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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Opinion: Anticipating interesting meetings at LegCo

Dear Editor,

THIS year's Legislative Council (LegCo) meeting should be interesting. At least we can see the ministries in one room and speaking to each other. Whether they would be listening to each other is another thing altogether.

One would expect having most of the ministries concentrated in certain areas would mean they are easily communicating with each other.

But as we have seen, it appears that it was not so. For example, one side would try to be pro-business and diversify the market, but then another would be sending secret letters to effectively stamp down on businesses.

The LegCo is also supposed to be a platform where the people's voices could be heard. That'd be around 14 days only.

The rest of the year, public opinion and interest seem limited or do not exist. Then again, it's not like the people can just email their concerns to most of the LegCo members directly.

In this day and age, maybe the LegCo could set up an online forum with IP logging off and anonymous commenting enabled. Maybe just for a month, December perhaps, as an open public feedback on how the ministries are doing for the year.

Even MPM (Mukim Consultative Council) or MPK (Village Consultative Council) can play an active role in channeling people’s aspiration via electronic forum to their respective YBs or other LegCo members.

Considering any 'negative' comments seem to be considered as unpatriotic rather than attempts to point out an issue that needs to be addressed, a grace period for anything goes without fear of perceived retribution from the government would be nice.

If the civil service is really putting the public interest in mind, then it should stop doing things behind people's back.

A-non, Brunei

Dipetik dari - The Brunei Times

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