for cooperation within ASEAN and with external partners in addressing outstanding issues to meet the objectives of an ASEAN Political-Security Community by 2015.
Ministers from ten ASEAN member nations are expected to attend, as well as representatives from dialogue partners including Australia, China, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Russia and the United States.
Dipetik dari - The Brunei Times
Monday, August 26, 2013
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TYT Pesiden NDP saudara Mahmud Morshidi Othman ketika mengunjungi Pengerusi Tetap NDP saudara Hj Abdul Rahman Yusuf di kediaman beliau |
LIMBARUH HIJAU, 14 OGOS 2013: Kunjung
mengunjungi dan menziarahi sanak saudara dan sahabat handai sempena Hari Raya
Aidil Fitri menjadi satu kelaziman umat Islam dalam meraikan Aidil Fitri.
Pimpinan Tertinggi Parti Pembangunan Bangsa (NDP) TYT Presiden , Saudara Mahmud
Morshidi Othman dan TYT Timbalan Presiden , Saudara Haji Juned bin Haji Ramli
juga telah berkesempatan berkunjung ke rumah beberapa orang Ahli Ahli NDP pada
minggu lalu.
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TYT Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden ketika berada di kediaman Naib Presiden NDP Daerah Belait, saudara Pg Hj Zainal bin Pg Talib |
Kunjungan Hari Raya Presiden dan Timbalan
Presiden turut diiringi oleh beberapa orang Ahli Majlis Tertinggi NDP.
Rombongan tersebut berkesempatan mengunjungi
beberapa orang Ahli Lembaga Penasihat, Naib Naib Presiden, Ahli Majlis
Tertinggi dan juga beberapa orang ahli
Mengingati akan Ucapan Saudara Haji Juned
sempena Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 1434 yang lalu bahawa, "Bukannya budaya tetapi amalan ibadah berkunjung atau
berziarah ke rumah yang lazim kita lakukan, tentunya akan dapat merapatkan
hubungan silatulrahim bukan sahaja di kalangan keluarga malah sahabat handai
dan kawan-kawan."
Amalan berkunjung atau berdudun ke rumah rumah
ahli bukanlah hanya dilakukan pada Hari Raya sahaja malah ia sering dilakukan
dalam usaha pimpinan NDP mendekati dan mengeratkan ukwah persaudaraan dari
semasa ke semasa.
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Mantan Naib Presiden NDP Daerah Tutong sedang rancak berbual dengan TYT Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden NDP |
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Opinion: Who gains from 'selling' national sovereignty?
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Dear Editor,
WE HAVE been made to understand that should the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement come into effect in its current format, foreign multinational corporations would be able to bring Brunei to an international tribunal outside of its jurisdiction if they do not like any of the country's policies that they may find to be impinging on their ability to make profits, or for any other kinds of unknown or devious agenda for that matter. This, we understand, would tantamount to undermining Brunei's national sovereignty.
On August 20, 2013, the US Ambassador was reported to have stated that the TPPA would result, for Brunei, an "aggregate income gains of US$193 million by 2025", quoting a so-called "study" by the Peterson Institute. Is that how much Brunei would "gain" by surrendering its national sovereignty through the TPPA? Are Bruneians willing to sell off their country's national sovereignty? And who exactly in Brunei would be gaining that "aggregate income"?
Perhaps His Excellency would like to elaborate on this? And it would be good as well to know the opinion and stance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the Attorney-General's Chambers on the subject.
Dipetik dari - The Brunei Times
ASEAN not ready for One ASEAN: Ong
Chua Guan Cheong
THE ASEAN people might not be ready to embrace the concept of One ASEAN Community due to a lack of promotion and communication, said former ASEAN secretary-general (2003-2007) Ong Keng Yong.
Speaking to The Brunei Times during a video interview, the diplomat said that while the ASEAN Connectivity Master Plan is in place at policy level, more effort should be put into mass public awareness promotion of the programme. "You can say that we have a master plan for connectivity, but if the ordinary people don't appreciate what you are doing with regards to connectivity, then there is insufficient public opinion or insufficient popular support for the concept of this connectivity.
"So we have to do a lot of work with regards to educating our citizens across all 10 ASEAN countries about connectivity.
"We need to promote connectivity as a way to bind our ASEAN people together, and I don't think we have done enough on that."
The ASEAN Connectivity Master Plan is designed to reduce inconvenience at intra-ASEAN borders.
Ong, who is now the high commissioner of Singapore to Malaysia, said there needs to be a mass promotion campaign to help people understand that these plans are designed to promote trade and investment.
The diplomat was speaking after giving a keynote address in the first session of the Fifth ASEAN-China Young Entrepreneurs Forum titled "Can ASEAN Last Another 50 Years?", in which he said ASEAN will need to meet the 4Rs (Relevance, Resilience, Review, Relationship) to survive.
"If ASEAN stays relevant, if ASEAN strengthens its resilience, if ASEAN conducts regular reviews of its different processes and different operation frameworks; and if ASEAN develops strong people-to-people relationships, ASEAN will survive for a long, long time," said Ong in his speech.
"What is the meaning of staying relevant? ASEAN has been active in engaging everyone who wants to come to SEA (Southeast Asia), and who wants to make friends and do business with us. If ASEAN can (continue to) engage in groupings outside of Southeast Asia and beyond, we will stay relevant."
He went on to say that "Resilience" in terms of the ASEAN countries meant staying together, growing together, developing economies, expanding markets and continuing to engage in trade and investment activities with other groupings.
"Review", he said meant conducting reviews of ASEAN's processes and activities with ASEAN-related entities such as ASEAN+3, ASEAN+6, the East Asia Summit and the ASEAN Regional Forum. "In ASEAN, we have a lot of meetings, and we have to ask ourselves why do we need so many meetings? Can we be more effective by making better use of the media and the Internet to tell people what we are doing? Which is why we must always do the review, if we don't review, our operational framework becomes cumbersome, meetings and other institutions may become outdated, so this will help us keep fresh, constantly reviewing, constantly asking if there is another way to become more efficient, spend less money to do the same amount of work."
Dipetik dari - The Brunei Times
Step out of comfort zone, Development ministry staff urged
Aaron Alwines
THE Minister of Development urged staff in his ministry to step outside their comfort zone in order to truly achieve growth and better delivery of service.
Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Hj Suyoi Hj Osman (pictured), made the address in relation to issues faced by the people of the Tutong District yesterday during a Hari Raya celebration.
"What use are our mega projects if the issues that are close and dear to the public, do not receive our attention?" asked the minister.
"There are some amongst us who refuse to progress or change our ways, refusing to leave our comfort zones and prefer the status quo and conditions that are stagnant without progress in sight, whether it is in the way we work or in our delivery of service."
In Tutong, he said, the ministry is working hard on upgrading infrastructure in a few notable areas. Some of these initiatives include increasing the standard of roads that are easily flooded in Tutong Phase 1, improving main roads and simpangs around Tutong Town which have been tendered out, as well as some connecting roads entering Tanjung Maya, Lamunin, Jln Long Mayan-Merangking, Mukim Ukong and Jln Merangking-Bukit. Also up for upgrading and development in Tutong are water conservation projects and the drainage system, yet the true measure of the ministry's success according to YB Pehin Dato Hj Suyoi lies in "our (the ministry's) ability to overcome every day problems of the ordinary people."
Dipetik dari - The Brunei Times
Fishing industry targets dropped by 34 per cent
Koo Jin Shen
FISHING industry targets for 2012 fell short by at least 34 per cent on average, according to information obtained from the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources.
Based on a presentation by the Department of Fisheries, the total targeted 'achievement' across three main areas Capture Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Seafood Processing of the fishing industry fell short by 8546 metric tonnes of the 24, 751 targeted for 2012. In terms of monetary earnings, it fell short of 35 per cent, some $48 million dollars.
In Capture Fisheries, the industry had only achieved 64 per cent of the target, reaching only 13,625 metric tonnes out of the 21,300 targeted and only $72 million out of the targeted $112 million.
For Aquaculture, the industry reached only 548 metric tonnes out of the 1315 targeted (42 per cent) and only $7 million out of the $14 million targeted (50 per cent) for 2012.
Seafood Processing however, reached 96 and 98 per cent of their production and monetary targets respectively, reaching 2,031 metric tonnes out of the 2,106 targeted and $8.8 million out of the $9 million targeted for 2012.
The presentation highlighted existing issues within all three sectors. For Capture Fisheries, it noted non-operational vessels and management problems. In the Aquaculture sector, diseases from the month of February to April 2012 was one of the farms' problems as well as insufficient seawater supply, lack of pond maintenance associated with financial problems and an insufficient supply of good quality fish fry.
In Seafood Processing, insufficient raw material was an issue.
The presentation also noted that there are less fishermen in 2012 when compared to in 2011. There were 950 full time fishermen in 2012 compared to 1,187 in 2011 and 2,626 part time fishermen in 2012 compared to 2,707 in 2011.
Numbers in Aquaculture had also gone down, with only 57 aquaculture entrepreneurs in 2012 compared to the 72 in 2011. Seafood processing entrepreneurs had however gone up, with 76 in 2012 compared to 65 in 2011.
Dipetik dari - The Brunei Times
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Brunei needs to be prepared for any terror threat: Official
Quratul-Ain Bandial
DESPITE Brunei's peaceful security climate, the country must be prepared for potential terrorist threats especially during high profile events such as the upcoming ASEAN and East Asia summits, said a senior security official yesterday.
Speaking at a four-day security workshop, Dato Paduka Hj Hamdan Hj Abu Bakar, permanent secretary (security and enforcement) at the Prime Minister's Office, said the use of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive weapons (CBRNE) is a very real threat post-9/11. "Since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, there has been a proliferation of extremist groups whose intention is to engage high-profile and sophisticated attacks targeting civilians that include the use of CBRNE."
"Despite all the technical and logistical difficulties associated with such devices, terrorist groups are becoming increasingly prepared to use CBRNE materials not just as a means to achieve political objectives but as an end itself," he told over 80 workshop participants at the Public Service Institute.
Although a remote possibility, the threat of such a devastating attack cannot be ignored, the permanent secretary added. The four-day seminar aims to help government agencies prepare their manpower and security assets for the upcoming ASEAN and East Asia summits, which will attract thousands of delegates from around the world, including heads of governments such as US President Barack Obama. Coordinated action to prevent CBRNE incidents requires a high level of inter-agency cooperation within the government as well as with international organisations, said Dato Hj Hamdan.
"A growing number of actors are demonstrating the ability to affect security landscapes and are increasingly in command of more and better capabilities. One of the most important threats comes from the spread of technical knowledge that can enable dedicated individuals or groups to build CBRNE devices." The workshop is an important step towards preparing a list of measures that could reduce the risk of terrorist acts, he added. The four-day event was jointly organised by the Security and Enforcement Division and the US Embassy, which provided security experts from the United States.
Among the agencies attending the workshop were the Royal Brunei Armed Forces, Royal Brunei Police Force, Fire and Rescue Department, Internal Security Department, National Disaster Management Centre, Bio-Security Division, Department of Medical Services and Department of Agriculture and Agrifood.
Dipetik dari - The Brunei Times
Brunei sekali lagi jadi tumpuan
Oleh Sim Y. H.
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 18 Ogos – Negara Brunei Darussalam sekali lagi menjadi tumpuan dunia apabila menteri-menteri ekonomi ASEAN bermesyuarat dan membincangkan mengenai hala tuju serta prestasi ekonomi serantau di sebalik situasi ekonomi global masa kini.
Mesyuarat Menteri-Menteri Ekonomi ASEAN dan Mesyuarat-Mesyuarat yang berkaitan ke-45 bermula dari hari ini hingga 21 Ogos di Pusat Persidangan Antarabangsa, Bandar Seri Begawan.
Pada mesyuarat tersebut, para menteri dijadual membincangkan mengenai prestasi ekonomi serantau di sebalik situasi ekonomi global pada masa ini serta bertukar pandangan dan cadangan untuk meningkatkan lagi daya saing serta memperkukuhkan posisi ASEAN sebagai rantau penting di dalam rangkaian pengedaran antarabangsa.
Kementerian Hal Ehwal Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan dalam satu kenyataan berkata, program mesyuarat bermula dengan Makan Malam Kerja bagi Menteri-Menteri Ekonomi ASEAN malam ini yang dihoskan oleh Menteri Hal Ehwal Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan II, Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Dewa Dato Seri Setia Lim Jock Seng.
Ini diikuti dengan siri mesyuarat-mesyuarat pada 19 Ogos termasuk Mesyuarat Majlis Kawasan Bebas Perdagangan ASEAN (AEM-AFTA) ke-27, Mesyuarat Majlis Kawasan Perdagangan ASEAN (AIA) ke-16, Makan Tengah hari Kerja AEM dengan Majlis Penasihat Perniagaan ASEAN, Mesyuarat AEM ke-45, Mesyuarat Majlis Komuniti Ekonomi ASEAN (AEC) ke 10 dan Mesyuarat Menteri-Menteri Negara yang turut serta dalam Kerjasama Ekonomi Komprehensif Serantau (RCEP).
Sementara itu, pada 20 hingga 21 Ogos, Menteri-Menteri Ekonomi ASEAN akan mengadakan konsultasi tahunan bersama dengan rakan-rakan kerja dengan semua rakan-rakan dialog ASEAN termasuk Republik Rakyat China, Jepun, Republik Korea, India, Australia, New Zealand, Amerika Syarikat, Kanada dan Federasi Rusia.
Mesyuarat-mesyuarat berkenaan akan dipengerusikan atau dipengerusikan bersama oleh Menteri Hal Ehwal Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan II, Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Dewa Dato Seri Setia Lim Jock Seng.
Di samping isu-isu berhubungan dengan penubuhan Komuniti Ekonomi ASEAN menjelang 2015 yang menjadi agenda penting dalam perbincangan menteri-menteri ekonomi ASEAN itu nanti, mereka juga dijangka membincangkan mengenai perkembangan yang dicapai dalam usaha untuk mendalamkan lagi integrasi di antara dan di kalangan negara-negara anggota ASEAN terutama dari segi perdagangan barangan, perkhidmatan dan pelaburan.
Selain itu, kerjasama serantau berhubungan dengan Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana, harta intelektual, dasar persaingan, pelindungan pengguna serta penglibatan sektor swasta-awam turut dibincangkan oleh menteri-menteri yang bersidang.
Manakala itu, perbincangan di antara menteri-menteri ekonomi ASEAN dengan rakan-rakan dialog akan memberikan peluang kepada para menteri yang bermesyuarat untuk melihat status kerjasama ekonomi ASEAN dengan negara-negara rakan dialog serta membincangkan cara yang terbaik untuk memperkukuhkan lagi kerjasama terutama rangkaian hubungan luar untuk menubuhkan komponen penting dalam strategi utama bagi mengintegrasikan sepenuhnya ASEAN ke dalam ekonomi global.
Pada masa yang sama, beberapa mesyuarat ekonomi lain turut dijadualkan pada masa yang sama. Antaranya ialah Forum Pelaburan ASEAN ke-3, Sidang Kemuncak Pelaburan dan Perniagaan ASEAN (ABIS) dan Forum Belia ASEAN-China yang dianjurkan oleh Lembaga Kemajuan Ekonomi Brunei, Majlis Penasihat Perniagaan ASEAN serta Persatuan Usahawan Muda Brunei Darussalam (YEAB).
Negara Brunei Darussalam pada 22 dan 23 Ogos juga akan menjadi tuan rumah kepada perbincangan berhubungan kawasan bebas perdagangan, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) yang akan disertai oleh 12 buah negara termasuk Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Kanada, Chile, Jepun, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru Singapura, Amerika Syarikat, Vietnam dan New Zealand.
Satu lagi perbincangan kawasan bebas perdagangan juga akan dilaksanakan semasa AEM ke-45 iaitu RCEP yang dijangka akan menjadi salah satu perjanjian dan di antara kawasan bebas perdagangan yang terbesar di dunia yang akan merangkumi sebanyak 16 buah negara iaitu semua negara-negara anggota ASEAN bersama-sama dengan Australia, China, India, Jepun, Korea dan New Zealand.
Dipetik dari - Media Permata
Saturday, August 17, 2013
LIMBARUH HIJAU, 13 OGOS 2013: Seperti lazimnya setiap kali selepas Majlis Junjung Ziarah ke Istana Nurul Iman, pada 4 Syawal lalu Jabatan Setiausaha Agung (JASA) menganjurkan Majlis Ramah Mesra Aidil Fitri di Markas Pusat Limbaruh Hijau, Jerudong.
Majlis yang dihadiri oleh lebih 100 ahli NDP telah diisi
dengan ucapan ucapan daripada Presiden, Timbalan Presiden dan Naib Naib
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TYT Presiden NDP, Saudara Mahmud Morshidi ketika berucap di Majlis Ramah Mesra Aidil Fitri di Limbaroh Hijau |
Dalam ucapannya dimajlis tersebut, Presiden Parti
Pembangunan Bangsa (NDP) Saudara Mahmud Morshidi Othman telah mengingatkan ahli
ahli supaya meneruskan tadarus sempena Hari Keputeraan Kebawah DYMM yang ke 67
dengan memasang niat mengambil tabaruk dari bacaan ayat-ayat Suci Al Quran tersebut dengan doa semoga Allah
SWT melanjutkan usia Kebawah DYMM dengan segala kesihatan serta Negara Brunei
Darussalam selamanya dikurniakan nikmat keamanan dan kesejahteraan.
Amalan tadarus dikalangan NDP adalah satu amalan berterusan
disempenakan untuk sekurang kurangnya pada empat sambutan besar iaitu sempena Hari Keputeraan Kebawah Duli Yang
Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan, Hari Kemerdekaan, Ulang Tahun Penubuhan NDP
dan sepanjang Bulan Ramadhan.
Presiden seterusnya menyeru pemimpin pemimpin NDP di semua
peringkat merapatkan barisan, memperkukuh parti agar kehadirannya di persada
politik tanah air khususnya sebagai 'Power Base' kepada Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia
Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan benar benar memberikan makna.
Sempena Hari Raya Aidilfitiri ini, Presiden telah melafazkan
"ikrar taat setia yang tidak berbelah bahagi kehadapan Majlis Kebawah Duli
Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan".
Timbalan Presiden , Saudara Haji Juned dalam ucapannya telah
melahirkan syukur yang tidak terhingga kerana NDP telah berpeluang 8 kali turut
serta dalam rombongan Junjung Ziarah dan menyembahkan secara langsung ucapan
Selamat Hari Raya Kehadapan Majlis Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri
Baginda Sultan dan Baginda Raja Isteri.
Timbalan Presiden juga telah menyeru semua ahli untuk
menghayati Ucapan Dasar Presiden pada Kongres Agung Tahunan yang lepas, usul
usul dan pandangan perwakilan dalam membahas ucapan dasar dan penggolongan
sebagai asas gerak kerja dan pelan tindakan 2013 -2014.
Sambil berseloroh Timbalan Presiden mengingatkan ahli ahli,
"supaya tidak lama berhari raya kerana masih banyak tugas dihadapan yang
hendak diungkayahkan."
Friday, August 16, 2013
NDP bersama ribuan rakyat Junjung Ziarah ke Istana Nurul Iman
ISTANA NURUL IMAN, 13 OGOS 2013: Hampir 100 orang ahli Parti Pembangunan Bangsa (NDP) terdiri daripada Pemimpin Pemimpin Peringkat Pusat, Badan-badan Perhubungan Daerah dan ranting-ranting telah menyertai ratusan ribu pengunjung pada Majlis Junjung Ziarah Kehadapan Majlis Kebawah DYMM dan ahli kerabat di Istana Nurul Iman, Bandar Seri Begawan pada pagi 4 Syawal kelmarin.
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Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden bersama ahli-ahli NDP ketika menunggu giliran masuk berziarah |
Rombongan lelaki diketuai oleh TYT Presiden NDP Saudara Mahmud Morshidi Othman dan rombongan wanita diketuai oleh Ketua Himpunan Wanita Saudari Hajah Saemah Kepli.
Setiap menjelangnya Aidil Fitri seperti tahun-tahun sebelum ini, Parti Pembangunan Bangsa (NDP) tidak akan ketinggalan untuk bersama rakyat jelata mengunjungi Istana Nurul Iman di majlis Junjung Ziarah sebagai tanda kasih serta setia pemimpin dan seluruh ahli NDP Kehadapan Majlis Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan.


Thursday, August 15, 2013
Kenangan manis bagi ahli Himpunan Wanita NDP
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 13 Ogos – Junjung Ziarah ke Istana Nurul Iman sempena sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri telah berakhir kelmarin, dan mereka yang mengambil kesempatan menyertai majlis itu akan terus menyimpan kenangan manis itu pada diri masing-masing sambil turut menyimpan cenderahati berwarna kuning sebagai koleksi yang bernilai bagi mereka.
Kegembiraan dan kebahagiaan tersebut turut dirasai oleh Himpunan Wanita Parti Pembangunan Bangsa (HAWA NDP) yang tidak pernah ketinggalan menyertainya setiap tahun, dengan penampilan mereka penuh dengan pakaian seragam baju berwarna putih bersih dan kain berwarna hijau pucuk pisang.
Menyertai majlis junjung ziarah kehadapan majlis Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Baginda Raja Isteri dan kerabat diraja di Istana Nurul Iman merupakan salah satu aktiviti yang menjadi kemestian oleh HAWA NDP sejak organisasi tersebut ditubuhkan lapan tahun lalu.
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Himpunan Wanita NDP merasa gembira dan ceria setiap kali berpeluang menyertai junjung ziarah sempena Hari Raya Aidilfitri di Istana Nurul Iman. |
Pada tahun ini lebih 50 orang dalam kalangan ahli-ahli wanita NDP telah menyertainya, dan daripada jumlah itu tidak kurang disertai sama oleh ahli-ahli warga emas, biarpun kemudahan diberikan kepada warga emas untuk didahulukan dalam barisan tetapi bagi ahli-ahli HAWA mereka lebih senang berada di dalam barisan berkumpulan itu sebagai rasa perpaduan antara satu dengan lain.
Bersama rombongan HAWA NDP, menyertai sama junjung ziarah tersebut ialah dalam kalangan rombongan ahli lelaki badan parti yang telah melibatkan penyertaan lebih 20 orang dan telah diketuai oleh Presiden NDP Awang Haji Mahmud Morshidi bin Haji Othman dan timbalan presiden Awang Haji Juned bin Haji Ramlee serta ahli-ahli majlis tertinggi lainnya dan juga ahli-ahli biasa.
Junjung ziarah itu merupakan salah satu aktiviti pertubuhan tersebut di samping mengadakan majlis khatam Al-Quran bersempena bulan Ramadhan dan turut mengadakan Majlis Ramah Mesra Hari Raya sempena Sambutan Hari Raya setiap tahun.
Dipetik dari - Media Permata
AMM bakal bincang COC
HUA HIN, Thailand, 13 Ogos – Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Pengiran Perdana Wazir Sahibul Himmah Wal-Waqar Pengiran Muda Mohamed Bolkiah, Menteri Hal Ehwal Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan dan menteri-menteri luar Asia Tenggara tiba di pantai peranginan Hua Hin, Thailand hari ini bagi menghadiri Retreat Menteri-menteri Luar ASEAN (AMM).
Duli Yang Teramat Mulia dan menteri-menteri ASEAN dijangka menghadiri mesyuarat yang akan menumpukan usaha mencari penyelesaian konflik Laut China Selatan dan juga memperkukuhkan hubungan dengan Beijing.
Pengiran Perdana Wazir malam ini berangkat menghadiri ‘Welcoming Dinner’ bersama Menteri Hal Ehwal Luar Negeri ASEAN yang lain dihoskan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Luar Thailand Tuan Yang Terutama Surapong Tovichakchaikul di Hilton Hua Hin Resort and Spa Hotel. AMM dihadiri oleh sembilan negara anggota Persatuan Negara-negara Asia Tenggara (ASEAN), manakala Menteri Luar Kemboja Hor Namhong tidak menghadiri mesyuarat itu.
Mesyuarat merupakan kesinambungan perbincangan menteri-menteri luar ASEAN di Brunei pada Julai yang mana China bersetuju untuk memulakan rundingan mengenai Kod Tatalaku (COC) untuk perbalahan wilayah di Laut China Selatan, satu langkah yang enggan dilaksanakannya sebelum ini.
Isu COC, yang menguji hubungan diplomatik yang baik di antara China dan ASEAN, tidak dijangka diselesaikan dengan segera.
COC dijangka dikemukakan pada satu mesyuarat menteri-menteri luar khas di antara ASEAN dan China yang dirancang diadakan di Beijing pada 28-30 Ogos untuk memperingati ulang tahun ke-10 “perkongsian strategik” mereka.
Beijing bersetuju untuk mengadakan satu lagi mesyuarat khas pegawai kanan dari ASEAN dan China untuk memulakan rundingan formal mengenai COC di Suzhou, berhampiran Shanghai, buat sementara waktu ditetapkan pada 14-15 September, Setiausaha Tetap Hal Ehwal Luar Thai Sihasak Phuangketkeow dipetik sebagai berkata oleh agensi berita dpa.
“Apa yang kami harapkan adalah mesyuarat di Beijing akan menetapkan suasana yang baik untuk mesyuarat di Suzhou.”
Mesyuarat menteri luar di Hua Hin esok akan menumpu sebahagiannya pada penentuan pan-dangan kolektif ASEAN mengenai COC.
“Indonesia percaya COC harus menjadi doku-men berorientasikan tindakan yang bertujuan mempromosi keyakinan di Laut China Selatan dan mengelak kejadian yang tidak diingini, dan mencari jalan mengatasi kejadian berkenaan sekiranya ia berlaku,” kata Menteri Luar Indonesia Marty Natalegawa.
Sejak 2009, tuntutan China di kawasan itu telah mencetuskan beberapa konfrontasi dengan pihak menuntut bersaingan seperti Filipina dan Vietnam.
Di antara 10 anggota ASEAN, Brunei, Malaysia, Filipina dan Vietnam mempunyai perbalahan wila-yah dengan China di kawasan yang dipertikaikan, yang mengandungi simpanan minyak sehingga 30 bilion tan dan 20 trilion meter padu simpanan gas, menurut Kementerian Tanah dan Sumber-sumber.
China sebelum ini menegaskan perbalahan Laut China Selatan perlu dikendalikan secara dua hala, satu dasar yang tidak dijangka berubah walaupun jika ia bersetuju dengan COC akhirnya.
Isu tersebut merupakan satu daripada beberapa masalah dalam hubungan diplomatik di antara China dan ASEAN.
Dipetik dari - Media Permata
Brunei Darussalam takes steps to lessen rural digital divide
Rural areas of Brunei Darussalam, which have long faced problems with information and communications technology (ICT) services, are set to benefit from a move to align the Sultanate’s bandwidth with that of its regional neighbours.
The decision to replace mobile frequency bands comes as the Sultanate prepares to hand out 4G long-term evolution (LTE) licences. However, despite the wave of activity taking place across the telecoms sector, there are concerns that the joint roaming agreement could fail to produce results for the country, unless tariffs are revised downwards to levels nearer those of its regional peers.
Brunei Darussalam, together with Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, sealed an agreement on June 19 to align itself with the Asia Pacific Telecommunity’s 700 MHz band plan. The deal will facilitate international roaming among networks, while also making it easier for providers to meet rising demand for mobile broadband.
The GSMA, an international association of mobile operators and related companies, welcomed the move, saying it sent a “positive signal to the wider mobile ecosystem in the Asia Pacific region”.
“The 700MHz band is ideally suited to provide extended mobile broadband coverage to rural and remote areas where fixed infrastructure is often unavailable and also has ideal characteristics to improve indoor coverage in saturated urban areas,” the association commented.
The Authority for Info-communications Technology and Industry of Brunei Darussalam (AITI), the industry regulator, echoed the association’s comments, telling local media that the plan would enable the Sultanate to offer wider coverage and better in-building penetration.
“This significantly reduces the cost of building and maintaining mobile networks over large areas, for example, by reducing the number of base stations required to service a large area compared to providing a similar service using higher frequency bands,” the AITI told the local media.
The government says 4G LTE licences will pave the way for the deployment and commercialisation of next-generation mobile broadband services. In April, a Bruneian official quoted by a Chinese newspaper said an open tender for the licences would be conducted once signal towers were completed.
More recently, in late June, the minister of communications said the licences would be awarded “soon”. Networks are expected to deploy the service commercially three to six months after the licences are awarded. At least 27 signal towers are thought to be required to support 4G services.
The increase in mobile broadband provision is timely. Last September, telecoms firm DSTCom revealed that in the first eight months of 2012, data usage increased 70% over the same period in 2011. Ericsson, meanwhile, estimated that up to 80% of new activations in the Sultanate last year were smart phones.
However, a survey conducted this year suggested that the Sultanate’s users were probably paying too much for data services. The 2013 edition of the Global Information Technology Report, released by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in April, found that Brunei Darussalam had the highest tariffs for telecommunications services in ASEAN, while trailing some of its regional neighbours when it came to internet connection speed.
In the report, the Sultanate placed 135th out of 144 countries for overall affordability, while ranking 110th for cellular tariffs, 120th for fixed broadband prices and 131st for internet and telephony competition. Charges averaged $0.45 per minute for mobile calls and $81.20 per month for wired broadband.
Vietnam had the lowest tariffs for telecommunications services in the regional bloc, placing 38th on the list, followed by Indonesia, which ranked 39th. Thailand came 45th.
Brunei Darussalam was able to take some positives from the report. The country placed second in the region for use of virtual social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, behind Singapore. The Sultanate also had the third-lowest level of software piracy among ASEAN countries.
However, the country still faces challenges in its bid to bridge the long-standing digital divide that separates urban and rural areas. In the past, the minister of communications, Pehin Dato Seri Setia Awang Hj Abdullah, acknowledged that bringing services in rural areas, such as Temburong, up to the standard of those in well-connected districts, was “a challenge”. The government is keen to make ICT a key component of its efforts to improve the lives of people outside urban areas, in particular by generating new employment opportunities.
In June, at an event during which industry giant, Google, revealed plans to beam the internet from giant balloons to rural parts of Asia, its regional chief spoke of the project’s economic potential.
“[It’s] devastating that only a tiny fraction of small and medium-sized enterprises all across Asia are online right now,” Karim Temsamani, Google’s head of Asia Pacific, said at the Communicasia conference in Singapore.
Aligning the bandwidth and introducing 4G coverage are likely be beneficial for small businesses in rural areas long term. In the meantime, however, the country may need to consider introducing other measures aimed at helping Bruneian ventures remain competitive when connected.
Dipetik dari - Oxford Business Group
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
TITAH KDYMM: Umat Islam disaran utamakan kelebihan Akhirat
TITAH Perutusan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam Sempena Hari Raya Aidilfitri Bagi Tahun 1434 Hijriah / 2013 Masihi.
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Bismillahir Rahmannir Rahiim
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'Aalameen, Wabihee Nasta'eenu 'Alaa Umuuriddunya Waddeen, Wassalaatu Wassalaamu 'Alaa Asyrafil Mursaleen, Sayyidinaa Muhammadin, Wa'alaa Aalihee Wasahbihee Ajma'een, Waba'du
Allahuakhbar, Allahuakhbar, Allahuakhbar, Walillahilhamd
ALLAH Yang Maha Besar telah pun memelihara kita dari dikalahkan oleh hawa nafsu jahat yang sentiasa mengajak kepada mengingkari perintah-Nya.
Inilah kemenangan kita yang paling bererti pada hari ini.
Kemenangan ini hanya boleh diperolehi oleh mereka yang berjaya menamatkan ibadat puasa sebulan genap. Memang bukan mudah untuk memperolehi kemenangan ini, kecuali bagi mereka yang benar-benar istiqamah sahaja.
Kita orang Islam wajib berazam untuk sentiasa menang: Menang ke atas musuh Allah iaitu syaitan. Apabila kita menang, bererti kita telah layak untuk menjadi orang besar lagi berpangkat di sisi Allah.
Tidak salah untuk mengejar pangkat di sisi Allah, bahkan sangat digalakkan. Jika untuk kemegahan di dunia orang berlumba, mengapakah untuk kelebihan di Akhirat kita tidak berlumba?
Dalam hidup di dunia ini, semua orang menginginkan ketinggian : Tinggi pangkat, tinggi kelulusan dan tinggi kekayaan. Jadi mengapa bagi kehidupan di Akhirat kita tidak menginginkan ini?
Nikmat di dunia akan hilang, berbanding nikmat di Akhirat kekal abadi. Namun untuk memperolehi nikmat yang kekal ini, memerlukan adanya usaha dan pengorbanan. Ia bukan boleh dicapai dengan berpeluk tubuh atau memadai dengan menggantungkan cita-cita setinggi langit. Adapun nikmat yang dijanjikan oleh Allah itu hanyalah tertentu kepada mereka yang beramal soleh sahaja.
Jadi ternyata amal soleh itu di sini adalah prasyarat untuk memperolehi rahmat dan nikmat Allah.
Jika kita melakukannya, faedahnya bukan sahaja bagi diri sendiri, malahan juga menyeluruh untuk masyarakat dan negara. Tidakkah kalau amal soleh itu dilakukan oleh semua orang, nescaya masyarakat dan negara pasti akan aman dan sejahtera.
Mengapa beta katakan demikian? Kerana bukankah amal soleh itu bermakna segala pekerjaan yang baik dan berkebajikan belaka? Jika betul ia berlaku di dalam sesebuah negara, maka sudah barang tentu negara tersebut akan bebas dan bersih daripada segala gejala buruk.
Negara yang berpaksikan amal soleh, tidak syak lagi, tidak akan wujud di dalamnya orang minum arak, orang mencuri, orang melakukan rasuah, orang menghisap dadah, orang berjudi dan seumpamanya.
Dan apabila tidak ada semua ini, bukankah negara dan masyarakat yang seperti itu adalah negara dan masyarakat yang sihat lagi sejahtera.
Kerana itulah beta amat mengesali, apabila mendengar dan membaca berita-berita yang tidak bagus, seperti orang tertangkap kerana berjudi, dan perkara itu pula telah berlaku di dalam bulan Ramadan.
Ingat, maksiat yang dilakukan oleh orang Islam dalam bulan Ramadan, adalah itu bererti menghinakan bulan yang mulia ini, dan sama juga menghinakan Islam sendiri, kerana bukankah syara' telah menuntut supaya Ramadan itu dibesarkan dengan ibadat-ibadat kepada Allah: Dengan berpuasa, membaca Al-Qur'an, bertarawih dan lain-lain.
Ibadat puasa menghendaki kita menahan diri, terutama daripada makan atau minum, sehingga apabila seorang Muslim didapati makan atau minum di khalayak ramai, maka orang itu akan dianggap melakukan kesalahan yang boleh didakwa di mahkamah.
Tujuan dari undang-undang ini adalah semata-mata demi memuliakan Ramadan, di samping juga untuk menjadi peringatan dan pendidikan kepada orang-orang Islam supaya tetap memelihara maruah ugama dan diri mereka selaku orang Islam. Ini menurut hukum syara' turut menjadi kesalahan yang sama jika orang Islam itu menghidangkan atau memberi makan atau membenarkan orang bukan Islam makan atau minum di dalam rumah atau di premis-premis makanan milik orang Islam, kerana ia juga dianggap sebagai menghina dan menjatuhkan maruah ugama dan orang Islam itu sendiri.
Dalam soal ini, tidak berbangkit sama sekali, perkara melarang orang-orang bukan Islam, makan dan minum di premis-premis mereka sendiri, kecuali jika ada sebab-sebab tertentu menurut peraturan.
Negara kita Brunei Darussalam telah pun benar-benar sebati dengan Islam sebagai cara hidup.
Dengan Islam itu, Brunei bukan sahaja berjaya membangun, malah juga lebih daripada itu, berupaya mengekalkan keamanan dan kemakmurannya. Rakyat juga hidup dengan rukun damai, harmoni dan bersatu padu.
Apakah yang lebih hebat dan lebih utama dari ini, berbanding di tempat-tempat lain, perkara keamanan itu sangatlah sukar untuk dicapai kerana pertelagahan-pertelagahan ideologi menjadi puncanya.
Marilah kita sama-sama mensyukuri nikmat ini, dan berazam untuk memeliharanya terus-menerus, dengan sepenuh jiwa dan raga kita.
Akhirnya, beta dan keluarga beta dengan tulus ikhlas mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Adilfitri kepada sekalian rakyat dan penduduk di mana saja mereka berada, semoga kita dapat menyambut hari besar ini dalam suasana riang gembira dan bahagia.
Allahuakhbar, Allahuakbar, Allahuakhbar, Walillahilhamd
Sekian, Wabillahit Taufeq Walhidayah, Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
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